Dissertations and Theses @ UNI


Open Access Thesis


Hamstring muscle--Effect of heat on; Exercise--Physiological aspects; Academic theses;


Context: A comparison of single and dual heating on acute gains in hamstring extensibility. Objective: To determine if active warm-up in conjunction with warm water immersion will have a greater effect on hamstring extensibility than active warm-up on land. Design: Crossover Setting: Research laboratory. Participants: Eighteen physically active males (20.4± 1.8 yrs, ht= 196. 2± 7.1cm, mass= 90.5 ± 22.5kg) experiencing limited hamstring extensibility and no low back or leg injury within 6 months prior to collection, or heat related illnesses that required medical attention. IRB approval was given. Intervention: During three sessions participants were measured before and after one of the three IO-minute warm-up protocols according to a Balance Latin Square treatment order. One treatment considered of resting supine (Rest), while the others included a step-up exercise at an intensity between 60%-80%s of their Karvonen calculated heart rate, with only one of these being performed in a waist deep 40.5°C warm water immersion (On-Land & Water, respectively. Main Outcome Measure: Hamstring extensibility gain quantified by the difference between the highest of three Active Assisted Straight Leg Raise angles of inclination pre and post measures to the nearest .1 °. Repeated ANOVAs and Tukey-Kramer MC test were used. Alpha was set a priori at .05. Results: Each treatment caused different gains (F2,34= 4.46, P = .02). Specifically, the Rest gains (1.9 ± 2.6°) were 3.1 ° less than the Water (5.0 ± 4.4°), with the On-Land (2.7 ± 4.0°) gains not being significantly different from the others. (MSE=l0.98 Critical Value=3.47). Conclusion: Warming-up in a warm water immersion increases acute hamstring extensibility gains.

Year of Submission


Degree Name

Master of Science


School of Health, Physical Education, and Leisure Services

First Advisor

Jody B. Brucker

Second Advisor

Todd A. Evans

Third Advisor

Robin J. Lund


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