Dissertations and Theses @ UNI


Open Access Thesis


Women softball players--Iowa--Cedar Falls; Batting (Softball); Softball; Women softball players; Iowa--Cedar Falls; University of Northern Iowa--Softball; University of Northern Iowa; Academic theses;


The purpose of the study was to examine the effects of bat velocity and quickness on offensive statistical performance of six members of the University of Northern Iowa's women's Division I softball team. Each of the participants was requested to engage in a warm-up and stretching routine to minimize injuries due to the high force generated during isometric contraction and maximal swings. Data collection procedures were performed in one session for each subject. Reflective spherical markers were placed on the distal end of the softball bat, the proximal end of the bat as well as an additional marker in the middle of the bat to complete the biomechanical model. Subjects were allowed to use their own bat for the study. Subjects performed a 10-minute general warm-up with minimal resistance on a Monarch 828E cycle ergometer (Monark Exercise, Sweden). After the general warm-up, subjects were provided 5-minutes to perform any self-selected specific exercises to prepare themselves for maximal swings. After the warm-up, the subjects approached a batting tee and performed three maximal swings. Only those swings that resulted in a line drive into a net were accepted. All swings were recorded using a three-dimensional motion capture system (Vicon, Los Angeles, CA). Descriptive statistics (mean± SD) were calculated for all variables. All offensive statistics were captured from the University of Northern Iowa Softball team's homepage. Subjects' bat velocity and bat quickness were recorded. Bat velocity appears to be a critical component of hitting success. Bat velocity is required in order to hit for power in the game of softball. Whether or not one should apply a connected or sequential swing style remains a matter of conjecture.

Year of Submission


Degree Name

Master of Arts


School of Health, Physical Education, and Leisure Services

First Advisor

Robin J. Lund

Second Advisor

Forrest A. Dolgener

Third Advisor

Kevin J. Finn


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Date Original


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1 PDF file (79 leaves)



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