Dissertations and Theses @ UNI


Open Access Thesis


National Collegiate Athletic Association; Basketball coaches--Attitudes


The purpose of this study was to describe the coaching philosophies of men's head basketball coaches at the NCAA Division III level in three areas: (a) coach's expectation of the athlete, (b) coach's role in the overall development of the athlete, and ( c) conditions believed essential to maximize team performance. All of the coaches in this study were from private institutions. A modified questionnaire from Eitzen and Pratt (1989) was used as the instrument in this study. The questionnaire pertained to three areas of coaching philosophy and was divided into three sections: ( a) coach's expectation of the athlete, (b) coach's role in the overall development of the athlete, and (c) conditions believed essential to maximize team performance. Of the 284 questionnaires mailed in this study, 147 were returned. Responses were tallied using frequencies and percentages to represent answers to each question. In addition, mean and standard deviation was calculated for each statement. A comparison of more successful and less successful coaches was done for the responses to each question using an independent groups t-test. Also, a comparison of liberal and authoritative coaches was done using the mean scores of each question. The results from this study indicated that 36 of the 39 items on the questionnaire were considered very important or fairly important to all coaches in the study. It was found that an athlete demonstrating hard work was the most important item in the coach's expectation of the athlete. Also, coaches felt the most important role in the overall development of the athlete was developing sound work habits. In addition, coaches felt off-season conditioning programs were most important to maximizing team performance. It was also discovered that more successful coaches put less emphasis on concentration, loyalty to team, subordination to coach, and tightly run practices. Results also indicated that authoritative coaches felt stronger about team rules, tightly run practices, and practicing the full allotment of hours allowed by the NCAA.

Year of Submission


Degree Name

Master of Arts


School of Health, Physical Education, and Leisure Services

First Advisor

Larry Hensley

Second Advisor

Carol Phillips

Third Advisor

Iradge Ahrabi-Fard


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1 PDF file (49 leaves)



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