Dissertations and Theses @ UNI


Open Access Thesis


Industrial hygiene; Executives--Iowa--Cedar Rapids--Attitudes; Health promotion--Iowa--Cedar Rapids; Industrial hygiene; Executives--Attitudes; Health promotion; Occupational health services; Iowa--Cedar Rapids;


Health promotion programs at the workplace are increasing in popularity for both large and small businesses across the United States. The workplace has been recognized as a favorable setting for health promotion programs because it provides a captive audience for promoting health. The workplace also provides the employee with an opportunity for support in making healthy lifestyle changes. Numerous studies have documented that worksite health promotion programs will improve employee health and morale, increase productivity, and decrease absenteeism. Comparing the cost to the benefits is often the basis for making business decisions, including the decision to implement a health promotion program. A recurring challenge for health education professionals is to assist the business professionals in recognizing the importance of improving employee health. The present study was designed to identify perceptions of health promotion programs from the perspective of chief executive officers of selected organizations in an urban midwestern city. The study was an attempt to identify perceived benefits of worksite health promotion programs and reasons for the lack of a program from a corporate perspective. Interviews were conducted at 11 worksites in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Of the 5 worksites classified as having a health promotion program available to employees, none of the company representatives felt that a cost-savings justification was a reason for the continuation of the programs. The decision to offer a health promotion program to employees was not consistent with a business decision; the cost-savings issue was not a primary concern for the corporate executives.

Year of Submission


Degree Name

Master of Arts


School of Health, Physical Education, and Leisure Services

First Advisor

Larry D. Hensley

Second Advisor

Thomas Davis

Third Advisor

Michele Yehieli


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1 PDF file (51 leaves)



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