Dissertations and Theses @ UNI


Open Access Thesis


Exercise--Physiological aspects; Treadmill exercise tests;


Maximal oxygen consumption (VO2 max) is an important measurement in physical education. It is the best single measurement for assessing an individual's aerobic capacity and physical fitness. The best protocol for eliciting VO2 max is a maximal exercise protocol conducted on the bike, bench or treadmill. The purpose of this study was to investigate the difference in VO2 max elicited by three treadmill protocols in untrained college age females. Each subject completed three maximal tests. Maximal oxygen consumption, maximal heart rate (HR), maximal ventilation (VE) and maximal respiratory exchange ratio (R) were determined with the Bruce, Balke and Moody Protocols. Skinfold measurements were taken to estimate percentage of body fat. Maximal oxygen consumption for the Balke Protocol (M - 26.5 ml/kg/min) was significantly lower than the VO2 max for the Bruce (M= 32.2 ml/kg/min) and the Moody (M = 32.3 ml/kg/min) Protocols. Maximal ventilation for the Balke Protocol (M = 68.4 1/min) was significantly lower than the VE for the Bruce (M = 78.7 1/min) and the Moody (M = 77.8 1/min) Protocols. Duration was significantly different for all three protocols. A significant correlation was found between percentage of body fat and VO2 max for the Moody and the Balke Protocols.

Year of Submission


Degree Name

Master of Arts


School of Health, Physical Education, and Leisure Services

First Advisor

Forrest Dolgener

Second Advisor

Whitfield B. East

Third Advisor

N. Kay Covington


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