Dissertations and Theses @ UNI


Open Access Thesis


Health promotion--Iowa--Black Hawk County; Preventive health services--Iowa--Black Hawk County; Occupational health services--Iowa--Black Hawk County; Health promotion; Occupational health services; Preventive health services; Iowa--Black Hawk County;


This study was designed to describe the nature of employee health promotion programs in small businesses in Black Hawk County, Iowa. A questionnaire was sent to 190 organizations in the county which had an employee population of 10 to 50 employees. Eighty-eight useable responses were received.

Of the 88 respondents, 43.2% offered some type of health promotion activities to their employees and 56.8% did not. When divided into four groups according to the number of employees, businesses with a larger employee population reported having health promotion programs more frequently than the smaller organizations. The organizations which provided no health promotion activities cited a lack of funding as the most frequently reported reason why they did not.

The organizations which did provide health promotion activities were asked to identify types of activities offered. The most common source of financial support reported for the programs was the general budget of the company. The parties responsible for the planning and implementation of the programs was another topic included in the research instrument. Three answers were given frequently, and these were an in-house voluntary wellness committee, local health professionals, and part-time staff. The resources most companies used in providing the health promotion services to their employees were a local hospital, the American Red Cross, and a local or state health agency.

The methods used most frequently to publicize and encourage participation in the health promotion programs offered were bulletin board announcements and monthly newsletters. The questionnaire also asked about specific activities included in the programs. The two most popular activities were CPR training and first aid. The last item inquired about the methods, materials, and activities used in the wellness programs. In this category, the most commonly used were informational resources such as magazine subscriptions and books, and seminars or workshop presentations.

Year of Submission


Degree Name

Master of Arts


School of Health, Physical Education, and Leisure Services

First Advisor

Thomas M. Davis

Second Advisor

Sue A. Joslyn

Third Advisor

Jerome E. Kotecki


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