Dissertations and Theses @ UNI


Open Access Thesis


Middle-aged women--Medical care--Iowa--Black Hawk County; Menopause--Hormone therapy--Decision making; Middle-aged women--Medical care; Iowa--Black Hawk County;


The purpose of this study was to describe factors that influence women's decision regarding hormone replacement therapy (HRT) at menopause. It is estimated that between 15 and 25% of eligible women are on HRT today. With all of the scientific evidence on the benefits of HR T, this percentage is very low. A questionnaire was sent to 420 randomly selected women from Black Hawk County ages 40 years and older. There were 161 usable responses for a 38.3% return rate. The majority of the women in the study were in the 40-60 years-old age group and were Caucasian college graduates. The presence of the symptoms of menopause were strongly associated with a woman's decision to use HRT. The number of women on HRT who suffered from hot flashes, depression, insomnia, or vaginal dryness were higher in all cases, than the number of women not experiencing symptoms. Within the sample, white women who were ages 40-60 years of age, had some college or were college graduates were more likely to be on HRT. Respondents who perceived that their physicians were knowledgeable about HRT, spent enough time with them discussing HRT, and shared in the decision making process on whether or not to begin HR T were far more likely to be on hormone replacement therapy than those respondents who felt otherwise. Thus, the factors that seemed to influence womens' decision on HRT at menopause were age, education, menopausal symptoms, and physician/patient rapport.

Year of Submission


Degree Name

Master of Arts


School of Health, Physical Education, and Leisure Services

First Advisor

Sue Joslyn

Second Advisor

Tom Davis

Third Advisor

Larry Hensley


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1 PDF file (74 leaves)



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