"The Effect of an Alcohol Consciousness-Raising/Information Packet and " by Sandra S. Havlik

Dissertations and Theses @ UNI


Open Access Thesis


University of Northern Iowa--Students; University of Northern Iowa; College students--Alcohol use--Iowa; Alcoholism--Study and teaching--Iowa; Alcoholism--Study and teaching; College students--Alcohol use; Students; Iowa;


The purpose of this study was to assess the effect of an alcohol consciousness-raising/information packet and an alcohol education program on student alcohol use behaviors and family discussion regarding student alcohol use. In addition, the relative difference in effectiveness of the alcohol consciousness-raising/information packet and alcohol education program among males and females was investigated. A total of 1,595 incoming first-year students were randomly assigned to one of four groups, and 1,634 of their parents were assigned to the same group as their child. Group A consisted of 425 students and 429 parents who received both the alcohol consciousness-raising/information packet and the alcohol education program; Group B consisted of 397 students and 414 parents who received only the education program; Group C consisted of 319 students and 330 parents who received only the information packet; and Group D consisted of 454 students and 461 parents who received neither the packet nor the program. Six weeks into the Fall 1991 semester, the students were mailed a questionnaire assessing their alcohol behavior within the last 2 months and ascertaining information about family discussion regarding alcohol prior to beginning college. The parents were also mailed a questionnaire assessing discussion with their child regarding alcohol in the months prior to their child entering college.

Results of this study are based on responses to 783 questionnaires returned by the students and 666 questionnaires returned by the parents. Frequencies and percentages were obtained for the responses to each question on the questionnaire, and an independent groups Chi-Square test was used to determine any significant differences among groups.

No significant differences were found in student alcohol use and family discussion reported by the students among those who received the alcohol consciousness-raising/ information packet and/or alcohol education program and those who did not. The percentage of male alcohol use was somewhat higher than that for females for total number of drinks on a typical occasion, consuming alcohol 10 or more times in the last 30 days, and the number of times having had 5 or more drinks in a row in the last 2 weeks. Females showed greater alcohol consumption at their off campus residence, whereas, males indicated greater alcohol consumption in bars and in residence halls. The effectiveness of the various treatments was similar for both males and females. That is, there was no differences in alcohol use across treatment groups when considering the students' gender. Furthermore, the study found no significant difference in family discussion reported by the parents among those who received the alcohol consciousness-raising/information packet and/or alcohol education program and those who did not.

Year of Submission


Degree Name

Master of Arts


School of Health, Physical Education, and Leisure Services

First Advisor

Thomas M. Davis

Second Advisor

Larry D. Hensley

Third Advisor

Susan J. Koch


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