Dissertations and Theses @ UNI


Open Access Thesis


Student counselors--Iowa; Educational counseling--Iowa; Educational counseling; Student counselors; Iowa;


While Area Education Agencies (AEA's) have hired consultants in many curriculum areas, few guidance consultants have, at the time of this study, been hired.

The research of literature showed that counselors, at all stages of their career, have need of consultative help. Much of this need arose from an environment in which counselors work. They needed help in reaching their potential. Guidance consultants were seen as a help in reaching this potential.

A survey of Iowa school counselors was made to determine present need and role of guidance consultants. Data was received from one-hundred sixty-four counselors (78 percent of the sample).

Eleven hypotheses were formed and tested by an examination of the returned data. The first three hypotheses, dealing with total perceptions of counselors, were supported:

H1 Iowa school counselors feel a need for help in various aspects of counseling.

H2 Counselors would use a guidance consultant, if one were available, for many of these needs.

H3 Counselors feel that the resultant use and help from a guidance consultant would benefit them.

The remaining hypotheses were tested to determine which classifications of counselors would perceive the need and role of guidance consultants the greatest:

H4 Female counselors see a greater need and role for guidance consultants than do male counselors. Data supported this hypothesis.

H5 Younger counselors see a greater need and role for guidance consultants than do older counselors. Data rejected this hypothesis.

H6 Counselors with less training see a greater need and role for guidance consultants than do counselors with more training. This hypothesis was rejected by the data.

H7 Counselors with less experience see a greater need and role for guidance consultants than do counselors with more experience. This hypothesis was rejected by the data.

H8 Elementary counselors see a greater need and role for guidance consultants than do junior high or senior high counselors. This hypothesis was supported by the data.

H9 Counselors, alone in school settings, feel a greater need and role for guidance consultants than do counselors in schools with one counselor, at the same level. This hypothesis was supported by the data.

H10 Counselors who are served by guidance consultants see a greater need and role for guidance consultants than do counselors not served by a consultant. Data supported this hypothesis.

H11 Counselors in all Area Education Agencies see a need and role for guidance consultants. Data did not support this hypothesis.

This study showed that a leading need of all counselors was for help in marriage and family counseling. It also determined that counselors felt that it was very important that a consultant be a person understanding and appreciative of counselor needs.

While this study has demonstrated over-all counselor support for guidance consultants in the Area Education Agencies, each Area Education Agency (AEA) must determine its own local needs and programming.

Year of Submission


Degree Name

Specialist in Education


Department of Educational Leadership and Postsecondary Education


Department of School Administration and Personnel Services

First Advisor

Robert L. Frank


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