"The Relationship Between Mindful Eating, Physical Health, and General " by Yuan Ling Looi

Dissertations and Theses @ UNI


Thesis (UNI Access Only)


The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between mindful eating, physical health, and general well-being among U.S. residents. Past research has found that mindful eaters have healthier weights, make healthier food choices, and are happier (Allirot et al., 2018; Blanchflower, 2009; Mantzios et al., 2018b; Moor et al., 2013). Individuals who practiced mindful eating had greater awareness of their bodily cues, which prevented them from problematic eating behaviors such as overeating and obesity (Eating Disorders Victoria, 2014). Mindful eaters also tended to be more concerned about their health status, consuming more vegetables and fruits (Hendrickson & Rasmussen, 2017). Additionally, happiness was positively associated with pro-health behaviors that related to healthier food choices (Choi & Lee, 2019). Moreover, better physical health, as led by pro-health behaviors (e.g., consuming healthy food), were found to be associated with greater life satisfaction and positive emotions (Homan & Sirois, 2017; Miller et al., 2012, 2014; Shaw & Cassidy, 2022). Based on past research, I hypothesized that mindful eating, physical health, and general well-being would be positively related to each other. I also hypothesized that physical health would mediate the relationship between mindful eating and general well-being. 147 participants recruited via Prolific completed questionnaires on mindful eating, physical health, and life satisfaction, positive affect, and negative affect, followed by demographic information. Individuals who practiced mindful eating had better physical health as well as general well-being. Additionally, physical health was a significant mediator in the relationship between mindful eating and general well-being. One possible explanation of the findings is that mindful eaters may be more concerned about their health. Mindful eating practices that are able to maximize an individual’s positive eating experience be associated with experiencing more positive emotions. Mindful eating can be practiced as a daily behavior as individuals only have to pay a little more attention to their eating experience as well as their food to gain the beneficial outcomes from mindful eating. These findings suggest that mindful eating may be a useful technique for individuals who wish to improve their quality of life.

Year of Submission


Degree Name

Master of Arts


Department of Psychology

First Advisor

Jiuqing Cheng

Date Original


Object Description

1 PDF file (x, 134 pages)

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