Dissertations and Theses @ UNI


Open Access Thesis


Most Army ROTC programs conduct physical training (PT) only 3 days per week and no study has directly compared the effects of conducting PT 5 days per week on ACFT scores, ruck march performance, and aerobic capacity. Past research has indicated greater performance adaptations with a concurrent training program and some research has shown that current ROTC PT programs may not be optimal in physically preparing ROTC cadets. Purpose: To examine the effectiveness of a 5-day per week periodized tactical strength and conditioning program on ACFT scores, and aerobic capacity in Army ROTC cadets. Methods: Eight ROTC cadets from UNI volunteered to participate in the 7-week study. Baseline and post-intervention testing included the ACFT, body composition, 1-RM, and VO2max testing. The control group completed 3-days of physical training and the experimental group trained 5-days per week for 5-weeks

Year of Submission


Degree Name

Master of Arts


Department of Kinesiology

First Advisor

Terence Moriarty, Chair, Thesis Committee

Date Original


Object Description

1 PDF file (viii, 55 pages)
