"Feminist qualitative study of victim blaming of sexually assaulted wom" by Alia Afzal

Dissertations and Theses @ UNI


Thesis (UNI Access Only)


Sexual abuse victims--India; Blaming the victim--India;


Victim blaming of sexually assaulted or raped women in India is cultural issue. There are many social, religious, and economic factors which normalizes such behavior and attitude of the people and India. Because of such social behavior nationwide, it has been difficult to obtain justice for the victim, people turn their back from taking accountability of sexual violence, and the culture of blaming the victim keep growing. Hence, in this research project, I have explored the social and political causes, cultural and religious institutions, and forms of power. Moreover, I have interpreted and analyzed lived experiences of people to understand their perception of gender based sexual violence and victim blaming and to see if there is a scope for men and women to come to the common ground of power-with so that the attitude of victim blaming can be changed.

This research project is an important move towards informing about social biases that cultivates the culture of victim blaming against women in India and it is a commitment to social justice and these resources will inform my research with the career goal to involve critiquing the social system which sanction victim blaming and injustice based on gender. I bring their narrative to mainstream culture to open the door for future projects on social justice and gender studies in India and across the world.

Year of Submission


Degree Name

Master of Arts


School of Applied Human Sciences

First Advisor

William M. Fleming, Chair

Date Original


Object Description

1 PDF file (v, 77 pages)



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