Dissertations and Theses @ UNI


Open Access Thesis


Isometric exercise--Physiological aspects; Muscles--Physiology;


The purpose of this study was to assess differences in recovery between muscles with larger cross-sectional area (Quadriceps) compared to muscles with smaller cross-sectional area (Biceps). Recreationally trained male weight lifters aged 18-30 (n = 9) volunteered in this muscle recovery study. All participants were asked to attend two testing sessions in addition to an initial meeting, all of which took no more than 45-mintues per session to complete. After this initial session where the 10 RM in the biceps curl and quadricep extension were determined, participants were scheduled to perform the biceps curl and quad extension for four sets to technical failure in two separate testing sessions with no less than 48 hours in between the testing sessions. Total volume and rate of perceived exertion (RPE) measures were recorded and. The results of a dependent t-test determined there was no significant differences in the TV accumulated between T1 and T2 for the biceps brachii (T8 = -.67, p = .52). The mean biceps TV during pre-test was 2769.8 lbs (SD = 476.87, N = 9), and the post-test biceps TV was 2806.39 lbs(SD = 512.78, N = 9). Similarly, a dependent t-test determined there was no significant differences in the TV accumulated between T1 and T2 for the quadriceps (T8 = -1.449, p = .19). The average quadricep TV during pre-test was 8798.8 lbs (SD = 1669.8, N = 9), and the post-test quadriceps TV was 9290.3 lbs (SD = 1523.5, N = 9). Levene's test for equality of variances was conducted and reached significance for differences in volume accumulations between the biceps (M = 9.82lbs, SD = 1.54) and quads (M = 22.42lbs, SD = 2.01), (F (2,16) = 7.0, p = 0.18). It appears that muscle size has little impact upon the rate of recovery under the conditions of the present study. Under the same conditions, however, there was greater variation in volume accumulation 48 hours post bout in the quadriceps than in the biceps. Future research should focus on further establishing (or refuting) the connection between muscle size and recoverability while employing greater control over confounding variables

Year of Submission


Degree Name

Master of Arts


Department of Kinesiology

First Advisor

Jacob Reed, Chair

Date Original


Object Description

1 PDF (viii, 74 pages)



File Format

