Complete Schedule

1D1. Exploring Implicit Bias in Education: Making Sense Together of Research and Practice

Presentation Type

Breakout Session (Electronic Copy Not Available)


Discrimination in education;


School districts across Iowa have been experiencing racial disparities in the rates that students are referred to special education, in discipline referrals, in academic achievement, and in the ways students experience school culture and climate. A relatively new understanding of an underlying cause of these historic and persistent disparities is “implicit bias.” We will organize a discussion about the potential that implicit biases impact two core factors of schooling: (1) discipline and (2) achievement. We will briefly share research on implicit bias overall and in each of these areas, stopping to engage in small-group dialogue throughout. We will close by very briefly offering insights into ways to overcome implicit bias individually and throughout organizations.

Start Date

7-11-2017 9:10 AM

End Date

7-11-2017 10:10 AM


Speakers: Circe Stumbo, President, West Wind Education Policy Inc.; Ellen Daye Owens, Senior Leadership Facilitator, West Wind Education Policy Inc.

Type: Conversations/Dialogues

Strand: Diversity & Cultural Competence

Location: Presidential Room, Maucker Union, University of Northern Iowa



Embargo Period


Electronic copy is not available through UNI ScholarWorks.


Nov 7th, 9:10 AM Nov 7th, 10:10 AM

1D1. Exploring Implicit Bias in Education: Making Sense Together of Research and Practice

School districts across Iowa have been experiencing racial disparities in the rates that students are referred to special education, in discipline referrals, in academic achievement, and in the ways students experience school culture and climate. A relatively new understanding of an underlying cause of these historic and persistent disparities is “implicit bias.” We will organize a discussion about the potential that implicit biases impact two core factors of schooling: (1) discipline and (2) achievement. We will briefly share research on implicit bias overall and in each of these areas, stopping to engage in small-group dialogue throughout. We will close by very briefly offering insights into ways to overcome implicit bias individually and throughout organizations.