UNI Data Sets | University of Northern Iowa

Data Sets


This collection showcases and archives data sets developed through research by faculty, staff, and students at the University of Northern Iowa.

UNI affiliated faculty, staff, or students - Are you interested in depositing your data set in UNI ScholarWorks? If so, send a message to the scholarworks@uni.edu email account & complete the Data Sets - Collection Form.


Submissions from 2022


Biographical Calendars of Astronomers [January - December], Thomas A. Hockey

Submissions from 2021


Wild bee visitors and floral source associations in the Conservation Reserve Program habitat in NE Iowa, Ai Wen, Kenneth J. Elgersma, Mark E. Sherrard, Laura L. Jackson, Justin Meissen, and Mark C. Myers

Submissions from 2019


Long-term productivity of production-scale, high-diversity prairie biomass feedstocks, Kathleen L. Madsen, Mark Sherrard, Kenneth J. Elgersma, Ai Wen, Mark Myers, Laura L. Jackson, and Daryl Smith

Submissions from 2017


Cattail Management Scenario Simulations using Mondrian, Kenneth J. Elgersma, Jason P. Martina, Deborah E. Goldberg, and William S. Currie
