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Poster Presentation (UNI Access Only)


The Learning Center (TLC) provides assistance to students in writing, science, math, business, strategies, and also peer mentoring. Science tutoring in the TLC generally includes students who are looking for problem/solution oriented assistance instead of long term practices. If science tutors are introduced on how to integrate learning strategies to benefit the students they are assisting this will provide strategies to create a more holistic student rather than a strictly homework oriented student. Common issues seen in science tutees are regulating metacognition, forgetting information as soon as class is over, and not knowing how to read a textbook. These are concepts that fall under the category of learning strategies that can be provided to assist students in their learning process. Introducing and integrating the significance of metacognition, the study cycle, and reading strategies in a science tutoring environment may increase student motivations and hence reflect on their grades and retention in their courses. The intention of this research is to provide all science tutors with background information on these specific learning strategies. This is in order to provide a comprehensive resource for the University of Northern Iowa campus.

Start Date

9-4-2024 9:00 AM

End Date

9-4-2024 9:50 AM

Faculty Advisor

John Ophus


Department of Sociology, Anthropology, and Criminology

Student Type

Undergraduate Student


This entry was a part of the following session:

  • Date: Tuesday, April 9, 2024
  • Time: 9:00 to 9:50 a.m.
  • Moderator: Adam Butler

File Format


Off-Campus Access


Apr 9th, 9:00 AM Apr 9th, 9:50 AM

Mastering 3 Learning Strategies: A Guide for Undergraduate Peer Science Tutors in Walk-In Setting

The Learning Center (TLC) provides assistance to students in writing, science, math, business, strategies, and also peer mentoring. Science tutoring in the TLC generally includes students who are looking for problem/solution oriented assistance instead of long term practices. If science tutors are introduced on how to integrate learning strategies to benefit the students they are assisting this will provide strategies to create a more holistic student rather than a strictly homework oriented student. Common issues seen in science tutees are regulating metacognition, forgetting information as soon as class is over, and not knowing how to read a textbook. These are concepts that fall under the category of learning strategies that can be provided to assist students in their learning process. Introducing and integrating the significance of metacognition, the study cycle, and reading strategies in a science tutoring environment may increase student motivations and hence reflect on their grades and retention in their courses. The intention of this research is to provide all science tutors with background information on these specific learning strategies. This is in order to provide a comprehensive resource for the University of Northern Iowa campus.