COE Acclaim
A newsletter that was published from 2011 to 2015 by the University of Northern Iowa College of Education. The newsletter highlights faculty and staff accomplishments in and out of the classroom through their commitment to teaching, scholarship, and service.
COE Acclaim, Fall 2015, Issue 9 [10]
University of Northern Iowa. College of Education.
Inside This Issue:
--Jacobson Center celebrates 25 years of Reading Recovery in Iowa
--Youth Academy Cafe discusses challenges facing area youth
--Grant ensures qualified early childhood special ed teachers
--COE conferences offer a variety of learning opportunities
--UNI faculty work with Waterloo schools for STEM education
--Therapeutic Recreation students tour Mayo Clinic
--Awards and Honors
--Grants and Contracts Completed
--Community Involvement
--Schindler Education Center Renovation -
COE Acclaim, Fall 2014, Issue 9
University of Northern Iowa. College of Education.
Inside This Issue:
--Shining Stars Girls and Young Male Leaders Help Area Youth
--Meskwaki Youth Spend Week at UNI
--Youth STEM Camp
--Cedar Valley to Host Leader in Me Symposium April 23-24
--UNI's Jacobson Center Earns Prestigious Philanthropy Award
--Technology Methods Lab Receives Makeover
--Estes Shares Message
--HPELS Grad Gives Back to Program
--Construction Begins on School Funded by COE Student Group
--International Dance Theatre Spreads German Culture
--Grants/Contracts Completed
--College of Education Homecoming Brunch -
COE Acclaim, Spring 2014, Issue 8
University of Northern Iowa. College of Education.
Inside This Issue:
--Unique Cheerleading Squad One of Only Three in Nation
--NPPS Helps Military Families Stay Safe During Play
--Ariel Aloe Receives Grant From NSF
--Education Graduate Program ranked by US News & World Report
--Ed Leadership announces new Legacy Award, seeks nominations
--UNI Day at the Iowa Capitol
--STEP Program looks at Des Moines Parks and Rec
--T2PAL Reads Across America
--HPELS to Host National Workshop- --African-American Read-In and Children and Families Conference
COE Acclaim, Fall 2013, Issue 7
University of Northern Iowa. College of Education.
Inside This Issue:
--CDC Gains Reaccreditation
--Immersive Field Experience Gives Students Unique Opportunity
--Fortgang Named to Honorary Eleanor Roosevelt Chapter of KDP
--Edgington Named Legend in His Field
--TEE Room Gives 21st Century Space
--COE Connects With IASB
--Conferences Offer Opportunities for COE Faculty, Students, Community
--COE Faculty Present at AERA
--COE Visit Day Garners High Numbers -
COE Acclaim, Spring 2013, Issue 6
University of Northern Iowa. College of Education.
Inside This Issue:
--North Cedar Students "Travel" to China
--COE Hosts Visiting Scholars
--Students Show Their Creative Side
--New Staff Member Join the College
--High Five for Child Development Center
--Research, Scholarship, Creative Activity Explored
--A Heart for Art
--Finn Receives Fulbright Research Award
--Grants/Contracts Completed
--Celebrating Literacy, Diversity -
COE Acclaim, Fall 2012, Issue 5
University of Northern Iowa. College of Education.
Inside This Issue:
--Memorial Honors All Educators
--Colleagues Attend Global Conference
--Students Celebrate Our Liberties
--Educational Leadership Hosts Visiting Scholars: Ibrahim Hakan Karats, Theophile Muhayimana
--Stone Recognized for Teaching Excellence
--Watson, Herring Travel to D.C.
--Dancers Perform at Oktoberfest
--Faculty Acclamations: Awards/Service, Presentations, Publications, Grants/Contracts Completed -
COE Acclaim, Spring 2012, Issue 4
University of Northern Iowa. College of Education.
Inside This Issue:
--Are We Really So Different?
--Furthering the Mission
--Program Gains Approval
--Addressing the Current Environment
--Students Earn Scholarships for Internships
--Funding to Aid Students with Disabilities
--Hall of Excellence Members Recognized
--Faculty Acclamations -
COE Acclaim, December 2011, Issue 3
University of Northern Iowa. College of Education.
Inside This Issue:
--Heston Honored for UNI Service
--Partnership Grows Between UNI's COE and Local Schools
--UNI's STEM Initiatives Featured on Discovery Channel
--Students Gain International Experience, Exposure
--Faculty Acclamations -
COE Acclaim, March 2011, Issue 2
University of Northern Iowa. College of Education.
Inside This Issue:
--UNI Celebrates Opening of UNI Center for Violence Prevention
--Cedar Valley Students Participate in African-American Read-In
--UNI Hosts 'I AM Retreat'
--MPLS Whole Child in Action
--Faculty Acclamations -
COE Acclaim, January 2011, Issue 1
University of Northern Iowa. College of Education.
Inside This Issue:
--Partnering to Prepare Iowa's Future Teachers
--Transitioning Malcolm Price Laboratory School into an R & D School
--Grant Helps Improve Reading Skills
--College of Education-Making an Impact
--Faculty Acclamations