This collection contains theses and dissertations by graduate students in the Department of Curriculum and Instruction at the University of Northern Iowa.

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Theses/Dissertations from 2023


No Need to Set the Alarm, I’ve Been Up Since 2:30am! Why My Teaching Job Keeps Me Up at Night: A Phenomenological Research Study on Empathic Strain of Iowa Educators, Lindsey Cornwell Open Access Dissertation

Theses/Dissertations from 2022


Using Internet reciprocal teaching to develop second graders' online text evaluation skills, Annika Buell Open Access Thesis


The writing identity of a Hip Hop lyricist and educator: An autoethnography, Lamont Muhammad Open Access Dissertation


Investigating the environment needed to shift instructional practice towards a learner-centered classroom in rural Iowa, Kelli Olson Dissertation (UNI Access Only)


Unstacking the matryoshka nesting doll: A self-study of playful language instruction for adult second language learners, Marine Pepanyan Open Access Dissertation


Lexile levels and their value to public school teachers, Kristin Schumacher Open Access Thesis


Students vs. suspects: A qualitative examination of stereotype threat and the impact on behavior of Black males, Ryan J. Williamson Open Access Dissertation

Theses/Dissertations from 2021


Identifying ways to support preservice teachers to engage in inquiry work through Project Approach: A self-study, Allison K. Pattee Dissertation (UNI Access Only)


Exploring the experiences of one team of teachers: Well-being and navigating the demands of the education profession, Abby Weiland Open Access Dissertation 2023 Award

Theses/Dissertations from 2020


Technology based grammar instruction, Erin Mary Summerhays Open Access Thesis

Theses/Dissertations from 2019


Early childhood professional learning facilitators: A self-study within a new delivery model, Allison Jane Barness Dissertation (UNI Access Only)


Understanding ESL undergraduate students' beliefs about learner-centered instruction, Mahjabeen Hussain Open Access Dissertation 2020 Award


Writing workshop and creativity despite standardization: An exploration of elementary teachers' practices, Darcie Kay Kress Open Access Dissertation

Theses/Dissertations from 2018


Exploring the academic, social, and cultural experiences of English language learners from Saudi Arabia at a Midwest university in the U.S., Sukainah A. Al Subia Open Access Dissertation

Does performance on an attention test predict executive function test scores in young and older adults?, Aaron Joseph Brummel Thesis (Electronic Copy Not Available)


Teachers' pedagogical practices, shift, and professional growth in online courses, Maryam Rod Szabo Open Access Dissertation


An investigation of early childhood outdoor play areas and social and emotional play, Brandy A. Smith Open Access Dissertation

Theses/Dissertations from 2017


The impact of peer coaching on peer relationships and the distribution of knowledge in pre-service teachers, Kelsey J. Bowers Open Access Thesis


Living and teaching for social justice: teacher educators' stories and experiences, Courtney Kay Clausen Open Access Dissertation


Students' perceptions of the impacts of dual enrollment programs on later college experiences, Caralee K. Doak Dissertation (UNI Access Only)


The impact of content knowledge, specialized content knowledge, peer analysis and self-analysis on pre-service physical education teachers' error detection abilities, Debra S. Sazama Open Access Dissertation


Outcomes, perceptions, and experiences in one CPED-aligned educational doctorate (EdD) program, Jolene Kay Farley Teske Open Access Dissertation

Theses/Dissertations from 2016


Syntactic structures in dialogue: The role of influence, Brenda Ellen Hite Open Access Thesis


Self-management of cognitive load in children: Exploring effective strategies by manipulating informational text, Marcus J. Hora Open Access Thesis


Belief and practice: A self-study, Jamie Marie Nelson Open Access Thesis


Preservice and practicing teacher science inquiry projects: An analysis of their understanding of the inquiry process, Benjamin D. Olsen Open Access Dissertation


Perceptions and effects concerning the Reading for Meaning strategy among sixth and eighth grade readers at-risk, Patrice Winkel Dissertation (UNI Access Only)

Theses/Dissertations from 2015


Partnership: UNI tutors and families, Melissa Blohm Thesis (UNI Access Only)


Implementation of the environmental issues instruction model by elementary teachers, Barbara Ann Ehlers Open Access Dissertation


Coaching for independence, self-regulation, and transfer: A qualitative journey of an elementary literacy coach's practice, Staci Kim Friest Dissertation (UNI Access Only)


Do teacher judgment accuracy and teacher feedback predict student achievement in elementary and middle-school science?, Mason Albert Kuhn Open Access Dissertation 2017 Award


Clinical field experiences: elementary classroom teachers' perceptions of the benefits and barriers of mentoring pre-service teachers in an elementary classroom, Amy Kathleen Lockhart Dissertation (UNI Access Only)


The ongoing faculty development system: A case study exploring content methods teacher education faculty technological, pedagogical, content knowledge development, Daniel James Mourlam Open Access Dissertation


Pedagogical reasoning of pre-service teachers: Juggling priorities and managing resources, Jennifer Lynn Rasmussen Open Access Dissertation

Theses/Dissertations from 2014


The impact of digital organization on retention in college algebra, Mary Benac Staniger Open Access Dissertation

Theses/Dissertations from 2013


Self-study of my secondary reading workshop teaching practice: Struggling learners, literate identities and school absenteeism, Kayla Lynn Becker Thesis (UNI Access Only)


Are students experiencing the intended outcomes of Quality Matters standards?, Maryam Ghayoorrad Thesis (UNI Access Only)


Designing Elementary Engineering Education From the Perspective of the Child, Beth Dykstra Van Meeteren Open Access Dissertation


Comparing second grade students' creative and content knowledge performance on figural transformation activities introduced in a standard or enhanced manner with nutrition content knowledge taught through factual or fantasy reading, Angela Naomi Webb Open Access Thesis


Comparing sixth grade students' creativity in word play to spatial construction with integrated academic content eliciting a distal or proximal perspective, Ksenia S. Zhbanova Open Access Thesis

Theses/Dissertations from 2012


Case study on the journey of an elementary school labeled as a Persistently Low-Achieving School, Annette Duncan Open Access Dissertation 2006 Award


Comparing middle school students' learning and attitudes in face-to-face and online mathematics lessons, Clayton M. Edwards Open Access Dissertation 2014 Award


iPads versus laptops: The effects of mobile device interfaces on students' attitudes towards technology and learning, Evans Lugalia Mudanya Open Access Thesis


Embedded experiences, critical conversations: Learning about teaching in a professional development school cohort setting, Daphne Schuchart Dissertation (UNI Access Only)

Theses/Dissertations from 2011


Identifying ways to better support new teachers to improve retention, Dianna L. Briggs Dissertation (UNI Access Only)


Disrupting the discussion : the story of disruptive students in the online classroom, Belle Doyle Cowden Open Access Dissertation


Cylinders and spheres : toddlers engage in problem solving, Rosemary Geiken Open Access Dissertation 2012 Award


A comparison of face-to-face and online instructional delivery methods in large-group settings in a university undergraduate wellness course, Lea Ann Shaddox Open Access Dissertation 2010 Award


Our voices: A descriptive account of African American parental involvement in an urban elementary school, Charletta D. Sudduth Open Access Dissertation

Theses/Dissertations from 2010


First-year college student beliefs about writing embedded in online discourse: An analysis and its implications for literacy learning, Gina Burkart Open Access Dissertation


Service learning : a vehicle to reflective thinking, Janelle Lynn Hawk Open Access Thesis


The impact of mathematics professional development on elementary teachers' mathematics content knowledge for teaching and implementation of innovative pedagogical practices, Vicki Oleson Open Access Dissertation


Is the coach ready for the game? A self-study of literacy coaching in a secondary school, Barbara J. Perry Open Access Dissertation


Struggling learners of mathematics: An investigation of their learning through reform-based instruction, Jennifer Pothast Open Access Dissertation

Theses/Dissertations from 2009


The impact of an international healthcare mission experience on healthcare professional students at the University of Northern Iowa, Evelyn Adom-Boateng Open Access Dissertation

Investigation of the English language curriculum in grade five for the Omani government schools, Khalfan Hamed Alharrasi Dissertation (Electronic Copy Not Available)


The effect of learning styles and attitude on preservice elementary teachers' conceptual understanding of chemistry and the nature of matter in a simulation-based learning environment, Mo H. Al-Jaroudi Open Access Dissertation


Technology integration: A study on the impact of increased technology access, Gina Kuker Open Access Dissertation


An exploratory case study of students' perceptions of online graduate education, Hou Chun Kuong Open Access Dissertation


The thought processes of administrators as they review and make evaluative judgment of a second-year teacher portfolio: A qualitative study, Terri Anne Lasswell Open Access Dissertation


Taiwan's language curriculum and policy: A rhetorical analysis of the DPP's claims-making, Yi-Hsuan Lee Open Access Dissertation


The third space: The use of self-study to examine the culture of a science classroom, Dashia M. Magee Open Access Dissertation


Secondary preservice teachers' understanding of Euclidean geometry, Karen Sabey Open Access Dissertation


Teacher learning in a Tibetan school in exile: A community of practice perspective, Pema Yangchen Open Access Dissertation 2011 Award

Theses/Dissertations from 2008


“She called me a Mexican!”: a study of ethnic identity, Simona Florentina Boroianu Open Access Dissertation


Does content knowledge matter in scoring teacher work samples?: A study of rater differences, Yana A. Cornish Open Access Dissertation


Thriving, coping, surviving, hoping: Negotiating the first year of teaching, Debrah Jean Fordice Open Access Dissertation


Reframed teacher leadership: A narrative inquiry, Cynthia L. Kenyon Open Access Dissertation


A case study of a rural Iowa school preparing to meet new state guidelines for school libraries [dissertation], Karla Steege Krueger Open Access Dissertation


A journey of advising: Experiences of doctoral international students and faculty advisors in the College of Education at a Midwestern university, Madalina Florentina Tincu Open Access Dissertation

Theses/Dissertations from 2007


Approaches to studying and study tactics of baccalaureate nursing students, Lisa D. Brodersen Open Access Dissertation


How the clinical settings of radiography programs affect learning perceptions, Peggy Fortsch Open Access Dissertation


Considerations for delivery of online professional development courses for childcare professionals, Heather Marie Bauer Olsen Open Access Dissertation


Geometric Reasoning in Four-Year-Old Children, Christina Eyres Sales Open Access Dissertation

Theses/Dissertations from 2006


Students at a Chinese radio and television university: Reasons for participation, and perceptions of their status as students and the quality of their learning, Huiping Ding Open Access Dissertation


IEP team decision-making process in the reintegration of special education students: A qualitative analysis of exiting decisions, Kenneth G. Hayes Open Access Dissertation


United States American students' experience with and orientation toward international diversity in a Midwestern comprehensive university setting, Olga V. Kostareva Open Access Dissertation


Exploring the relationship between mathematics content knowledge and pedagogical content knowledge among pre-service teachers, Hsueh-I Martin Lo Open Access Dissertation


Family, child, teacher perceptions of what African American adult family members think and do to assist their elementary school-aged children to become better readers, Shadrack Gabriel Msengi Open Access Dissertation


Teacher perceptions on professional study groups as an effective means to successful guided reading implementation, Melissa Kay Reimer Open Access Thesis


Addressing diversity: A case study of teacher educators' views and instructional practices at a Midwestern university, Alina Slapac Open Access Dissertation

Theses/Dissertations from 2005


The mind is the tabernacle of the consciousness soul: A journey visiting the roles of consciousness, communication, education, and technology in human and curriculum development by integrating Dewey, Gebser, and Steiner: Past, present, future, Daniel Joseph Kazim Bardy Open Access Dissertation


A qualitative investigation of student interactions in a learning activity center: Defining success, at-risk factors, and resiliency for developmental programs in community colleges, John L. Kalkwarf Open Access Dissertation


Teacher perceptions of cross-cultural adaptability and instructional practices in international locations, Debra S. Lee Open Access Dissertation


Opportunity and access for children with disabilities in the inclusive preschool classroom, Jodi Meyer-Mork Open Access Dissertation 2007 Award

Theses/Dissertations from 2004


Educational change process: A case study of a rural school district's reading reform, Barbara M. Havel Bohach Open Access Dissertation


Students' views of classroom management strategies in assertive discipline and constructivist classroom settings, Joan Carolyn Gerbo Open Access Dissertation


Application of case study methodology in the context of undergraduate critical care nursing education, James A. Hauschildt Open Access Dissertation


The impact of the Iowa Children's Water Festival on the children's attitudes and behaviors toward the environment, Sang-Min Kim Open Access Dissertation

Theses/Dissertations from 2003

Pedagogical content knowledge—content area reading strategies: An analysis between teacher education and student teaching, Janet Kehe Dissertation (Electronic Copy Not Available)


Preparation for the role of baccalaureate nurse educator: Implications for development of nurse educator curriculum, Vickie R. Barth Open Access Dissertation


Student perceptions of ethics and professionalism in computer science: Does age, gender, or experience matter?, James Stuart Bohy Open Access Dissertation


An investigation of the concept of balance in children ages 6–9: Logic and protologic identifiable in making mobiles, Seon Chun Open Access Dissertation


Predicting Ghanaian pre-service teachers' intention to teach high-risk sexual behavior prevention from teaching efficacy and prevention approach, Joseph Kwesi Ogah Open Access Dissertation 2005 Award


Teachers' perceptions of the application of instructional design elements in the distance teaching process, Lihua Zheng Open Access Dissertation

Theses/Dissertations from 2002


Integrating New Technologies Into the Methods of Education (INTIME): Its impact on the professional practice of participating teacher educators, Marius Boboc Open Access Dissertation


The educational thought and practices of Padre Luís Alberto Hurtado Cruchaga S. J., Justo Gallardo Open Access Dissertation


A national survey of elementary principals' response to the events of September 11, 2001, Diane Mary McCarty Open Access Dissertation


In their footsteps: Women faculty of Wartburg College 1914–1945, Susan Kosche Vallem Open Access Dissertation


Parental perceptions on maintaining heritage languages of CLD students, Ruth Lingxin Yan Open Access Dissertation