UNI ScholarWorks - Annual Graduate Student Symposium: Rock Against Reagan: Punk Rock, Politics, and the 1984 Presidential Election

Complete Schedule

Presentation Type

Open Access Oral Presentation


Punk rock music--United States--Political aspects; Presidents--United States--Election--1984;


Punk Rock was more than just a style of music, but instead a cultural and political movement. During the 1984 Presidential Election punks from across the U.S. gathered at "Rock Against Reagan" concerts to demonstrate their opposition to not just the president but also the ideology of the New Right.

Start Date

1-4-2015 2:00 PM

End Date

1-4-2015 4:00 PM

Faculty Advisor

Brian Roberts


Department of History

File Format


Embargo Date



Apr 1st, 2:00 PM Apr 1st, 4:00 PM

Rock Against Reagan: Punk Rock, Politics, and the 1984 Presidential Election

Punk Rock was more than just a style of music, but instead a cultural and political movement. During the 1984 Presidential Election punks from across the U.S. gathered at "Rock Against Reagan" concerts to demonstrate their opposition to not just the president but also the ideology of the New Right.