Buildings (BUI)
This University of Northern Iowa collection contains photographs of buildings on campus throughout the history of the institution. It is a sub-collection of the larger University Archives Photograph Collection.
Additional material of the type found in this collection can also be found in print format in Special Collections & University Archives. For more information, see the finding aid for this specific collection.
Basketball Hoop in West Gymnasium
A basketball hoop inside the West Gymnasium. The original sleeve included "West Gym".
Begeman Hall
An exterior photo of the Physics Laboratory which is now known as Begeman Hall. The original sleeve included "Physics (Begeman Hall)".
Entrance to Latham Stadium 01
A crowd in winter coats and hats gathered at the entrance of Latham Stadium. The original sleeve included "Latham Stadium".
Entrance to Latham Stadium 02
A crowd in winter coats and hats gathered at the entrance of Latham Stadium. The original sleeve included "Latham Stadium".
Exterior of Lang Hall
Exterior photo of Lang Hall which was known as the Auditorium at the time it was taken. The original sleeve included "Auditorium (Lang Hall)".
Exterior of the West Gymnasium 01
An exterior photo of the West Gymnasium behind the tennis courts. The original sleeve included "West Gym".
Exterior of the West Gymnasium 02
An exterior photo of the West Gymnasium behind the tennis courts. The original sleeve included "West Gym".
Exterior of the West Gymnasium 03
An exterior photo of the West Gymnasium's three door entrance. The original sleeve included "West Gym".
Exterior of the West Gymnasium 04
An exterior photo of the West Gymnasium's three door entrance. The original sleeve included "West Gym".
Exterior of the West Gymnasium 05
An exterior photo of the West Gymnasium behind the tennis courts. The original sleeve included "West Gym".
Exterior of the West Gymnasium 06
An exterior photo of the West Gymnasium's three door entrance. The original sleeve included "West Gym".
Exterior of the West Gymnasium 07
An exterior photo of the West Gymnasium. The original sleeve included "West Gym".
Exterior of the West Gymnasium 08
An exterior photo of the West Gymnasium. The original sleeve included "West Gym".
Field at Latham Stadium
The empty field and bleachers at Latham Stadium. The original sleeve included "Latham Stadium".
Interior of Gilchrist Chapel
Interior of Gilchrist Chapel looking at the stage with a piano on it. The original sleeve included "Gilchrist (Chapel)".
People Outside the East Gymnasium
A small group of people standing outside the doors to the East Gymnasium.
Power Plant
An exterior photo of the Power Plant on campus. The original sleeve included "Power Plant".
Power Plant Building
An exterior photo of the Power Plant on campus. The original sleeve included "Power Plant".
Swimming Pool in the East Gymnasium 01
The swimming pool and bleachers inside of the East Gymnasium. The original sleeve included "Swimming Pool".
Swimming Pool in the East Gymnasium 02
The swimming pool and bleachers inside of the East Gymnasium. The original sleeve included "Swimming Pool".
Swimming Pool in the East Gymnasium 03
The swimming pool and bleachers inside of the East Gymnasium. The original sleeve included "Swimming Pool".
The Old Administration Building
An exterior photo of part of the Old Administration building. The original sleeve included "Old Administration ".
West Gymnasium Locker Room
The locker room inside of the West Gymnasium. The original sleeve included "West Gym".
Window in Gilchrist Chapel
A large window within Gilchrist Chapel. The original sleeve included "Gilchrist (Chapel)".
Window inside Gilchrist Chapel
A large window within Gilchrist Chapel. The original sleeve included "Gilchrist (Chapel)".
Greenhouse Alligator
The Greenhouse Alligator laying on top of a stone just above the water in it's cage. The original sleeve included "Greenhouse Alligator".
Woman and a Baby Alligator
A women standing near a sink with a baby alligator on it in the Greenhouse. The original sleeve included "Greenhouse Alligator".
Woman Holding a Baby Alligator
A women holding a baby alligator in the Greenhouse. The original sleeve included "Greenhouse Alligator".
Cafeteria in the Commons
Empty cafeteria food line in the Commons. The original sleeve included "Commons".
Chatting in Bartlett Hall
Two women sitting and chatting in a Bartlett Hall common area. The original sleeve included "Bartlett (interior)".
Common Area in Baker Hall
Tables and chairs in a common area inside of Baker. The original sleeve included "Baker interior".
Common Area inside Baker Hall
Tables and chairs in a common area inside of Baker. The original sleeve included "Baker interior".
Common Room in Baker Hall
A common room with two pool tables in Baker. The original sleeve included "Baker interior".
Common Room in Bartlett Hall 01
A common room in Bartlett Hall with two tables and two ping pong tables. The original sleeve included "Bartlett (interior)".
Common Room in Bartlett Hall 02
A common room in Bartlett Hall with a lot of chairs. The original sleeve included "Bartlett (interior)".
Common Room in Bartlett Hall 03
A common room in Bartlett with a lot of chairs. The original sleeve included "Bartlett (interior)".
Common Room in Bartlett Hall 04
A common room in Bartlett Hall with a lot of chairs and couches. The original sleeve included "Bartlett (interior)".
Common Room in Bartlett Hall 05
A common room in Bartlett Hall with a lot of chairs and couches. The original sleeve included "Bartlett (interior)".
Dorm Room in Baker Hall
A dorm room in Baker with two single beds and a desk. The original sleeve included "Baker interior".
Exterior of Central Hall
An exterior photo of Central Hall. The original sleeve included "Central".
Fireplace in Bartlett Hall
A common area in Bartlett with some seating arranged around a fireplace. The original sleeve included "Bartlett (interior)".
Hallway Doors in the Commons
Doors in a hallway area in the Commons. The original sleeve included "Commons".
Hallway in the Commons
A large hallway with rugs, couches and tables in Commons. The original sleeve included "Commons".
Lounge in Baker Hall
Lounge area inside of Baker. The original sleeve included "Baker interior".
Lounging Area in Commons 01
A lounging area with tables and chairs inside the Commons. The original sleeve included "Commons".
Lounging Area in Commons 02
A lounging area with chairs, couches, and a bookshelf in Commons. The original sleeve included "Commons".
Man at a Desk in Baker Hall
A man writing at his desk with two framed pictures in front of him in Baker. The original sleeve included "Baker interior".
Men Outside the Old Administration Building 01
Two men are standing in front of the door to the Old Administration building. The original sleeve included "Old Administration ".
Men Outside the Old Administration Building 02
Two men are standing in front of the door to the Old Administration building. The original sleeve included "Old Administration ".
Men Playing Cards in Baker
A group of four men playing cards in Baker. The original sleeve included "Baker interior".
Piano Room in Bartlett Hall
A large room in Bartlett Hall with two tables and a piano. The original sleeve included "Bartlett (interior)".
Spiral Staircase in Baker Hall
A spiral staircase in Baker. The original sleeve included "Baker interior".
Staircase in Bartlett Hall
A staircase in Bartlett Hall. The original sleeve included "Bartlett (interior)".
Study Area in Commons
A study area with desks and tables in Commons. The original sleeve included "Commons".
Winter Exterior of the East Gym
An exterior photo of the East Gym with snow on the ground. The original sleeve included "East Gym".
Women Chatting in Bartlett Hall
Six women sitting in the common area in Bartlett chatting. The original sleeve included "Bartlett".
Women in the Bartlett Hall Kitchen
A group of six women in the Bartlett kitchen. One women is holding a tea pot, one is drinking from a glass, two are preparing food, and two are looking at vinyls. The original sleeve included "Bartlett (interior)".
Women Sitting in Bartlett Hall 01
Four women sitting in chairs in a common area in Bartlett, one of whom is knitting. The original sleeve included "Bartlett".
Women Sitting in Bartlett Hall 02
Two women sitting and chatting in a Bartlett Hall common area. The original sleeve included "Bartlett (interior)".
Women Standing Outside of the Commons
Two women standing outside of Commons looking at something off to the right of them. The original sleeve included "Commons".
Class in the West Gymnasium
A class of men in the West Gymnasium building sitting at desks with the professor standing to the left. The original sleeve included "West Gym".
Dorm Room in Bartlett Hall
A dorm room in Bartlett with two beds and a decorated desk in the middle. The original sleeve included "Bartlett".
Single Dorm Room in Bartlett Hall
A dorm room in Bartlett with a single bed, rocking chair, desk, and dresser. The original sleeve included "Bartlett".
The Laundry Building 01
The laundry building on campus. Four cars are parked in front and two men are standing near the building. The original sleeve included "Laundry (psychology)".
The Laundry Building 02
The laundry building on campus. Four cars are parked in front and two men are standing near the building. The original sleeve included "Laundry (psychology)".
Twin Dorm Room in Bartlett Hall
A dorm room in Bartlett with two beds and a decorated desk in the middle. The original sleeve included "Bartlett".
Women Lounging in Bartlett Hall
Two women sitting on a couch next to a fireplace in Bartlett. The original sleeve included "Bartlett".
Women Playing Cards in Bartlett Hall
A group of four women playing cards at a table in Bartlett. The original sleeve included "Bartlett".
Exterior of Baker Hall
Exterior photo of construction in front of Baker's side door. The original sleeve included "Baker".
Architectural Drawing of Baker Hall
Architectural drawing of a Men's Dormitory (Baker) drawn by Oren Thomas. The original sleeve included "Baker (Arch. Drawing)".
Exterior of Wright Hall
An exterior photo of Wright Hall. The original sleeve included "Wright".
Exterior of Wright Hall in Winter
An exterior photo of Wright Hall with snow on the ground. The original sleeve included "Wright".
Swimming Pool in the West Gymnasium 01
The swimming pool inside the West Gymnasium. The original sleeve included "Swimming Pool".
Swimming Pool in the West Gymnasium 02
The swimming pool inside the West Gymnasium. The original sleeve included "Swimming Pool".
West Gymnasium Supply Room
A supply room inside the West Gymnasium. The original sleeve included "West Gym".
Common Area in Commons
A common area with tables and chairs in Commons. The original sleeve included "Commons".
Lounging Area in Commons 03
A lounging area with chairs, couches, and a bookshelf in Commons. The original sleeve included "Commons".
Piano Room in the Commons
A room with a piano, chairs arranged in a semi-circle and a table with three chairs on one side in Commons. The original sleeve included "Commons".
Bus Outside of Sabin Hall
An exterior photo of Sabin Hall with part of a bus and students standing in front of the building. The original sleeve included "Sabin".
Library Doors to Seerley Hall
An exterior photo of the library doors in Seerley Hall. The original sleeve included "Seerley".
People Outside the Library of Seerley Hall
Four people standing outside the doors to the library in Seerley Hall. The original sleeve included "Seerley".