Tallgrass Prairie Publications and Reports


This collection contains UNI Tallgrass Prairie Center publications and reports.

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Books from 2024


Tallgrass Prairie Center 2023-2024 Highlights, University of Northern Iowa. Tallgrass Prairie Center.

Submissions from 2023


Irvine Prairie Outreach and Education, C. Irvine, B. Pippert, Laura Jackson, Justin Meissen, Laura Walter, Andrew Olson, and Anne Phillips


Irvine Prairie Science Update, C. Irvine, B. Pippert, Laura Jackson, Justin Meissen, Laura Walter, Andrew Olson, and Anne Phillips


Irvine Prairie Planned Work, C. Irvine, B. Pippert, Laura Jackson, Laura Walter, Justin Meissen, Andrew Olson, and Anne Phillips


A 33 Year Old Native Seed System In The Upper Midwest: Public Policy And Investment Contribute To A Diverse Commercial Native Seed Market [Slideshow], Laura L. Jackson, Kristine Nemec, and Laura Fischer Walter


Prairie Strips: The Luze Farm, Tallgrass Prairie Center, University of Northern Iowa


Tallgrass Prairie Center 2022-2023 Highlights, University of Northern Iowa. Tallgrass Prairie Center.


A 33 Year Old Native Seed System In The Upper Midwest: The Evolving Role Of Stock Seed Production And Stakeholder Communication [Poster], Laura Fischer Walter and Laura L. Jackson

Submissions from 2022


Planting Time, First-Year Mowing, And Seed Mix Design Influence Ecological Outcomes In Agroecosystem Revegetation Projects, Alec J. Glidden, Mark E. Sherrard, Justin C. Meissen, Mark C. Myers, Kenneth J. Elgersma, and Laura L. Jackson


Irvine Prairie Planned Work, C. Irvine, B. Pippert, Laura Jackson, Laura Walter, Anne Phillips, C. Teator, and Justin Meissen


Irvine Prairie Science Update, C. Irvine, B. Pippert, Laura Jackson, Laura Walter, Anne Phillips, C. Teator, and Justin Meissen


Optimizing graminoid composition in cost-effective seed mixes for prairie strips, Justin Meissen


Irvine Prairie Outreach Update, Justin Meissen, Laura Jackson, C. Irvine, B. Pippert, Laura Walter, Anne Phillips, and C. Teator


How Engineers And Roadside Vegetation Managers Maintain Roadside Vegetation In Iowa, USA, Kristine Nemec, Andrew Stephenson, and Mary Losch


Prairie Strips: The Roadman Farm, Tallgrass Prairie Center, University of Northern Iowa


Tallgrass Prairie Center 2021-2022 Highlights, University of Northern Iowa. Tallgrass Prairie Center.

Submissions from 2021


Designing multifunctional, cost-effective prairies for dry marginal lands, Justin Meissen


Irvine Prairie Science Update, Justin Meissen


Assessing outcome predictability in prairie strip establishment, Justin Meissen and Alec Glidden


Local Decision-Makers’ Perspectives On Roadside Revegetation And Management In Iowa, USA, Kristine Nemec, Andrew Stephenson, Eva Aizpurua Gonzalez, and Mary Losch


Irvine Prairie Restoration/Management Work Plan, Tallgrass Prairie Center, University of Northern Iowa


Tallgrass Prairie Center 2020-2021 Highlights, University of Northern Iowa. Tallgrass Prairie Center.


Wild Bee Visitors And Their Association With Sown And Unsown Floral Resources In Reconstructed Pollinator Habitats Within An Agriculture Landscape, Ai Wen, Kenneth J. Elgersma, Mark E. Sherrard, Laura L. Jackson, Justin Meissen, and Mark C. Myers

Submissions from 2020


Report: Native Seed Stakeholder Meeting 2020, Laura E. Fischer Walter


Seed Mix Design And First Year Management Influence Multifunctionality And Cost-Effectiveness In Prairie Reconstruction, Justin C. Meissen, Alec J. Glidden, Mark E. Sherrard, Kenneth J. Elgersma, and Laura L. Jackson


Bring Back the Natives, Tallgrass Prairie Center


Irvine Prairie Maps and Supplemental Material, Tallgrass Prairie Center, University of Northern Iowa


Irvine Prairie Work Assessment, Tallgrass Prairie Center, University of Northern Iowa and Justin Meissen


Tallgrass Prairie Center Highlights 2019-2020, University of Northern Iowa. Tallgrass Prairie Center.

Submissions from 2019


Report: Native Seed Stakeholder Meeting 2019, Laura E. Fischer Walter


Seed Mix Experiments and Analysis of Native Seed Supply for the Pollinator Habitat Initiative, Laura Jackson and Justin Meissen


Designing multifunctional, cost-effective prairies for dry marginal lands, Justin Meissen


Broadening the Use of Perennial Native Vegetation for Nutrient Reduction on Marginal Farmland, Justin Meissen, Ashley Kittle, and Laura Jackson


Increasing Cost-Effectiveness of Nutrient Reduction Practices Using Perennial Native Vegetation, Justin Meissen, Ashley Kittle, and Laura Jackson


Species composition influences soil nutrient depletion and plantphysiology in prairie agroenergy feedstocks, Mark E. Sherrard, Kenneth Elgersma, Jordan M.A. Koos, Catherine M. Kokemuller, Hannah E. Dietz, Alec J. Glidden, Christina M. Carr, and Cynthia A. Cambardella


Irvine Prairie Work Assessment, Tallgrass Prairie Center, University of Northern Iowa and Justin Meissen

Submissions from 2018


Prairie Restoration Series: Drying, Cleaning and Storing Prairie Seed, Greg Houseal


Prairie Restoration Series: Native Seed Source and Quality, Greg Houseal


Prairie Restoration Series: Propagating Native Plants, Greg Houseal


Prairie Restoration Series: Recognizing and Appreciating Tallgrass Prairie Remnants, Greg Houseal


Prairie Restoration Series: Seed Collecting from Tallgrass Prairies, Greg Houseal


Cost-effective seed mix design and first-year management, Justin Meissen


Small Vertebrate Granivores Reduce Seedling Emergence In Native Tallgrass Prairie Restoration, Carmen A. Pellish, Mark E. Sherrard, Paige A. Leytem, and Laura L. Jackson


Supplemental Seed Increases Native Seedling Establishment In Roadside Prairie Restoration, Jessica L. Riebkes, Mark E. Sherrard, and Laura L. Jackson


Subsurface Nutrient Processing Capacity In Agricultural Roadside Ditches, Keith E. Schilling, Matthew T. Streeter, Martin St. Clair, and Justin Meissen


Prairie Restoration Series: Designing Seed Mixes, Dave Williams


Prairie Restoration Series: Evaluating Stand Establisment, Dave Williams


Prairie Restoration Series: Initial Post Seeding and Early Reconstruction Management, Dave Williams


Prairie Restoration Series: Seeding, Dave Williams


Prairie Restoration Series: Site Preparation, Dave Williams

Submissions from 2017

Community Gardens As Urban Social-Ecological Refuges In The Global North, Joana Chan, Bryce B. DuBois, Kristine T. Nemec, Charles A. Francis, and Kyle D. Hoagland


Linking Nutrient Reduction Practices with Biomass Energy, Eric Giddens, Laura Jackson, and Kamyar Enshayan


Regime Shifts And Panarchies In Regional Scale Social-Ecological Water Systems, Lance Gunderson, Barbara A. Cosens, Brian C. Chaffin, Craig A. Tom Arnold, Alexander K. Fremier, Ahjond S. Garmestani, Robin Kundis Craig, Hannah Gosnell, Hannah E. Birge, Craig R. Allen, Melinda H. Benson, Ryan R. Morrison, Mark C. Stone, Joseph A. Hamm, Kristine Nemec, Edella Schlager, and Dagmar Llewellyn


Regime shifts and panarchies in regional scale social-ecological water systems, Lance Gunderson, Barbara A. Cosens, Brian C. Chaffin, Craig A. (Tony) Arnold, Alexander K. Fremier, Ahjond S. Garmestani, Robin Kundis Craig, Hannah Gosnell, Hannah E. Birge, Craig R. Allen, Melinda H. Benson, Ryan R. Morrison, Mark C. Stone, Joseph A. Hamm, Kristine Nemec, Edella Schlager, and Dagmar Llewellyn


Prairie enhancement of non-native cool-season grass stands, Justin Meissen


Assessing Long-Term Risks Of Prairie Seed Harvest: What Is The Role Of Life-History?, Justin C. Meissen, Susan M. Galatowitsch, and Meredith W. Cornett


Meeting Seed Demand For Landscape-Scale Restoration Sustainably: The Influence Of Seed Harvest Intensity And Site Management, Justin C. Meissen, Susan M. Galatowitsch, and Meredith W. Cornett


Restoring Monarch Butterfly Habitat In The Midwestern US: 'All Hands On Deck', Wayne E. Thogmartin, Laura López-Hoffman, Jason Rohweder, Jay Diffendorfer, Ryan Drum, Darius Semmens, Scott Black, Iris Caldwell, Donita Cotter, Pauline Drobney, Laura L. Jackson, Michael Gale, Doug Helmers, Steve Hilburger, Elizabeth Howard, Karen Oberhauser, John Pleasants, Brice Semmens, Orley Taylor, Patrick Ward, Jake F. Weltzin, and Ruscena Wiederholt

Submissions from 2016


Productivity and resistance to weed invasion in four prairie biomass feedstocks with different diversity, Jessica E. Abernathy, Dustin R. J. Graham, Mark E. Sherrard, and Daryl D. Smith

Submissions from 2015


Prairie Power Project: Determining Maximum Sustainable Production of Biomass With a Mixture of Prairie Species, Cynthia Cambardella, Kenneth Elgersma, Eric Giddens, Mark Myers, Mark Sherrard, and Daryl Smith

Submissions from 2014


Responses of predatory invertebrates to seeding density and plantspecies richness in experimental tallgrass prairie restorations, Kristine T. Nemec, Craig R. Allen, Stephen D. Danielson, and Christopher J. Helzer


Assessing Resilience in Stressed Watersheds, Kristine T. Nemec, Joana Chan, Christina Hoffman, Trisha L. Spanbauer, Joseph A. Hamm, Craig R. Allen, Trevor Hefley, Donald Pan, and Prabhakar Shrestha

Submissions from 2013


Predictors of regional establishment success and spread of introduced non-indigenous vertebrates, Criag R. Allen, Kristine T. Nemec, Donald A. Wardwell, Justin D. Hoffman, Mathew L. Brust, Karie L. Decker, Daniel Fogell, Jennifer Hogue, Aaron Lotz, Thaddeus Miller, Marcy Pummill, Luis E. Ramirez-Yañez, and Daniel R. Uden


Influence of Richness and Seeding Density on Invasion Resistance in Experimental Tallgrass Prairie Restorations, Kristine T. Nemec, Craig R. Allen, Christopher J. Helzer, and David A. Wedin


Fecundity of the Chinese mystery snail in a Nebraska reservoir, Bruce J. Stephen, Craig R. Allen, Noelle M. Chaine, Kent A. Fricke, Danielle M. Haak, Michelle L. Hellman, Robert A. Kill, Kristine T. Nemec, Kevin L. Pope, Nicholas A. Smeenk, Daniel R. Uden, Kody M. Unstad, Ashley E. VanderHam, and Alec Wong


Hydroseeding Survey of IRVM Counties in Iowa, Dave Williams

Submissions from 2012


Population estimate of Chinese mystery snail (Bellamya chinensis) in a Nebraska reservoir, Noelle M. Chaine, Craig R. Allen, Kent A. Fricke, Danielle M. Haak, Michelle L. Hellman, Robert A. Kill, Kristine T. Nemec, Kevin L. Pope, Nicholas A. Smeenk, Bruce J. Stephen, Daniel R. Uden, Kody M. Unstad, and Ashley E. VanderHam


FIVE NEW RECORDS OF ANTS (HYMENOPTERA: FORMICIDAE) FOR NEBRASKA, Kristine T. Nemec, James C. Tager, Elizabeth Manley, and Craig R. Allen

Submissions from 2011


Woody Invasions of Urban Trails and the Changing Face of Urban Forests in the Great Plains, USA, Kristine T. Nemec, Craig R. Allen, Aaron L. Alai, Gregory M. Clements, Andrew C. Kessler, Travis C. Kinsell, Annabel Major, and Bruce J. Stephen

Submissions from 2007


Effects Of Frequent Mowing On Survival And Persistence Of Forbs Seeded Into A Species-Poor Grassland, Dave W. Williams, Laura L. Jackson, and Daryl D. Smith


The effects of seeding rate of prairie grasses and forbs on native plant establishment in a prairie reconstruction. Iowa Department of Transportation final report., Dave W, Williams and Daryl D. Smith


The Effects of Seeding Time on Native Plant Establishment in a Prairie Reconstruction, Dave W. Williams and Daryl D. Smith

Submissions from 2005


Review of Empty Pastures: Confined Animals and the Transformation of the Rural Landscape By Terence J Centner, Laura L. Jackson

Submissions from 2004


Growth and Reproduction of Local Ecotype and Cultivated Varieties of Panicum virgatum and Coreopsis palmata Grown in Common Gardens, D. W. Williams, G. A. Houseal, and D. D. Smith

Submissions from 1994


Predicting Evolutionary Consequences of Greater Reproductive Effort in Tripsacum Dactyloides, a Perennial Grass, Laura L. Jackson and Chester L. Dewald