Graduate Research Papers
This collection contains graduate research papers by students in the Department of Social Work.
The Graduate Research Paper is a non-thesis paper or project, which can be considered the capstone of the graduate program. For the paper, students synthesize information they have learned throughout the program and apply it to the field experience. To view the Award Winners, click here.
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Submissions from 2016
The use of meditation and yoga as a treatment tool for juvenile offenders in Residential Treatment Centers for relapse prevention, Danielle K. W. Ballard-Green Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Racial disparities among African Americans primarily in the criminal justice system and other areas in society, Juana D. Hollingsworth Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Exposure therapy discontinuation among Iraq War veterans, Kendra Renner Graduate Research Paper (UNI Access Only)
Submissions from 2015
Influx of child immigrants to the United States: Policy & practice implications, Megan Vogt Open Access Graduate Research Paper 2016 Award