UNI ScholarWorks - Summer Undergraduate Research Program (SURP) Symposium: Electrical Transport Measurements on Ni Films Deposited on MoS₂

2021 Summer Undergraduate Research Program (SURP) Symposium


Ballroom, Maucker Student Union, University of Northern Iowa

Presentation Type

Poster Presentation (UNI Access Only)

Document Type



Molybdenum disulfide--Electric properties; Nickel films--Electric properties; Spintronics;


MoS2 is a semiconductor with attractive characteristics that make it a possible replacement material for silicon in electronics devices. It is therefore important to study the behavior of metals that are in contact with MoS2. We have investigated the electrical resistance of a thin film of nickel grown on MoS2 as a function of temperature with and without a magnetic field applied. The Ni-MoS2 structure exhibits semiconducting behavior. We present evidence that electron transport proceeds via hopping.

Start Date

30-7-2021 11:30 AM

End Date

30-7-2021 1:15 PM

Event Host

Summer Undergraduate Research Program, University of Northern Iowa

Faculty Advisor

Paul Shand

Faculty Advisor

Andrew Stollenwerk


Department of Physics

File Format


Off-Campus Download


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Jul 30th, 11:30 AM Jul 30th, 1:15 PM

Electrical Transport Measurements on Ni Films Deposited on MoS₂

Ballroom, Maucker Student Union, University of Northern Iowa

MoS2 is a semiconductor with attractive characteristics that make it a possible replacement material for silicon in electronics devices. It is therefore important to study the behavior of metals that are in contact with MoS2. We have investigated the electrical resistance of a thin film of nickel grown on MoS2 as a function of temperature with and without a magnetic field applied. The Ni-MoS2 structure exhibits semiconducting behavior. We present evidence that electron transport proceeds via hopping.