UNI ScholarWorks - Summer Undergraduate Research Program (SURP) Symposium: Chemical Substitution Induced Half-Metallicity in CrMnSb0.5Si0.5

2021 Summer Undergraduate Research Program (SURP) Symposium


Ballroom, Maucker Student Union, University of Northern Iowa

Presentation Type

Open Access Poster Presentation

Document Type



Spintronics; Chromium alloys; Substitution (Technology);



⮚Research on magnetic materials for potential applications in spin-based electronics: one of the most active fields in academia and industry. ⮚High degree of spin polarization – wanted in spintronics. ⮚Spintronics – an emerging technology utilizing a spin degree of freedom. ⮚Various mechanisms alter degree of spin polarization – mechanical strain, structural disorder, temperature, termination surface/interface, etc. ⮚Magnetic materials that conduct electrons of only one spin are called half-metals, and have a great potential in spintronics.

Start Date

30-7-2021 11:30 AM

End Date

30-7-2021 1:15 PM

Event Host

Summer Undergraduate Research Program, University of Northern Iowa

Faculty Advisor

Pavel Lukashev


Department of Physics

File Format



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Jul 30th, 11:30 AM Jul 30th, 1:15 PM

Chemical Substitution Induced Half-Metallicity in CrMnSb0.5Si0.5

Ballroom, Maucker Student Union, University of Northern Iowa


⮚Research on magnetic materials for potential applications in spin-based electronics: one of the most active fields in academia and industry. ⮚High degree of spin polarization – wanted in spintronics. ⮚Spintronics – an emerging technology utilizing a spin degree of freedom. ⮚Various mechanisms alter degree of spin polarization – mechanical strain, structural disorder, temperature, termination surface/interface, etc. ⮚Magnetic materials that conduct electrons of only one spin are called half-metals, and have a great potential in spintronics.