Student Exhibitions
This gallery contains images related to student art exhibitions at the University of Northern Iowa. Images of posters and postcards are included in the collection.
2013 Annual Juried Student Art Exhibition
2013 Annual Juried Student Art Exhibition, UNI Gallery of Art, Kamerick Art Building South, March 26 - April 30.
Spring 2013 BFA Group Exhibition [Back]
Spring 2013 BFA Group Exhibition April 29 - May 11. Opening Reception: April 29 at 7:00 PM
UNI Gallery of Art, Department of Art, Kamerick Art Building
Spring 2013 BFA Group Exhibition [Front]
Spring 2013 BFA Group Exhibition April 29 - May 11. Opening Reception: April 29 at 7:00 PM
UNI Gallery of Art, Department of Art, Kamerick Art Building
2012 Annual Juried Student Art Exhibition
2012 Annual Juried Student Art Exhibition, UNI Gallery of Art, Kamerick Art Building South, March 19 - April 15.
Fall 2012 BFA Group Exhibition [Back]
Fall 2012 BFA Group Exhibition December 6-15. Opening Reception: Thursday, December 6 at 7pm
UNI Gallery of Art, Department of Art, Kamerick Art Building
Fall 2012 BFA Group Exhibition [Front]
Fall 2012 BFA Group Exhibition December 6-15. Opening Reception: Thursday, December 6 at 7pm
UNI Gallery of Art, Department of Art, Kamerick Art Building
Spring 2012 BFA Group Exhibition [Back]
pring 2012 BFA Group Exhibition April 23rd - May 05. Open Reception: Monday, April 23rd @ 7pm
UNI Gallery of Art, Department of Art, Kamerick Art Building
Spring 2012 BFA Group Exhibition [Front]
Spring 2012 BFA Group Exhibition April 23rd - May 05. Open Reception: Monday, April 23rd @ 7pm
UNI Gallery of Art, Department of Art, Kamerick Art Building
Spring 2012 student workSHOP: The Hearst Goes Collegiate [Back]
Exhibit & Sale: The Friends of the Hearst is sponsoring an exhibition and sale of student artwork from the University of Northern Iowa and Hawkeye Community College. March 18 - March 25, 2012
Spring 2012 student workSHOP: The Hearst Goes Collegiate [Front]
Exhibit & Sale: The Friends of the Hearst is sponsoring an exhibition and sale of student artwork from the University of Northern Iowa and Hawkeye Community College. March 18 - March 25, 2012
2011 Annual Juried Student Art Exhibition
2011 Annual Juried Student Art Exhibition, UNI Gallery of Art, Kamerick Art Building, March 21 - April 17.
Fall 2011 BFA Group Exhibition [Back]
Fall 2011 BFA Group Exhibition December 8th through December 17th, 2011. Opening Reception: Thursday, December 8 at 7:00 P.M.
A group exhibition of six Bachelor of Fine Arts undergraduate students from the University of Northern Iowa.
UNI Gallery of Art, Department of Art, Kamerick Art Building
Fall 2011 BFA Group Exhibition [Front]
Fall 2011 BFA Group Exhibition December 8th through December 17th, 2011. Opening Reception: Thursday, December 8 at 7:00 P.M.
A group exhibition of six Bachelor of Fine Arts undergraduate students from the University of Northern Iowa.
UNI Gallery of Art, Department of Art, Kamerick Art Building
Fall 2010 BFA Group Exhibition [Back]
Fall 2010 BFA Group Exhibition Dec 9th - Dec 18th. Fall 2010. Opening Reception: Thursday, December 9th at 7:00pm
UNI Gallery of Art, Department of Art, Kamerick Art Building
Fall 2010 BFA Group Exhibition [Front]
Fall 2010 BFA Group Exhibition Dec 9th - Dec 18th. Fall 2010. Opening Reception: Thursday, December 9th at 7:00pm
UNI Gallery of Art, Department of Art, Kamerick Art Building