Science Education Update Conference Documents

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Computer Science (CS) is arguably one of the fastest growing disciplines in K12 education. Educators have choices from a variety of curricula at all levels in the K-12 spectrum and two different AP exams. Iowa is finalizing statewide Grades K-12 standards for CS Education and has added a CS endorsement to state licensure. In this talk we will discuss the state of CS Education in Iowa at both the school and BOEE levels. We will make teachers aware of some of the resources out there to use with students. We will also discuss CS professional development opportunities for teachers being conducted at UNI and around the state.


Department of Computer Science


Afternoon Sessions #2: 2:00 to 2:50 p.m.

Preparing Grades K-12 Computer Science Educators in Iowa, McCollum Science Hall 254, Ben Schafer, UNI Department of Computer Science Associate Professor

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