"The Teacher Institute for Evolutionary Science (Ties)" by Kristine Swartchick

Science Education Update Conference Documents

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The Teacher Institute for Evolutionary Science (TIES) informs interested middle school science teachers about the most up-to-date concepts of natural selection, common ancestry, and diversity for them to confidently cover the topics in their classrooms and fulfill their curriculum requirements. TIES provides science teachers with innovative professional development opportunities, often in collaboration with biology professors and scientists researching current evolutionary trends. TIES also has ready-to-use online resources for the classroom, including presentation slides, labs, guided reading assignments, and an exam. All free! During the presentation, our presenter will model how to use our free slide presentation in the classroom. It is filled with hands-on activities, engaging videos, and labs which focus on science inquiry. Our website has dozens of free resources organized by standard (www.tieseducation.org). We connect science teachers with the experts in the field of evolutionary biology, both in person and online. We also offer free monthly webinars! Our staff also provides teachers with an email helpline if they have questions or are looking for specific lessons. Our project is run entirely by teachers themselves because promoting teacher leadership is one of our goals.


Kristine Swartchick, Teacher Institute for Evolutionary Science

  • Session: Afternoon #2
  • Title: The Teacher Institute for Evolutionary Science (Ties)
  • Date: April 1, 2022
  • Time: 2:00 - 2:50 p.m.
  • Location: McCollum Science Hall 118, University of Northern Iowa

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