2024 Research in the Capitol

Presentation Type

Open Access Poster Presentation


At the end of a decade, a literary trilogy became a new pop culture phenomenon, The Hunger Games. The theme of appearance frequently stood out on page, however, was it truly translated on screen? Film adaptation theory explains the road to adapting a piece of literature to film is a process. All of those involved throughout the creation of cinema impact how we, as audience members, see said media. Consider the professions of the script writers, the director's ideals versus the thoughts of the author, the question of involving the original writer, creativity of the adapted world, and the audience's reactions, all affect the success of the film. Appearance was a recurring theme that shaped how the main character viewed her world and how she viewed the worlds of the antagonists, side characters, and symbols within the narrative. Survival in Panem was impossible without consideration of appearance.

Start Date

25-3-2024 11:45 AM

End Date

25-3-2024 1:30 PM

Event Host

University Honors Programs, Iowa Regent Universities

Faculty Advisor

Nikki Harken


Department of Communication and Media


Department of Languages and Literatures

Creative Commons License

Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

File Format



Mar 25th, 11:45 AM Mar 25th, 1:30 PM

“Sit Still, Look Pretty to Survive”: An Analysis of The Hunger Games Trilogy

At the end of a decade, a literary trilogy became a new pop culture phenomenon, The Hunger Games. The theme of appearance frequently stood out on page, however, was it truly translated on screen? Film adaptation theory explains the road to adapting a piece of literature to film is a process. All of those involved throughout the creation of cinema impact how we, as audience members, see said media. Consider the professions of the script writers, the director's ideals versus the thoughts of the author, the question of involving the original writer, creativity of the adapted world, and the audience's reactions, all affect the success of the film. Appearance was a recurring theme that shaped how the main character viewed her world and how she viewed the worlds of the antagonists, side characters, and symbols within the narrative. Survival in Panem was impossible without consideration of appearance.