Postville Project


The Postville Project works to collect, preserve and present the stories and materials related to the community of Postville, Iowa before, during and after the 2008 immigration raid at the Agriprocessors meatpacking plant. Luther College and the University of Northern Iowa organized The Postville Project in an effort to preserve and exhibit the media and stories surrounding the 2008 immigration raid and the memories of the community both before and after that event.

Go to The Postville Project website to access additional materials and resources.

The Postville Project also includes an additional forty-two videos from the "AbUSed: The Postville Raid" video collection, click here. [Unedited videos that were donated by filmmaker Luis Argueta to The Postville Project (]


Browse the Postville Project Collections located in UNI ScholarWorks:

abUSed: Documentary Film Documents

Community Voices: Postville Project Oral Histories

Postville Project Book Gallery

Postville Project Documents

Postville Project Photographs

Postville Project Student Works

Postville Project Videos