UNI Works About Pop Culture Topics
Works by UNI faculty, staff, and students related to pop culture topics.
Submissions from 2023
The Horror of Darwinism: The Evolution of the Monster in Film and Popular Culture, Ava Deitrich Open Access Honors Program Thesis
Video Game Music for Piano: Transcriptions on the Music of Genshin Impact, Heather Gillis
A Ludomusical Analysis of Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc, and Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair, Ethan Martin
Events from 2022
How Video Games Tell Stories, Jake Chaplin
Weird critters: A visual narrative inspired by paleontology and teratology, Kate Murray Open Access Honors Program Thesis
"Descendant" or "The Children of Life:" Superhumans, not superheroes, Kellen Schmidt Honors Program Thesis (UNI Access Only)
Ecocriticism in young adult dystopian literature: Revealing a generation's desire to reconnect with nature, Alexus Williams Thesis (UNI Access Only)
Submissions from 2021
"The Concord Concept:" Speculative fiction challenging young adult literature conventions, Dylan Lee Haase Honors Program Thesis (UNI Access Only)
"Into the Unknown": Masquerading Fear in Over the Garden Wall, Kayla Lawrence
Tweet, Like, Subscribe! Understanding Leadership Through Social Media Use, Michael J. Matthews, Samuel H. Matthews, Dawei David Wang, and Thomas K. Kelemen
Meme marketing: How viral marketing adapts to the internet culture, Triet Minh Ngo Open Access Honors Program Thesis
Effects of exposure to video games on sexual harassment, Chelsea Renee Washburn Open Access Thesis
Submissions from 2020
Characterizing protagonists in graphic novels for teens, Danielle Lahr Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Sir Deadpool: A revival of Arthurian morals in modern anti-heroes, Jane Katherine Sible Open Access Honors Program Thesis
Projects from 2019
Hip-Hop Literacy Project, Dongyub Back, Shuaib Meacham, and Lamont Muhammad
Finding the fantastic in Magic: The Gathering: Rhetorics of fantasy and collectible card games, Tait Larson Honors Program Thesis (UNI Access Only)
From meme to memegraph: The curious case of Pepe the Frog and white nationalism, Fernando Ismael Quinones Valdivia Open Access Thesis
Submissions from 2018
Organized Gaming and Its Effect on Collegiate Academics, Mark Cochran Open Access Honors Program Thesis
Resale value of individual sets of Magic the Gathering, Nichole Bolas Mlodzik Open Access Honors Program Thesis
Theses/Dissertations from 2017
Breaking out the monster in Lara Croft, Ashley Patricia Jones Thesis (UNI Access Only)
Dungeons and Dragons and literacy: The role tabletop role-playing games can play in developing teenagers' literacy skills and reading interests, Stefanie L. B. Kaylor Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Trying to fit in with the weird parts of the Internet: Online subcultures and content creation, Isak Fedeler Knivsland Open Access Honors Program Thesis
The gamers in gaming: Studying Twitch TV and its followers, Micah Zeimetz Honors Program Thesis (UNI Access Only)
Submissions from 2016
Brand new scars: complex characterization and literary craft elements in Ed Brubaker's Captain America, Lexi Nicole Byrnes Honors Program Thesis (UNI Access Only)
Still going bump in the night: a structural-esque analysis of yurei, death, and dying in Japanese folklore and anime, Samuel Nicholas Calonkey Honors Program Thesis (UNI Access Only)
Make it so: Employing a multi-player starship bridge simulator in a military-based leadership course, Robert Green Open Access Graduate Research Paper
The effect of serious gaming on elementary student learning, Amanda Moritz Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Submissions from 2015
Perspectives on why the glass ceiling still exists for women in advertising and media and tools to help shatter it, Olivia Hottle Mossman Open Access Honors Program Thesis
Submissions from 2014
Fifth Graders' Enjoyment, Interest, and Comprehension of Graphic Novels Compared to Heavily-Illustrated and Traditional Novels, Kimberly Ann Jennings, Audrey C. Rule, and Sarah M. Vander Zanden
Submissions from 2013
What Would My Avatar Do? Gaming, Pathology, And Risky Decision Making, Kira Bailey, Robert West, and Judson Kuffel
Teacher perceptions of graphic novels, Katherine Block Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Social Studies Content Reading about the American Revolution Enhanced with Graphic Novels, Kari Bosma, Audrey C. Rule, and Karla Steege Krueger
Batman and the superhero fairytale: deconstructing a revisionist crisis, Travis John Landhuis Open Access Thesis
Playing by new rules: board games and America's cold war culture, 1945-1965, Matthew John Sprengeler Open Access Thesis
Submissions from 2012
Fifth graders' discussions of graphic novels facilitated by de Bono Thinking Skills, Kimberly Ann Jennings Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Submissions from 2010
Fifth grade student learning and interest in the American Revolution through reading graphic novels compared to reading biography or other nonfiction books, Kari Bosma Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Submissions from 2009
The Education of a Witch: Tiffany Aching, Hermione Granger, and Gendered Magic in Discworld and Potterworld, Janet Brennan Croft
Princesses persevere: Seeking representations of gender equity in modern fairy tales, Erin Becker McConnell Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Submissions from 2008
Gaming towards academic and physical success, Eric Burt Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Growing epidemic of videogame addiction, Christopher S. Hager Open Access Graduate Research Paper