"History of the Zoology Section of the Iowa Academy of Science" by Paul Meglitsch

Document Type

General Interest Article


During the early years, all papers presented at the annual meetings of the Iowa Academy of Science were delivered at general session. Evidently a number of members felt that they would be better able to discuss and appreciate the papers if they were given at sectional meetings. This had the further advantage of permitting the inclusion of more papers in the program. Professor L. S. Ross, then secretary of the Academy, suggested in 1914 that papers be given at sectional meetings. In 1916 this was done for the first time.

As one of the original sections, the Zoology Section has had a relatively uneventful history. The cumulative interests of the Zoology Section have been altered, from time to time, by the creation of other sections, and by differing affiliations of some disciplines. In the 1917 Proceedings, papers were printed under six sectional headings: Geology, Home Economics, Physics, Botany, Zoology, and Chemistry. Over the next decade, a considerable number of papers in fields allied to zoology were given.

Publication Date

June 1975

Journal Title

Proceedings of the Iowa Academy of Science




1 pt. 2

First Page


Last Page



©1975 Iowa Academy of Science, Inc.



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