"Late Fall and Winter Bird Records, 1930 to 1938, in the Upper Missouri" by Wilfred D. Crabb

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These records are brought together and intended to be a continuation of the winter bird lists of the Upper Missouri Valley, started in 1916 by T. C. Stephens. Dr. Stephens compiled a series of papers during the period of 1916-22,1 after which time Chas. ]. Spiker, then of Sioux City, covered the winter periods from 1922 to 1926.2 Wm. Youngworth published another summary of winter records from 1926 to 1930. 3 The present paper begins at the end of that period. Other papers of this series have taken into account the physical features of this region. Therefore, the writer has omitted any repetition of what has already been well reviewed. This paper lists seventy-three species. Winter is considered to include November, December, January, and February of each year. Because of this arbitrary definition of winter some of the records used in this paper, it will be noted, are really those of late migrants and not, in a strict sense, winter birds. But for the sake of consistency, every available record, falling in these four months was taken into consideration in preparing the statement for each species. The writer has made no effort to include a review of the published literature covering this period, and only such references are included as were readily available.

Publication Date


Journal Title

Proceedings of the Iowa Academy of Science





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©1938 Iowa Academy of Science, Inc.



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