"Student Opinion of Examinations" by Russell D. Miller

Document Type



Three hundred twenty-five students in Agricultural .Physics were questioned regarding their preference for and the merits of the four rather general types of examinations, the completion, the multiple choice, the true-false, and the essay type. This survey reveals a decided preference for the multiple choice type of object test. The multiple choice was also ranked highest by the students on the following points: Fairness in grading; the lack of confusing and misleading questions; the number of questions that are thought provoking and require reasoning; the degree to which the questions represent the material taken up in the course; the ability of the examination to function as a teaching instrument. The one point on which the multiple choice ranked low was on the tendency of the examination to discourage guessing at the answer. Only one examination ranked lower than the multiple choice and that was the true-false. The essay type was placed lowest on all points except two. It ranked highest on the tendency to discourage guessing and second to the multiple choice in tendency to provoke thought and require reasoning. The survey was made with 185 students in 1936 and 140 students in 1938. The results for these two groups was almost identical.

Publication Date


Journal Title

Proceedings of the Iowa Academy of Science





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©1938 Iowa Academy of Science, Inc.



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