Grade Level
Gr. 9; Gr. 10; Gr. 11; Gr. 12; Gr. Secondary
Document Type
Activities and Labs
Environmental science--Experiments; Ecology--Experiments; Atmospheric physics--Experiments;
Unit Learning Objectives: The learner should be able to:
1. Compare and contrast hazardous chemical spills 2. Comprehend how hazardous chemicals affect the environment.
3. Explain the difficulty involved in cleaning up a hazardous spill.
4. Explain how the chemical travels once it is released.
5. Assess how hazardous chemicals affect the human body and animal life.
6. Analyze a chemical spill and its affects on its surroundings.
7. Create an emergency management system based on a real life situation
Evidence of Understanding: By the end of this unit, students should be able to demonstrate a clear understanding of hazardous chemicals and how they affect the environment and animal life. This will be modeled in an emergency management plan for the clean up of a hazardous chemical. Students will be focused on the impact of chemicals on the environment and human life.
Technology: Students will need access to a computer with internet access and special programs, such as imovie, iphoto, power point, etc. They will also need access to a camcorder and a VCR to show the products.
National Science Education Standards: Content Standards
• Standard A – abilities necessary to do scientific inquiry
• Standard C – populations and ecosystems
• Standard E – abilities of technological design.
• Standard F – populations, resources and environments, natural hazards, risks and benefits.
• Standard G – nature of science
Department of Earth Science
STORM Project - Science Center for Teaching, Outreach, and Research on Meteorology
Original Date
©2007 The STORM Project, University of Northern Iowa
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
File Format
Recommended Citation
STORM Project, "There's a Whole Lotta Spillin' Goin' On!" (2007). Open Educational Resources. 9.