"Cultural Components, Cultural Universals, and Cultural Variations" by Sarah Lerdal

Grade Level

Gr. 7; Gr. 8; Gr. 9; Gr. 10; Gr. 11; Gr. 12

Document Type

Lesson Plans


Geography--Study and teaching (Middle school); Geography--Study and teaching (Secondary);


Students will be able to describe the five main components of culture. Given an image, students will be able to differentiate between the components of culture. Students will be able to explain the difference between cultural universals and cultural variations. Students will be able to identify cultural universals and variations in cultures around the world, specifically between the United States and Chile. Students will recognize that although there are lots of differences amongst world cultures, cultures also share many similarities.


Department of Geography


Geographic Alliance of Iowa

Original Date


Creative Commons License

Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
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Geography Commons



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