"Comparing India and China's Population with Pasta" by Kelly Davidson

Grade Level

Gr. 6; Gr. 7; Gr. 8

Document Type

Lesson Plans


Geography--Study and teaching (Middle school);


Students will discuss reasons why a country might try to limit its birth rate. Students will compare geographic data for China and India. Students will use an online database to compare other population indicators for China and India. Students will write paragraphs explaining what these population statistics reveal about China and India. Students will read and answer questions about the population situation in China and India. Students will create a visual display of population data. Students will determine whether India should adopt a one-child policy.


Department of Geography


Geographic Alliance of Iowa

Original Date


Creative Commons License

Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.



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Geography Commons



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