Document Type
Teaching and Learning Strategies
Student teachers--Attitudes--Study and teaching (Higher); Student teachers--Training of;
Technology and invention are an integral part of the elementary school science curriculum, addressed by national standards. Student drawings of scientists have been studied extensively, but little is known of student mental conceptions and drawings of inventors. To uncover student’s images of inventors, ninety preservice elementary teachers at a mid-sized college in central New York State drew images of both inventors and scientists, which were analyzed and compared. Both sets of drawings portrayed white, mostly male figures. Scientists were shown wearing lab coats and working with fuming chemicals in a lab, while inventors more often wore casual clothing and were shown working with inventions and tools. Two-thirds of the images showed figures of different sex than the sketchers, indicating that the elementary preservice teachers did not readily identify with either inventors or scientists. We suggest that future studies explore effective ways to increase preservice elementary teachers’ understanding of and identification with the work of inventors. [17 references, 3 tables] I
Department of Curriculum and Instruction
Original Date
©2008 Audrey C. Rule, Erica Lyn Bisbo, and Valerie Waloven
File Format
Recommended Citation
Rule, Audrey C.; Bisbo, E. L.; and Waloven, V., "Preservice Elementary Teachers' Images of Inventors" (2008). Open Educational Resources. 296.