Malcolm Price Laboratory School Newsletter
Price Laboratory School Newsletter was published for the parents of students attending the former Malcolm Price Laboratory School. There are several newsletters associated with Malcolm Price Labratory School available in UNI ScholarWorks.
Material of the type found in this collection can also be found in print format in Special Collections & University Archives. For more information, see the finding aid for this specific collection.
Price Lab & NU High Newsletter, v17n1, October 2005
University of Northern Iowa. Malcolm Price Laboratory School
Inside this issue:
-- Notes from the Office
-- Homecoming - Let's Get it Started
-- AHERA Announcement
-- Football Season
-- Cross Country Successes
-- French Exchange
-- Chilean Exchange
-- Music - First Amendment Project
-- Music - Opus, All-State Auditions
-- Music - Chili Cook-off & Concert
-- Music - Student Leadership
-- Theater/Music - Singin' in the Rain
-- Music - Washington D.C. Trip
-- Music - Calendar
-- Senior Lounge
-- October Links -
Price Lab & NU High Newsletter, v16n5, March 2005
University of Northern Iowa. Malcolm Price Laboratory School
Inside this issue:
-- Notes from the Office
-- How to buy a Yearbook Ad
-- Music in Our Schools
-- 8th Grade Dissect Pig and Cow Eyes
-- NU Swimmers State Title
-- Guidance News
-- HS Pops Concert
-- French Trip to Quebec
-- Radon Study
-- Yearbook Orders
-- Spring Play: The Odd Couple
-- Elementary Music Performance: Bones
-- MS Artwork Display at AEA 267
-- 8th Grade Small Businesses
-- Ways to Support the Yearbook
-- NU Speech Program
-- Jump Rope for Heart
-- CiviConnections Grant
-- March Links -
[Price Laboratory School] Newsletter, v14n8 [v13n8], May 2003
University of Northern Iowa. Malcolm Price Laboratory School
Inside this issue:
-- Comments From the Director ••• 1
-- What's Under the Support Services ••• 1
-- Ongoing Fundraisers Successful ••• 1
-- Booster Club Highlights ••• 1
-- UNI 2003 Summer Credit Workshops ••• 1
-- Spring Tea ••• 2
-- Departing Teachers ••• 2
-- Gold Star Award for Outstanding Teaching - Mary Guenther ••• 2
-- Physical Education Teacher Lori Smith Chosen for National Publication ••• 2
-- P.E. Department News ••• 2
-- World Language Department News: Spanish - Chile Trip 2003 ••• 3
-- French Exchange Program - 2003 ••• 3
-- National French Contest ••• 3
-- State of Iowa Speaking Contest ••• 3
-- Freshman Orientation Meeting ••• 4
-- Elementary/Middle School Announcements ••• 4
-- 2003 NU Graduates: Plan for the Future ••• 4
-- Orchestra's Annual Spring Concert ••• 4
-- Carnegie Challenge Updates ••• 4
-- Little Panther 3 on 3 Basketball Shoot-Out ••• 5
-- Learning on the Playground ••• 5
-- Oscar Meyer Talent Search Jam ••• 5
-- Third Graders Learn About the Internet ••• 5 -
[Price Laboratory School] Newsletter, v14n7 [v13n7], April 2003
University of Northern Iowa. Malcolm Price Laboratory School
Inside this issue:
-- Comments From the Director ••• 1
-- What's Under the Support Services ••• 1
-- Booster Club Highlights ••• 1
-- Carnival ••• 1
-- Middle School Students Study Digital Photography ••• 2
-- National French Contest ••• 2
-- Carnegie Challenge Update ••• 3
-- "Arts in April" at Price Lab School ••• 3
-- NU Speech Team Performs Well at State ••• 4
-- NU Speech Team Members Selected for Outstanding Speakers ••• 4
-- Two National History Day Contestants Advance ••• 4
-- NU Cheerleading Squad Succeeds ••• 5
-- Iowa Public Television Features NU High Student ••• 5 -
Price Laboratory School University of Northern Iowa Online Newsletter, v13n6, March 2003
University of Northern Iowa. Malcolm Price Laboratory School
Inside this issue:
-- Comments from the Director
-- Dollars for Scholars Scholarship
-- Girl Scouts Raise Money for PLS
-- PLS Writing Center Back in Business
-- Scholarships Available through the Waterloo Center for the Arts
-- Lori Smith Receives National Award
-- Price Lab Holds Second Teacher Institute
-- PLS National History Day - 7th Grade Projects
-- Bob Lee Selected as Finalist for National Boys High School Cross Country
-- Social Studies Students Travel on the Web
-- Eight Grade Trip to Ames
-- Architecture Course Offered at NU High
-- Fourth Grade Tolerance Quilt
-- 2002 National Russian Essay Contest Results
-- "Notes" from the Bank Program
-- NU Booster Club Highlights
-- What's Under the Support Services Umbrella -
Price Laboratory School University of Northern Iowa Online Newsletter, v13n5, February 2003
University of Northern Iowa. Malcolm Price Laboratory School
Inside this issue:
-- Comments From the Director
-- Teacher Institute to be held at PLS
-- A Wishing Tree Thank-You
-- Elizabeth Wins Iowa energy Poster Contest
-- Dinosaur Art Murals
-- Spanish Department News
-- 'Little' Fundraiser Add Up to a Lot
-- Third Grade Students Win Splash Party
-- MPLS Aquatic School
-- Eighth Grade Tech Ed Students Study Visual Literacy
-- NUHS Students Selected for Area Honor Choirs
-- NUHS to Host NICL Choral Festival
-- NU/PLS Music Department Winter/Spring Calendar
-- 'Notes' From the Band Program
-- Carnegie Challenge
-- What's Under the Support Service Umbrella
-- NU High Speech Team at Districts
-- The Curious Savage
-- NU Booster Club Meeting Highlights -
Price Laboratory School University of Northern Iowa Online Newsletter, v13n4, December 2002/January 2003
University of Northern Iowa. Malcolm Price Laboratory School
Inside this issue:
-- Comments From the Director
-- French Department News
-- Middle School Technology Education: Digital Photography Projects
-- The Price Lab School Physical Health Center Opens in January
-- Elementary P.E. News
-- What's Under the Support Services Umbrella
-- Competition Cheerleaders Win State
-- Advisory Program Update for 9-12 Parents/Guardians
-- NICL Choral Concert
-- Music Department Calendar
-- Singing Valentines
-- Holiday Concert CDs Available
-- 'Notes' from the Band
-- Carnegie Challenge
-- PTP Fundraisers - Schoolpop
-- Booster Club Highlights -
Price Laboratory School University of Northern Iowa Online Newsletter, v13n3, November 2002
University of Northern Iowa. Malcolm Price Laboratory School
Inside this issue:
-- Comments From the Director
-- The Giving Tree Will Supplement Classroom Needs
-- Guidance Announcements
-- Reminder About Contacting Your Child at School
-- Playground Keyboarding
-- Support Services Umbrella
-- NUHS Selected for All State Music Festival
-- Middle School Students Selected for Honor Band
--NUHS High School Students Selected for NICL Honor Band
-- Carnegie Challenge Update
-- Boxtops Contest Winners
-- The Vikings-PLS Flag Football Team's Winning Season
-- Jillian Doddema and Tim McKenna Place at State Cross Country Meet
-- Bob Lee Nominated as National Coach of the Year for Boys Cross Country
-- Honor Roll Omission
-- Colin McElligatt Wins NCTE Achievement Award
-- Healthy Active Lifestyle News
-- NUHS Girls' Swim Team Captures 8th Place at State
-- Panthers Win Central Swim Contest
-- NU Booster Club Meeting Minutes -
[Price Laboratory School] Newsletter, v13n1, August 2002
University of Northern Iowa. Malcolm Price Laboratory School
Inside this issue:
-- Welcome to Price Laboratory School/NU High!
-- A Message from the Principal
-- Elementary Reminders
-- General Announcements
-- Middle and High School Reminders... -
Price Laboratory School University of Northern Iowa Online Newsletter, v12n8, May 2002
University of Northern Iowa. Malcolm Price Laboratory School
Inside this Issue:
-- Comments From the Director
-- Elementary/Middle School Announcements
-- Panther Shootout - August 10
-- 2002 NU Graduates: Plans for the Future
-- Jody Stone Receives Gold Star Award for Outstanding Teaching
-- Tim Bakula Receives UNI Student Employee of the Year Award
-- Eighth Grade Service Learning Project
-- Brie Penaluna Signed Letter of Intent with Tulsa
-- Drake Relays Results
-- 34th Beginning Reading Conference
-- What's Under the Support Services Umbrella
-- NU Theatre Students Create Set Designs
-- Lynne ensworth and Vicki Oleson Receive Tenure
-- Best Wishes to Retiring PLS Faculty/Staff
-- Band Notes: The Musical Month of May
-- May Calendar - Music Events
-- NUHS Concert Choir invited to Carnegie Hall
-- Summer Study in Voice, Piano, and Organ
-- NUHS State Music Contest
-- NUHS Middle School Students Selected for Area Honors Choirs
-- PLS Fifth Graders in Honors Choir
-- Communication Center: Integration with UNI Print Services/Recognition of Staff Members
-- Gifts for the Graduates/Reception Card Invitations
-- Fifth and Sixth Grade Spelling Bee
--Nicky Singh Receives 5th Place at State Spelling Bee
-- French Students Receive Honors and Travel
-- Olympiada 2002 Results
-- Elementary Physical Education Classes Participate in Research Project
-- PE Convention to be held at Price Lab
-- Championship Production Tapes Featured Nationally
-- PTP Carnival: A Great Success
-- PTP Summer Fundraisers
-- PTP April Treasurer's Report
-- PTP April Minutes
-- President Koob to Attend PAC Meeting on May 8 -
Price Laboratory School University of Northern Iowa Online Newsletter, v12n7, April 2002
University of Northern Iowa. Malcolm Price Laboratory School
Inside this Issue:
-- From the Director
-- Elementary/Middle School Announcements
-- Elena Rodriguez to Serve on Governor's Committee
-- PLS/NU Carnival - April 5
-- Mr. and Mrs. Fish Visit Price Lab
-- What's Under the Support Services Umbrella - Talent Development
-- Early Out the Hearst Center for the Arts
-- Outstanding Alumni Awards on Display at PLS
-- Camp Superkids: For Kids with Asthma
-- PLS Places 4th in Math Bee Competition
-- PLS Mathletes Compete at State; Alexander Rapp Earns Place on State Team
-- Katy Lyman Receives Paris Scholarship
-- Mallory Piehl to Attend Girls State Citizenship Program
-- Annika Anderberg Makes Iowa All-Star Cheerleading Squad
-- French Alliance Writing Competition
-- NUHS Iowa State Speech Contest
-- NUHS Iowa District Speech Contest
-- NU to Perform at "Arts in April" Gala Concert on April 1
-- Band Festival Scheduled for April 4
-- Choir Concert - Price Lab Singers - April 16
-- Kudos: BJ Herrick
-- Physical Education: Championship Productions
-- Beginning Reading Conference - April 12
-- Sixth Grade Students Study energy Consumption
-- PTP March Minutes
-- 7th Graders Donate Bake Sale Money to PLS Defense Fund
-- PTP Treasurer's Report
-- Booster Club February Minutes -
Price Laboratory School University of Northern Iowa Online Newsletter, v12n6, March 2002
University of Northern Iowa. Malcolm Price Laboratory School
Inside this Issue:
-- From the Director
-- Elementary/Middle School Announcements
-- NU Receives Highest Recognition in State Speech Contest
-- MATHCOUNTS takes First Place for a Second Year in a Row
-- PLS Nursery/Kindergarten Wins Boxtops Competition - New Contest Starts!
-- Earn Extra Points for PLS
-- NU Cheerleaders Placed 2nd in State and National Competitions
-- Support Services Activities: Explore and "Under the Umbrella"
-- First Amendment Schools Project
-- Elementary Music: Celebrate You and Me
-- Iowa High School Speech Association Contest
-- NU Booster Club - February Minutes
-- NU to Perform for Iowa Bandmasters in May
-- Upcoming Music Events
-- Physical Education: Championship Productions
-- CF Sertoma Club Essay Contest
-- Fiddler on the Roof Performance
-- NU French Department News
-- National Russian Essay Results/Exchange Program
-- Summer enrichment Opportunity
-- PTP Minutes: January and February
-- PTP Treasurer's Reports -
Price Laboratory School University of Northern Iowa Online Newsletter, v12n5, February 2002
University of Northern Iowa. Malcolm Price Laboratory School
Inside this Issue:
-- State of the School Address
-- Elementary/Middle School Announcements
-- Highlights from the Booster Club
-- MLK Trivia Contest Winners
-- Scott Will - Swim Meet Winner
-- Speech Team Advances to State
-- PTP Fundraisers
-- Box Tops for Education
-- Kwik Reward Program
-- Science Fundraiser - B/W Photographs
-- Hand-colored PLS Prints
-- Unit II Students study Australia
-- Yearbook Orders
-- Kudos: B.J. Herrick
-- Kudos: Bob Lee and Neil Phipps
-- Art: Built environment at PLS
-- malls4schools Program
-- National History Day Contest
-- Fiddler on the Roof
-- Support Services Activities
-- Tenth Annual Olympiada of Spoken Russian
-- Russian Placement Exam
-- Music Announcements
-- Summer Middle Level enrichment Program
-- Aquatics Program Offered at PLS
-- PAC Minutes
-- Fees Proposal
-- CPR Sunday -
Price Laboratory School University of Northern Iowa Online Newsletter, v12n4, December 2001-January 2002
University of Northern Iowa. Malcolm Price Laboratory School
Inside this Issue:
-- Thank You AFPLS and PTP!
-- From the Director: Our Accomplishments this Fall
-- Announcements from the Principal
-- Upcoming Music Events
-- Medications
-- NU Yearbook Order
-- P.E. Students Perform at Simpson
-- Kudos: Lori Smith, Craig Pitcher, Ben Myers, Jerry Backstrom, Ashley Atherton and the Cheerleaders
-- Honor Your Child This Holiday
-- PTP News
-- PTP Minutes
-- Support Services
-- Kudos: Sally Ludwig
-- The PLS Science Department
-- Faculty Receive National Board Certification -
Price Laboratory School University of Northern Iowa Online Newsletter, v12n3, November 2001
University of Northern Iowa. Malcolm Price Laboratory School
Inside this Issue:
-- No School November12 - Inservice Day
-- From the Principal
-- Younker's Fundraiser
-- Price Lab/NU Shirts
-- Faculty Kudos
-- Guidance Announcements
-- Orchestra Concerts
-- Science Department Fundraiser: B/W Photos
-- PTP Update
-- Support Services
-- Unit II Students Learn About Communities
-- Student Music Awards
-- Messiah Sing
-- Health Services Policy Review -
Price Laboratory School University of Northern Iowa Online Newsletter, v12n2, October 2001
University of Northern Iowa. Malcolm Price Laboratory School
Inside this Issue:
-- MPLS Study Team Report
-- Collect a MILLION PenNIES Campaign
-- NCA Process: 2001-02
-- The PLS Mentoring Program
-- Thank You Mentor Families
-- Swimming Suits Needed
-- Welcome New Faculty and Staff
-- Secondhand Smoke
-- Governor Appoints Follett to Latino Affairs Commission
-- NUMS History Sleuths Compete
-- NU Theatre Production: Rumors
-- Future of the Yearbook
-- Olympiada of Spoken Russian
-- The Russians are Coming!
-- PLS Writing Center
-- Third Graders to Attend Conference
-- Kuhn Chiropractic Visits PLS
-- PLS Offers Free Wellness Classes
-- AHERA Notification
-- Pesticide Notification
-- UNI Orchesis Dance Clinic
-- PTP Update
-- Guidance Announcements
-- Medications
-- PAC Minutes
-- Science Department: NBPTS
-- Support Services
-- PTP Minutes -
Price Laboratory School] Newsletter, v12n1, August 2001
University of Northern Iowa. Malcolm Price Laboratory School
Inside this Issue:
-- Welcome to Price Laboratory School!
-- Message from the Principal, John Krumbholz
-- Elementary Reminders...
-- General Announcements...
-- Secondary Reminders...
-- UNI student employees
-- PLS Support Services
-- NU Golf Team finishes great three-year run with 4th-place finish in state meet
-- PLS Newsletter Online -
Price Laboratory School University of Northern Iowa Online Newsletter, v11n8, April 2001
University of Northern Iowa. Malcolm Price Laboratory School
Inside this Issue:
-- Announcements from John
-- Speech
-- Write for College books
-- NU Boys Basketball Team
-- Middle School Transition
-- Births
-- Thank you Partners
-- Price Lab Makes History
-- PLS/UNI Summer enrichment Program for Talented and Motivated
-- 2001 Olympiada of Spoken Russian
-- Trip to Canada 2001
-- Geographic Bee
-- Fathers and Families Fair
-- Price Lab Human Rights Project
-- Educational Equity Seeking Members
-- PTP Update
-- Scholarships
-- Jump Rope for Heart
-- PTP Minutes
-- Math Bee
-- Dessert Concert Set for April
-- April Music Activities Calendar
-- Middle School Honor Choirs
-- Band Pops Concert -
Price Laboratory School Newsletter, v11n7, March 2001
University of Northern Iowa. Malcolm Price Laboratory School
Inside this Issue:
-- Dr. Ross A. Nielsen
-- Panther Press Online
-- PTP Minutes
-- Volunteers Needed for Speech
-- From the Ed Van Cleave family
-- National Laboratory School Conference
-- Medications
-- Announcements from John
-- MathCounts
-- Congratulations Boys Swim Team
-- Model United Nations Melts Chicago Ice
-- Charles Johnsons Signs Letter of Intent
-- Trimester in France
-- 2001 Secondary Schools Excellence Program
-- EEAC Minutes
-- Guidance Announcements
-- March is "Music in Our Schools" Month
-- Visit Our Elementary Music Classrooms
-- NU Students Participate in Honor Choir
-- All-School Band Festival March 6 -
Price Laboratory Newsletter, v11n6, February 2001
University of Northern Iowa. Malcolm Price Laboratory School
Inside this Issue:
-- PLS in International Student Forum
-- Profile: Sharlene Morgan, Communication Center
-- Building Equity Plan
-- CPR Sunday
-- National Geographic Society Bee
-- enrollment Information
-- Announcements
-- Defiant Children Parent Training Classes
-- Carnival's Coming!
-- Update from PTP
-- Scholarship Information
-- February - Black History Month
-- Kudos
-- Taking the Show on the Road
-- PLS Elementary Students Participate in Service Project
-- Language Arts Classes
-- Speech Contest
-- Theatre
-- Bon Voyage
-- NUHS Vocal Students Selected for Area Honor Choirs
-- February Concerts
-- Elementary Music Concert
-- NU Band Students Chosen for Honors Bands
-- The PEP ACT Passes in Congress!!!!
-- Wellness Classes Are Up and Running at Price Lab -
[Price Laboratory School] Newsletter, v11n5, January 2001
University of Northern Iowa. Malcolm Price Laboratory School
Inside this Issue:
-- Announcements from the Principal
-- NU High School Choir to Sing for Legislature
-- Parent Advisory Council MINUTES
-- Update from PTP
-- PROFILE: Joan Day, Attendance Office
-- Scholarship Information
-- Unity Poem -
[Price Laboratory School] Newsletter, v11n4, December 2000
University of Northern Iowa. Malcolm Price Laboratory School
Inside this Issue:
-- Wendell's Article
-- AFPLS/PTP Benefit Auction
-- PTP NEWS American Education Week
-- 3rd Annual PLS Golf Outing & PTP Fundraiser
-- mall4schools Program
-- Student Directory
-- Thank you PTP, Student Council and Administrators
-- The Auction continues...for a digital copier
-- Girls Cross Country
-- Notes from the Middle School Coordinator
-- IAHPERD Conference Held on November 3 and 4
-- Amnesty International Chapter Founded at NU High
-- Support Our School With These Fund Raisers!
-- Welcome New Student
-- NUHS to host State Individual Events Speech Contest Volunteers Needed!
-- Creative Drama Students
-- Profiles: New Faculty and Staff
-- Guidance News
-- MINUTES - Education Equity Advisory Committee (EEAC) October 9, 2000
-- MINUTES - Parent Advisory Council November 14, 2000
-- PLS/NUHS PTP MEETING MINUTES - November 14, 2000
-- NU Middle and High School Band Students to Honor Band
-- Model State Legislature 2000
-- Newsletter Announcements for December from John Krumbholz
-- Academic Letters Awarded
-- NUHS to host State Individual Events Speech Contest! Volunteers Needed!
-- Profile: Judy Vowell PLS Office Coordinator -
[Price Laboratory School] Newsletter, v11n3, November 2000
University of Northern Iowa. Malcolm Price Laboratory School
Inside this Issue:
-- AHERA Notification
-- The Hollow - November 10 and 11
-- Dept. News
-- Attention Parents of Middle School Children
-- "What would it be like if you were a "rider" on the Southwestern Iowa Underground Railroad?"
-- Messiah Sing-a-long
-- NU Alumnus Sings at the Vatican in Rome
-- Orchestra
-- NUHS Band Students Selected for NICL Honor Band
-- MINUTES - Parents Advisory Council
-- The Polyglots of NU High
-- National French Week
-- NUHS to host State Individual Events Speech Contest -
[Price Laboratory School] Newsletter, v11n2, October 2000
University of Northern Iowa. Malcolm Price Laboratory School
Inside this Issue:
-- NCA Evaluation Addressing School Climate
-- Dept News Announcements
-- Notes from the Middle School Coordinator
-- The 2000 NUHS Homecoming Court
-- Homecoming 2000
-- Wellness & You
-- National School Lunch Week
-- Sixth Grade Fall Parent Meeting - September 14
-- Auction Items on Display!
-- Music Events
-- Guidance Announcements...
-- Price Lab School Parking Recommendations
-- PLS Online Newsletter
-- Help NU High School Earn Money with malls4schools
-- Fall Theatre Production - The Hollow
-- PLS Modern Languages
-- September Citizenship Assembly
-- UNI Student Employees -
[Price Laboratory School] Newsletter, v11n1, August-September 2000
University of Northern Iowa. Malcolm Price Laboratory School
Inside this Issue:
-- Welcome to Price Laboratory School!
-- Message from the Principal, John Krumbholz
-- Elementary Reminders...
-- General PLS Announcements
-- NUHS 2nd Semester Honor Roll 1999-2000
-- AFPLS Banquet and Auction
-- Ongoing PTP Fund Raisers
-- What is PTP?
-- NU Golf Team finishes great three-year run with 4th-place finish in state meet
-- PLS Newsletter Online
-- Communication Center -
[Price Laboratory School] Newsletter, v10n8, May 2000
University of Northern Iowa. Malcolm Price Laboratory School
Inside this Issue:
-- Working as a Total Community to Make PLS a School for Everyone
-- Dept. News Announcement
-- Bob Lee named as referee for 91st annual Drake Relays
-- Privet of Smolenska (Hi from Smolensk!) #2
-- Elementary Music
-- Wellness & You!
-- Graduation Plans for the NUHS Class of 2000
-- Carnival 2000 Raffle
-- Price Laboratory School Carnival May 12, 2000
-- Ongoing PTP Fund Raisers
-- Free Parenting Class
-- Physical Education Update
-- Secondary/All-School Music Events
-- PLS/NUHS Orchestra Concerts to present May Spring Concerts
-- Le Grand Concours 2000
-- Kudos
-- Fee-For-Service Financial Aid Counseling: Is It Worth It? -
[Price Laboratory School] Newsletter, v10n7, April 2000
University of Northern Iowa. Malcolm Price Laboratory School
Inside this Issue:
-- Long-Range Planning - Key to Success
-- The Sixth Sense...
-- KUDOS - Dr. Lyn Le Countryman
-- Middle School Transition Parent Meeting - May 18
-- Lynne ensworth, UNI II teacher, receives McElroy Grant
-- Magnifique Things happening in French classes!
-- Math Bee held at Maucker Union on March 10
-- Music Events
-- "It's a Small World"
-- Ongoing PTP Fund Raisers
-- NUHS Summer Sports Program 2000
-- Minutes EEAC January 10, 2000
-- Minutes EEAC February 21, 2000
-- EEAC Meeting March 14, 2000
-- Five Middle Schoolers Advance to State History Fair
-- IHSSA All-State Festival
-- Dept. News Announcements From Principal John Krumbholz
-- 2000 Olympiada of Spoken Russian -
[Price Laboratory School] Newsletter, v10n6, March 2000
University of Northern Iowa. Malcolm Price Laboratory School
Inside this Issue:
-- Our Mission, Our Progress, Our Future
-- Announcements from John Krumbholz
-- Fitness Friday Update: Exercise Fun for Everyone!
-- PTP/PAC Calling all parents!
-- UNI Student Teachers at Price Lab this Semester!
-- El Salvador Rocks Chicago
-- Younkers Donates $500 to PLS Butterfly/Theme Garden
-- Thank you Gloria, Jim & the PLS Communication Center!
-- "It's a Small World" - The 2000 Price Laboratory School Carnival
-- MPLS Aquatic School 2000
-- PLS Mentor Families Needed!
-- AHERA Notification February 2000
-- Holocaust Survivor to Speak at NU High Assembly on March 1
-- Eighth Grade Students Teach Shakespeare
-- Teeter-Totterathon to Benefit Language Arts Department
-- Music Events
-- Upcoming Elementary Music Concert!
-- American Council of Teachers of Russian - 2000 Secondary Schools Excellence Program
-- Post Prom Plans -
[Price Laboratory School] Newsletter, v10n5, February 2000
University of Northern Iowa. Malcolm Price Laboratory School
Inside this Issue:
-- Vice President Al Gore and Senator Ted Kennedy speak at rally in Nielsen Field House
-- National Honor Society Inductees
-- Announcements from John Krumbholz
-- The Music Man March 3, 4, 5
-- Visiting Artist Work with PLS Students
-- NU High School 1st Semester Honor Roll
-- Media Messages
-- Students Participate in Virtual Reality Session
-- Our Student Assistants in Instructional Technology
-- Ongoing PTP Fund Raisers
-- PTP Disbursements - 1999-2000
-- People Respecting Our Unique Differences
-- NUHS Spring Sports Program 1999-2000
-- PLS Geography Bee 2000 - Atulya Iyengar advances to state level
-- Destination: Paris
-- Music Events
-- Trip to the UNI Wellness Center - a "Holiday Present"
-- Guidance - Important Dates... -
[Price Laboratory School] Newsletter, v10n4, December 1999-January 2000
University of Northern Iowa. Malcolm Price Laboratory School
Inside this Issue:
-- Defining Quality in Education
-- PTP Salutes Price Laboratory School Employees
-- American Education Week November 15-19
-- The 1999 NUHS Homecoming Celebration - Reincarnating an old NUHS tradition: Coronation
-- Fitness Friday
-- PLS Trivia
-- Physical Education for Progress (PEP Act)
-- Parent Advisory Council Minutes of November 2, 1999
-- Minutes Educational Equity Advisory Committee (EEAC) September 13, 1999
-- Minutes Educational Equity Advisory Committee (EEAC) October 11, 1999
-- PLS/NUHS PTP MEETING MINUTES - November 2, 1999
-- Polish Professors and Students Visit Price Lab/UNI on Exchange Program
-- Announcements from John Krumbholz
-- NALS Regional Midwest Conference held at PLS
-- Music Events -
[Price Laboratory School] Newsletter, v10n3, November 1999
University of Northern Iowa. Malcolm Price Laboratory School
Inside this Issue:
-- Partnerships: Building Education Collaboratively
-- Benefit Auction
-- Announcements
-- PLS Parent Teacher Conferences November 11 and 12
-- The Price Lab Singers
-- NU Band Students Selected for NICL North Conference Honor Band
-- Northern University High School Winter Sports Program 1999-2000
-- Parent Advisory Council Minutes of October 12, 1999
-- PLS/NUHS PTP Meeting Minutes - October 5, 1999
-- PLS/NU Students enjoy Presentation by the Power Team
-- French Students Earn Honors
-- Theatre - Twelve Angry Jurors
-- Middle School Activities
-- Hand Washing is Still the Most Effective Way to Reduce Illness -
[Price Laboratory School] Newsletter, v10n2, October 1999
University of Northern Iowa. Malcolm Price Laboratory School
Inside this Issue:
-- PLS Organizations Host Benefit Auction on November 5
-- Announcements
-- Rosa Maria de Findley Inducted into the Iowa Women's Hall of Fame
-- Annual PLS Golf Outing
-- Russian Program Announcements
-- Introducing our New Faculty and Staff
-- "W.A.Y. to Grow" Celebrate Good Nutrition
-- Food Guide Pyramid
-- Homecoming Week Activities
-- PLS/NUHS PTP MEETING MINUTES - September 7, 1999
-- ACT Results for the 1999 Graduating Class
-- Resources for Gifted Students...
-- Help Price Lab Through Fundraisers!
-- Nursery Kindergarten Students enjoy "Safety City"
-- NU Fall Theatre Announces Fall Production Cast
-- Guidance - Important Dates... -
[Price Laboratory School] Newsletter, v10n1, August-September 1999
University of Northern Iowa. Malcolm Price Laboratory School
Inside this issue:
-- Dear Parents and Supporters
-- Message from the Principal, John Krumbholz
-- Elementary Reminders
-- General PLS Announcements
-- Secondary Reminders... -
[Price Laboratory School] Newsletter, v9n8, May 1999
University of Northern Iowa. Malcolm Price Laboratory School
Inside this issue:
-- The Littleton, Colorado Tragedy: What Should Be the Focus?
-- Thoughts from...the PLS Middle School Coordinator
-- Privet ot Smolenska! (Hi from Smolensk!)
-- Music Activities
-- Announcements From John Krumbholz
-- PTP General Meeting: May 25, 1999
-- Parent Advisory Committee (PAC) Minutes of 23 February, 1999
-- You are Invited: The 1999 Spring Tea is Set for May 20
-- What Do Our 1999 NU Seniors Plan to do After Graduation?
-- Quebec May 1999
-- Middle School Students Visit to Chile
-- What Are Our NU Alumni Doing After Graduation?
-- Atulya Ipengar Wins Third Place in State Geography Bee
-- McElroy Excellence in Education enrichment Grant
-- Support Services Year - in Perspective -
[Price Laboratory School] Newsletter, v9n7, April 1999
University of Northern Iowa. Malcolm Price Laboratory School
Inside this issue:
-- Improving Our Phone Communication
-- Russian Olympiada
-- Yearbook: Teeter-Totter-A-Thon
-- Prom Date
-- NCA Parent Survey
-- Art Scholarships
-- Beginning Reading Conference
-- Learning About Bosnians
-- Some Answers to Your Questions
-- Citizenship "Wrestling Moves"
-- Police Officers and Dog Visit
-- Your Health/Super Kid Camp
-- Music Activities
-- Outdoor Learning Area
-- Thanks to Our PLS Partners
-- Yearbook Alternatives
-- Current Scholarships -
[Price Laboratory School] Newsletter, v9n6, March 1999
University of Northern Iowa. Malcolm Price Laboratory School
Inside this issue:
-- Dr. Ross Nielsen - Mr. Price Laboratory School
-- Important Notice from Hawk-I
-- PLS Students Speak in honor of Martin Luther King
-- How You Can Assist with Fundraising
-- Fifth Grade Service Learning Project for Foster Care Children
-- Check Out These Websites
-- Russian Program Announcements
-- Guidance: Scholarship & ACT Preparation
-- Music Events
-- Loving Literature with Children
-- Kindergarten Round-up
-- Hot Lunch/Anyone Listening?
-- Welcome Student Teachers
-- Bon Voyage, eleves de NU
-- Honor Choir Students
-- National Merit Finalist
-- PLS Cub Scout Pack 56
-- Research Project -
[Price Laboratory School] Newsletter, v9n5, February 1999
University of Northern Iowa. Malcolm Price Laboratory School
Inside this issue:
-- Educational Initiatives
-- NCA Evaluation
-- Upcoming Music Events
-- Issues From John Krumbholz
-- PLS Model State Legislators
-- Current Scholarships
-- Star Schools Grant
-- 11th Annual Geography Bee
-- The New Meal Program
-- Check Out These Web Sites
-- PTP Minutes, Fundraiser
-- Sports Program Activity Schedule
-- Health Care Coverage -
[Price Laboratory School] Newsletter, v9n4, December 1998-January 1999
University of Northern Iowa. Malcolm Price Laboratory School
Inside this issue:
-- My Most Special Teacher
-- American Education Activities
-- New Student Teachers
-- Special Education Plan
-- French Oral Contest
-- PLS ICN Activities
-- Early Dismissal for Inservice
-- Activity Passes
-- Issues of Concern
-- PTP Executive Board
-- American Classics
-- Trip to Chile
-- PLS Technology
-- Music Event Schedule
-- Student Handbook Committee
-- Fulbright to Japan -
[Price Laboratory School] Newsletter, v9n3, November 1998
University of Northern Iowa. Malcolm Price Laboratory School
Inside this issue:
-- School Improvement Facts About PLS
-- Unique Christmas Gifts
-- Starting Over is Sticky Business Even for the Pros
-- PLS Original Prints
-- Guidance Announcements
-- PLS Pampered Chef Party!
-- Korean Teachers Visit PLS
-- Russian Exchange Program
-- Sharon Teisinger Memorial
-- Library Use by PLS Students
-- Handwashing
-- Gloria Peoples Hooks - Cafeteria
-- World's Window Shopping
-- The New PLS Playground
-- Hannah Buck - Opus -98
-- Acceptable Use Policy -
[Price Laboratory School] Newsletter, v9n2, October 1998
University of Northern Iowa. Malcolm Price Laboratory School
Inside this issue:
-- Meet our New Principal
-- What PLS/NU Students are Excited About this Year!
-- Our Business Partners
-- PLS Family Mentor Program
-- Homecoming Barbecue
-- Ruth Ann Gaines, Teacher of the Year, and students, at PLS
-- Modern Languages Russian Trip
-- Jim Becker: Fulbright to Japan
-- Introducing New Faculty/Staff
-- Music Events
-- Progress Reports by Email from the Science Department
-- Middle School Language Arts: Current Events Activities
-- Guidance - Important Dates
-- Chile Student Exchange
-- Homecoming Breakfast -
[Price Laboratory School] Newsletter, v9n1, August-September 1998
University of Northern Iowa. Malcolm Price Laboratory School
Inside this issue:
-- Welcome to Price Laboratory School!
-- General Announcements...
-- Elementary Reminders...
-- Secondary Reminders... -
[Price Laboratory School] Newsletter, v8n8, May 1998
University of Northern Iowa. Malcolm Price Laboratory School
Inside this issue:
-- Dialogue on Parenting - Drug Abuse
-- Booster Club
-- Senior Breakfast
-- Bike Ride Across Iowa
-- Scientist Wax Museum
-- Take Note Items
-- Math Bee Participation
-- Parent/Middle School
-- Teacher Meeting
-- Senior Projects
-- Peer Helpers Program
-- Plans for class of '98
-- Coffeehouse Productions
-- May Band Concerts
-- Middle School Honor Choir
-- Spring Vocal Recital
-- New District for Football
-- Assignments
-- Physical Exams for 98-99
-- Summer Sport Program
-- Safety Education -
[Price Laboratory School] Newsletter, v8n7, April 1998
University of Northern Iowa. Malcolm Price Laboratory School
Inside this issue:
-- Dialogue on Parenting - NALS Participation
-- Take Note - Achievements/Announcements
-- Elementary - Math Lending Library
-- Young Writer's Conference
-- Goals 2000 Grant
-- Concerts and Contests
-- Honors Assembly
-- Graphic Calculators
-- French Classes
-- New Look...PLS Web page
-- Early Bird Wellness
-- PAC Recruitment
-- New Web Page
-- Inkjet Cartridge Recycling
-- April Scholarships -
[Price Laboratory School] Newsletter, v8n6, March 1998
University of Northern Iowa. Malcolm Price Laboratory School
Inside this issue:
-- Message from the Director
-- Dialogue on Parenting - Parents Can Work with Schools to Help Students Learn Responsibility
-- What is P.R.O.U.D.
-- Getting New Look: Remodeling in Unit II
-- Hello from around the World!
-- Middle School
-- Guidance
-- Northern University High School Spring Sports Program 1997-1998
-- Report to Parents: Children and Drugs
-- Report to Parents: Teaching Children about Aging
-- Minutes PLS Multicultural, Nonsexist Advisory Committee February 15, 1998
-- PLS Task Force Minutes January 27, 1998
-- PTP Minutes - February 3, 1998
-- PAC Meeting Minutes February 10, 1998
-- Bigger, Faster, Stronger (BFS) Program
-- Modern Language Events
-- Math Counts: Price Lab Goes to State!
-- Cedar Valley's Children and Youth Conference April 17 and 18
-- Yearbook News
-- Technology Tidbits at PLS -
[Price Laboratory School] Newsletter, v8n5, February 1998
University of Northern Iowa. Malcolm Price Laboratory School
Inside this issue:
-- Message from the Director
-- Dialogue on Parenting: Parents Can Work With Schools to Help Students Learn Responsibility
-- First Class PLS Bakery
-- Music Department
-- PAC Meeting Minutes December 9, 1997
-- PAC Meeting Minutes January 12, 1998
-- PLS Task Force Minutes December 2, 1997
-- Minutes PLS Multicultural, Nonsexist Advisory Committee November 24, 1997
-- Minutes PLS Multicultural, Nonsexist Advisory Committee December 15, 1997
-- PTP Minutes - January 6, 1998
-- PTP Minutes - December 2, 1997
-- Northern University High School Spring and Summer Sports Program 1997-1998
-- Close Up Trip: NU Students go to Washington D.C.
-- Middle School
-- Take Note!
-- Guidance...
-- Safety... -
[Price Laboratory School] Newsletter, v8n4, December 1997-January 1998
University of Northern Iowa. Malcolm Price Laboratory School
Inside this issue:
-- Message from the Director
-- NU Alum Receives Lux Service Award
-- Dialogue on Parenting: Multicultural Education Provides a Path Toward Better Learning
-- Take Note!
-- A Wonderful Reunion
-- Middle School...
-- Guidance...
-- Parents, Volunteers, Visitors - Name tags required starting December 1
-- Urgent: Meal Accounts Must Be Kept Up-To-Date
-- Multicultural Non-Sexist Advisory Committee October 20, 1997 Minutes
-- PTP Minutes November 4, 1997
-- PLS Task Force Minutes November 4, 1997
-- PAC Meeting Minutes November 11, 1997
-- Report to Parents: TV Ratings
-- Report to Parents: Good Manners
-- Secondary...
-- Outreach...Department of Defense Dependent Schools
-- Take Note!
-- Stages, Symptoms, and Significance of Development Spelling
-- PLS Iowa Communications Network Classroom: A Place for Collaboration and Professional Development -
[Price Laboratory School] Newsletter, v8n3, November 1997
University of Northern Iowa. Malcolm Price Laboratory School
Inside this issue:
-- Nigerian, Romanian and Bulgarian Educators Visit Price Lab in October
-- Praising the Community Builders
-- Elementary...
-- Take Note!
-- Middle School...
-- Secondary...
-- Guidance...
-- Child Development Center: Friend of the Center Award -
[Price Laboratory School] Newsletter, v8n2, October 1997
University of Northern Iowa. Malcolm Price Laboratory School
Inside this issue:
-- Message from the Director: Leaders Come from All Areas
-- Price Lab School Plays Host to International Educators
-- The Magical Place - Price Lab School
-- UNI Child Development Center Participates in Democratic Forum on Early Childhood Development
-- Take Note!
-- PLS Guidance Department...
-- PLS Support Services
-- Introducing our New Faculty and Staff
-- Take Note!
-- Elementary News
-- Middle School Coordinator's Corner -
[Price Laboratory School] Newsletter, v8n1, August-September 1997
University of Northern Iowa. Malcolm Price Laboratory School
Inside this issue:
-- Student enrollment fee policy 1997-98
-- PLS non-discrimination policy and grievance procedures
-- New UNI-PLS phone system
-- Volunteers needed for August registration
-- Registration days
-- UNI Student employees
-- Elementary news...
-- PLS elementary mathematics lending library
-- Northern University High School Falls Sports Program 1997-1998
-- Join PTP...Because it matters to our Children!
-- Campbell's Labels for Education Program: Here's What to Save:
-- Middle School...
-- NUHS concert choir information
-- Music, Drama & TV
-- Secondary News.... -
[Price Laboratory School] Newsletter, v7n8, May 1997
University of Northern Iowa. Malcolm Price Laboratory School
Inside this issue:
-- Internal Marketing Activities at Price Laboratory School
-- Elementary News...
-- KBBG and Chalk Dust Chats
-- Dean Seeks Task Force to Study Parent Participation at PLS
-- NUHS Russian Students Return to Russia
-- French Students Excel in Written Contest
-- The French Exchange Continues -
[Price Laboratory School] Newsletter, v7n7, April 1997
University of Northern Iowa. Malcolm Price Laboratory School
Inside this issue:
-- Busy Months for the PLS French Department
-- "Peace" This is our cry, This is our prayer; Peace in the world.
-- There's Still Time
-- Young Women on the Move
-- Middle School Variety Show
-- Wishing Them Well
-- Registration Time!
-- Price Lab PTP News & View
-- PAC Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes 2/11/97 -
[Price Laboratory School] Newsletter, v7n6, March 1997
University of Northern Iowa. Malcolm Price Laboratory School
Inside this issue:
-- Nursery/Kindergarten Program for 1997-98
-- Unit II News
-- Fourth Grade News
-- Volunteering
-- PLS Goes to Washington, D.C. & Williamsburg - Update
-- Sixth Grade News
-- The Sophomore View: Eight-Period Day
-- Student Behavior
-- Junior Update
-- Senior Update
-- National Honor Society
-- Middle/High School Conferences
-- Sports Update
-- "Our Town" - Spring Production
-- NUHS Choir Students Selected for Area Honor Choirs
-- NICL Choral Festival to be Rescheduled
-- The MPLS Library Line - Volunteers Needed
-- Northern University High School Spring and Summer Sports Program - 1996-1997
-- Parent Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes 12-11-96
-- PTP Carnival
-- Immunization Clinic -
[Price Laboratory School] Newsletter, v7n5, February 1997
University of Northern Iowa. Malcolm Price Laboratory School
Inside this issue:
-- Search for New Director
-- Unit II News
-- Mrs. Betterton's 4th Grade Class
-- Mrs. ensworth's Fourth Grade Class
-- Price Laboratory School Internet Acceptable Use Contract for Students and Parents (guardians)
-- Fifth Grade News
-- Coach Bob Lee Inducted into the "Hall of Fame"
-- N.U.H.S. National Honor Society Formal Induction Ceremony
-- PLS Goes to Washington, D.C.
-- "In White America" On the Road
-- PLS Music Department February Performances
-- Dance
-- Malcolm Price Laboratory School
-- Northern University High School Spring and Summer Sports Program - 1996-97
-- Read Any Good Books?
-- PTP News & Views
-- Grievance Procedures -
[Price Laboratory School] Newsletter, v7n4, December 1996-January 1997
University of Northern Iowa. Malcolm Price Laboratory School
Inside this issue:
-- School Improvement
-- Mrs. Smith's Third Grade Class
-- Mrs. Betterton's Fourth Grade Class
-- Mrs. ensworth's Fourth Grade Class
-- Guthrie Theatre Trip
-- What's Happening in Sixth Grade
-- PLS Pride Facts from Fifth Grade
-- Special Report: Sophomores in Fall Activities
-- Junior Update
-- Parent Advisory Committee Meeting
-- Upcoming Musical Performances
-- Five NU Students Selected for Honor Band
-- Price Lab PTP News & Views
-- Students Participate in French Language Camp -
[Price Laboratory School] Newsletter, v7n3, November 1996
University of Northern Iowa. Malcolm Price Laboratory School
Inside this issue:
-- Technology at PLS
-- The MPLS Library Line
-- New Russian Teacher
-- Learning About Schools in Unit II
-- From Mrs. Vincent's Class
-- Third Grade News
-- Fourth Grade News
-- Fifth Grade News
-- Middle School Lock-In
-- Sophomore News
-- Junior Update
-- Cross Country
-- Northern University High School Winter Sports Program - 1996-1997
-- Our Last Homecoming Week
-- Dr. Countryman Receives Award
-- PLS Concert Schedule
-- High School Band History Project
-- 30 Developmental Assets
-- From the Guidance Office -
[Price Laboratory School] Newsletter, v7n2, October 1996
University of Northern Iowa. Malcolm Price Laboratory School
Inside this issue:
-- Elementary Citizenship Program
-- Building PLS School Pride
-- New Faculty/Staff at PLS
-- Theatre Performance
-- Middle School Coordinator's Corner
-- Parent Volunteers Needed: Playground Improvement Committee
-- News from the Guidance Office -
[Price Laboratory School] Newsletter, v7n1, August-September 1996
University of Northern Iowa. Malcolm Price Laboratory School
Inside this issue:
-- Welcome to PLS!
-- Elementary News
-- Middle School Coordinator's Corner
-- Secondary News -
[Price Laboratory School] Newsletter, v6n8, May 1996
University of Northern Iowa. Malcolm Price Laboratory School
Inside this issue:
-- Our Trip to Russia
-- Congratulations to the N.U.H.S. Class of 1996!
-- Unit II Update
-- Third Grade Update
-- Fourth Grade Update/Wrap-Up
-- Fifth Grade News
-- Middle School Coordinator's Corner
-- Sports Update
-- Vocal Music
-- String Orchestra Department News
-- All-School Band Festival Concert May 2
-- Summertime enrichment: Don't Forget the Family! -
[Price Laboratory School] Newsletter, v6n7, April 1996
University of Northern Iowa. Malcolm Price Laboratory School
Inside this issue:
-- How to use the PLS Web Page
-- Fifth Grade News
-- Mr. Lee's Fourth Grade Class
-- Unit II Update
-- Middle School Coordinator's Corner
-- The American Association of School Administrators
-- General Testing Information for High School Students
-- Proposed Amendment of PTP by-laws
-- Problem solving - The IDEAL Way to Resolve Family Differences
-- P.R.O.U.D. -
[Price Laboratory School] Newsletter, v6n6, March 1996
University of Northern Iowa. Malcolm Price Laboratory School
Inside this issue:
-- PLS on the World Wide Web
-- Great Bike Ride Across Iowa
-- Nursery Kindergarten Round-Up
-- Unit II Update
-- Fifth Grade Update
-- Mr. Lee's Fourth Grade Class
-- Middle School Coordinator's Corner
-- Sixth Grade Update
-- Seventh Grade Update
-- C-Span Visit
-- Spring Musical, South Pacific
-- Tenth Grade Update
-- Eleventh Grade Update
-- Carnival Raffle Merchants' Market
-- Close Up Review
-- 1996 Spring and Fall Activities
-- PLS Activities Update
-- Recognizing When Your Child is in Need -
[Price Laboratory School] Newsletter, v6n5, February 1996
University of Northern Iowa. Malcolm Price Laboratory School
Inside this issue:
-- Iowa Communication Network Coming to PLS
-- Elementary News
-- Middle School Coordinator's Corner
-- 7th Grade Update
-- National Honor Society
-- 9th Grade Update
-- 10th Grade Update
-- Model Legislature '95
-- Senior Update
-- 1995 Presidential Awards Announced
-- Vocal Music
-- PLS Orchestra News
-- Geography Bee
-- Student Needs Require Parent-Educator Partnership
-- Russian Update -
[Price Laboratory School] Newsletter, v6n4, December 1995-January 1996
University of Northern Iowa. Malcolm Price Laboratory School
Inside this issue:
-- Post-Conference Communication
-- Student Leadership
-- Lights On For Life
-- National Honor Society
-- Red Ribbon Week Middle School Essay Contest
-- The PLS Library Line
-- Middle School Coordinator's Corner
-- Unit II Update
-- Fourth Grade Updates
-- Third Grade Update
-- Fifth Grade Update
-- Ninth Grade Update
-- Tenth Grade Update
-- Eleventh Grade Update
-- Twelfth Grade Update
-- High School Students Participate in Conferences!
-- Athletic Department News -
[Price Laboratory School] Newsletter, v6n3, November 1995
University of Northern Iowa. Malcolm Price Laboratory School
Inside this issue:
-- Social Studies Teacher of the Year
-- Field House Update
-- Horatio Alger Date Set
-- Minutes of the Parent Advisory Committee-September 26, 1995
-- Northern University High School Theatre Presents The Imaginary Invalid
-- Experimental High School Schedule
-- 1995-96 Student Council Officers
-- 1995-96 Strategic Planning
-- "Notes from the Music Department"
-- Fourth Grade Update
-- Fifth Grade Update
-- Third Grade Update
-- Iowa Test of Basic Skills (ITBS)
-- Middle School Coordinator's Corner -
PLS Update, Fall 1995
University of Northern Iowa. Malcolm Price Laboratory School
Inside this issue:
-- Inservice and Curriculum Development Planning -
[Price Laboratory School] Newsletter, v6n2, October 1995
University of Northern Iowa. Malcolm Price Laboratory School
Inside this issue:
-- Field House Updates
-- Sports
-- PTP Open House
-- NUHS Students Receive National and International Recognition
-- The Horatio Alger Association
-- Jacque Smith Named State Presidential Award Finalist
-- New PLS Faculty/Staff
-- Middle School Coordinator's Corner -
PLS Newsletter, v6n1, August-September 1995
University of Northern Iowa. Malcolm Price Laboratory School
Inside this issue:
-- Welcome Back!
-- Registration Days
-- Athletic Season Tickets
-- 1995-1996 School Fees
-- UNI Student Employees
-- Elementary News
-- Secondary News
-- High School and Middle School Advisor-Advisee Program
-- PTP Opportunities -
PLS Newsletter, v5n8, May 1995
University of Northern Iowa. Malcolm Price Laboratory School
Inside this issue:
-- The Three V's: Variety, Validity, and Vitality in an Expanded High School Language Arts Curriculum
-- 101 Ways Parents Can Help Students Achieve
-- What's New with Technology at PLS?
-- A New Adventure...
-- Elementary News
-- NU's Active French Program
-- Music
-- Activities Update
-- Congratulations to Lowell Hoeft -
PLS Newsletter, v5n7, April 1995
University of Northern Iowa. Malcolm Price Laboratory School
Inside this issue:
-- Advancing the Role of Technology at PLS
-- 101 Ways Parents Can Help Students Achieve
-- Field House Update
-- Price Lab Sixth Graders and Public Policy
-- Congratulations to Diane McCarty
-- PTP Spring Meeting
-- Spring Athletic Schedules
-- Parent Advisory Council Minutes
-- National Honor Society Awards
-- All-School Bank Festival -
PLS Update, Spring 1995
University of Northern Iowa. Malcolm Price Laboratory School
Inside this issue:
-- Rap Music: A Creative and Cultural Approach to Learning
-- Family and Consumer Sciences Professional Development Program
-- Fifth Grade Literary Survey -
PLS Newsletter, v5n6, March 1995
University of Northern Iowa. Malcolm Price Laboratory School
Inside this issue:
-- Close-Up Program
-- 101 Ways Parents Can Help Students Achieve
-- Fieldhouse Progress Report
-- Middle School Coordinator's Corner
-- Update on NUHS Russian Program
-- "Notes from the Music Department"
-- Girls Golf
-- NUHS Benefit Dessert Concert
-- That was Then, This is Now: Middle School Language Arts
-- Gus Macker August 4-6, 1995 -
PLS Newsletter, v5n5, February 1995
University of Northern Iowa. Malcolm Price Laboratory School
Inside this issue:
-- Inclusion of Special Needs Children in Nursery Kindergarten
-- Fifth Grade Literary Survey
-- Family and Consumer Sciences Professional Development Program
-- Addressing the Needs of At-Risk Students - part II
-- New Library Acquisitions
-- 101 Ways Parents Can Help Students Achieve
-- Middle School Coordinator's Corner
-- Two February Concerts
-- Faculty/Parent Variety Show
-- Parent and Grandparent Classroom Visitations
-- Rap Music: A Creative and Cultural Approach to Learning -
PLS Newsletter, v5n4, December 1994-January 1995
University of Northern Iowa. Malcolm Price Laboratory School
Inside this issue:
-- MPLS Citizenship Education
-- Elementary Culture Council
-- Model State Legislature
-- Playground Safety
-- Congratulations to Diane McCarty
-- Field House Update
-- MPLS Harassment Policy Revisited
-- Fire Prevention Week Winners
-- Activities Update
-- 101 Ways Parents Can Help Students Achieve
-- Addressing the needs of At-Risk Students -
PLS Newsletter, v5n3, November 1994
University of Northern Iowa. Malcolm Price Laboratory School
Inside this issue:
-- Irina Abramova, NU High's Latest Russian Exchange Teacher
-- Gus Macker - 1995?
-- Early Childhood Mathematics
-- New Staff Member
-- Identify At-Risk Students
-- 101 Ways Parents Can Help Students Achieve
-- Do You Listen to Your Kids? Report on a Research Project
-- High School Students Examine History Through Primary Source Materials -
PLS Newsletter, v5n2, October 1994
University of Northern Iowa. Malcolm Price Laboratory School
Inside this issue:
-- Paul J. Hamadi Joins PLS Community
-- Important Notice
-- Field House Update
-- PLS Harassment Policy
-- New PLS Faculty
-- 101 Ways Parents Can Help Students Achieve
-- Carnival - Raffle - Merchant's Market
-- Concert Dates for Middle School and High School Groups
-- Conferences Middle and High School
-- Blood Drive Planned
-- Children's Book Swap
-- Communication
-- Fall Play
-- Middle School Student-Led Parent Conferences -
PLS Newsletter, v5n1, August 1994
University of Northern Iowa. Malcolm Price Laboratory School
Inside this issue:
-- Welcome Back!
-- Registration Days
-- Athletic Season Tickets
-- 1994-1995 School Fees
-- Special Dates to Remember
-- PTP Opportunities
-- UNI Student Employees
-- Meal Program
-- Elementary News
-- Secondary News
-- High School and Middle School Advisor-Advisee Program -
PLS Newsletter, v4n8, May 1994
University of Northern Iowa. Malcolm Price Laboratory School
Inside this issue:
-- Looking back on the 1993-94 School Year
-- Elementary Culture Council
-- Developmentally Appropriate Practice
-- Summer Mathematics Adventure
-- Activities Update
-- Northern University Graduation
-- PLS Citizenship T-Shirt Contest Held
-- NUHS Students Attend Close-Up Washington, D.C. Study Program
-- Technology Education Update
-- PTP News
-- Tour of Cedar Falls -
PLS Newsletter, v4n7, April 1994
University of Northern Iowa. Malcolm Price Laboratory School
Inside this issue:
-- Beginning Reading Conference Attracts Nationally Acclaimed Artist
-- Chad and Terri Sigafus back by popular request
-- El Rastro: A Spanish Custom "Born Yesterday"
-- NUHS Russian Program
-- TEMCA Celebration
-- Music Department Update
-- Activities Update
-- Spring Activities
-- Trev Alberts Helmet Raffle Helps Weightroom
-- NU High Dessert Concert April 17
-- Faculty Parent Variety Show
-- PTP Spring Meeting
-- An Opportunity You Won't Want to Miss
-- Parent/Teacher Conferences
-- Elementary Class List Policy
-- Nursery/Kindergarten Round-Up
-- Middle School Student Senators, Elected and Working -
PLS Update, Spring 1994
University of Northern Iowa. Malcolm Price Laboratory School
Inside this issue:
-- Elementary Citizenship Program
-- Student-Led Conferences in PLS Middle School
-- Price Laboratory School Secondary Russian Program -
PLS Newsletter, v4n6, March 1994
University of Northern Iowa. Malcolm Price Laboratory School
Inside this issue:
-- Field House Update
-- "Where Are We Having PE Today?"
-- Elementary Attendance Procedure
-- Faculty Visit Other Schools
-- Student Led Conferences in 6th-7th Grade
-- NUHS to Represent Germany at Model U.N.
-- Middle School Planners Update
-- Activities Update
-- Notes from the Music Department
-- 1994-95 enrollments
-- Senior Graduation Reception Plans
-- PTP and PAC Nominations
-- The Empower Grant Update -
PLS Newsletter, v4n5, February 1994
University of Northern Iowa. Malcolm Price Laboratory School
Inside this issue:
-- PLS Inservice
-- Elementary Citizenship Plan
-- Model State Legislature
-- Host Families Needed for 94-95 School Year
-- Oliver! Musical Theatre in the Spring
-- Update: The New Iowa Schools Development Grant
-- Wellness Classes to Bowl
-- NU Booster Club Spaghetti Supper
-- Joan Lawrence Retires
-- Parent, Faculty and Staff Variety Show!
-- The New Unit II
-- Integrated Curriculum for Math and Science -
PLS Update, Winter 1994
University of Northern Iowa. Malcolm Price Laboratory School
Inside this issue:
-- PLS Resource Program
-- Integrating Math and Science Curriculum
-- Reaching Out: Making Teacher Education Connections -
PLS Newsletter, v4n4, December 1993-January 1994
University of Northern Iowa. Malcolm Price Laboratory School
Inside this issue:
-- Students Teach to Learn
-- How Parents Can Turn Off TV Violence
-- PTP Carnival a Success
-- Special Minor's License to Drive to School
-- From the Activities Director...
-- Post Season Athletic Honors
-- Winter Kickoff NU Booster Club Sloppy Joe Dinner
-- An Update on the UNI Child Development Center -
PLS Newsletter, v4n3, November 1993
University of Northern Iowa. Malcolm Price Laboratory School
Inside this issue:
-- Strategic Planning and School Improvement
-- From the Activities Director...
-- Middle School Planner
-- PLS Theater Presents Diary of Anne Frank
-- PLS Represented at the environmental Summit Conference for Youth
-- Attention!! Middle and High School Parents!
-- PLS enrollment Policy
-- Tag 7 Saturday Programs
-- PLS is Empowered through the NISDC Grant
-- Lunch Payment Policy
-- New Fish in Guidance Aquarium
-- Speech-Language Screening Tests
-- Student Behavior at Games
-- Parent Volunteers in Lunchroom
-- Safety to and from School
-- New Faces at PLS -
PLS Newsletter, v4n2, October 1993
University of Northern Iowa. Malcolm Price Laboratory School
Inside this issue:
-- Growing in the Middle
-- From the Activities Director
-- Fulbright Recipient
-- Elementary Citizenship Plan
-- PTP News
-- PLS Students Recognized in Iowa Talent Search
-- Carnival - Raffle - Silent Auction
-- Early Childhood Special Education at PLS
-- New Faces at PLS
-- You Are There -
PLS Update, Fall 1993
University of Northern Iowa. Malcolm Price Laboratory School
Inside this issue:
-- Strategic Planning and School Improvement
-- In-Service Opportunities
-- Early Childhood Special Education -
PLS Newsletter, v4n1, August 1993
University of Northern Iowa. Malcolm Price Laboratory School
Inside this issue:
-- Welcome Back to the 1993-94 School Year
-- New Faculty Roles Next Year
-- High School and Middle School Advisor-Advisee Program
-- 1993-94 School Fees
-- PTP Activities and Disbursements
-- Elementary News
-- Secondary News
-- "Just Say Yes" to Parents and Teachers in Partnership (PTP) -
PLS Newsletter, v3n8, May 1993
University of Northern Iowa. Malcolm Price Laboratory School
Inside this issue:
-- New Faculty and New Roles
-- From the Athletic Director
-- Nursery/Kindergarten Round-Up
-- Time: A Parent's Most Precious Gift
-- Date Change for Honor's Recognition
-- News from PTP
-- Middle Level Curriculum: A Work in Progress
-- Geography is Alive and Well at PLS!! -
PLS Newsletter, v3n7, April 1993
University of Northern Iowa. Malcolm Price Laboratory School
Inside this issue:
-- Keeping Your Child Safe
-- NCA Site Visit Completed
-- PTP Carnival - A Big Success
-- NUHS Booster Inc. Annual Meeting
-- MacLunchroom
-- Summer School Program
-- Students Donate Quilt to Covenant Medical Center
-- The Elementary Creative Drama Program
-- From the Activity Director
-- What is the Northern Iowa Young People's Dance Theater? -
PLS Newsletter, v3n6, March 1993
University of Northern Iowa. Malcolm Price Laboratory School
Inside this issue:
-- The Complete Middle School: NUMS Orientation
-- A New Look for Unit II
-- Criminal Justice in the Curriculum: A New Approach
-- NU High Dessert Concert March 28
-- NUHS Spring Play
-- PLS Resource Program
-- From The Athletic Director
-- Senior Graduation Reception Plans -
PLS Newsletter, v3n5, February 1993
University of Northern Iowa. Malcolm Price Laboratory School
Inside this issue:
-- Helping Children Learn
-- Non-Grading in the Middle School
-- Good Sportsmanship
-- National Recording Artists to Perform
-- P.T.P. Carnival Newsletter
-- Spanish Program at N.U.
-- Elementary Night
-- Homecoming - Tradition or Tragedy? -
PLS Newsletter, v3n4, December 1992-January 1993
University of Northern Iowa. Malcolm Price Laboratory School
Inside this issue:
-- Fiber Optics Pilot Testing Off to a Great Start
-- Labels for Learning
-- Multicultural Education
-- UNI Instructor Receives Sperati Award
-- Victorian Christmas 1992
-- Elementary Music Assembly
-- Middle School Music Groups on Field Trips
-- Communication is Number 1
-- Iowa's Director of Education Takes Time to Visit PLS
-- Hawkeye Tech Offers New Program
-- From the Health Office
-- Celebrate Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. January 18, 1993
-- Elementary Inservice Meetings
-- Highlights of Fall Activity Program
-- Opening a Linguistic and Cultural Window on the World
-- NCA Accreditation in Spring -
PLS Newsletter, v3n3, November 1992
University of Northern Iowa. Malcolm Price Laboratory School
Inside this issue:
-- World-Class Mathematics
-- Fees Distribution
-- Social Studies - A Matter of the Head, the Hand, and the Heart
-- From the Activities Director
-- American Government Telephone Survey
-- New Early Childhood Special Education Program
-- What's New in Secondary & Middle School Science at PLS
-- Fall P.T.P. Meeting - Sept. 15, 1992
-- The Oops Plan
-- New Staff at PLS
-- Important PTP Meeting -
PLS Newsletter, v3n2, October 1992
University of Northern Iowa. Malcolm Price Laboratory School
Inside this issue:
-- Library Line on "Reading Aloud"
-- PLS Hosts NALS Midwest Conference
-- C. David Christensen Selected for a Presidential Award for Excellence in Science Teaching
-- New Faculty
-- 1992-93 School Year Calendar Overview
-- Homeroom List 1992-93
-- NUHS Booster, Inc.
-- PLS Faculty/Staff Directory 1992-93 -
PLS Newsletter, v3n1, July 1992
University of Northern Iowa. Malcolm Price Laboratory School
Inside this issue:
-- Dear PLS parents and students
-- Registration Days
-- Calendar
-- Dear Parents and Teachers
-- 1992-93 School Fees
-- 1992-93 Newsletter Changes
-- Elementary News
-- Secondary News -
PLS Newsletter, v2n8, May 1992
University of Northern Iowa. Malcolm Price Laboratory School
Inside this issue:
-- An Update on Travelmates
-- Project G.R.O.W.: Growing, Reaching, Opening, Wondering
-- Tips for Selecting a Summer Camp
-- PLS Winter Olympics
-- Update on PTP Carnival
-- Actor's Laboratory
-- Theatrical Season for Next Year
-- Elementary Class List Policy
-- Price Laboratory School Fee Policy
-- Update on Athletics
-- Announcements -
PLS Newsletter, v2n7, April 1992
University of Northern Iowa. Malcolm Price Laboratory School
Inside this issue:
-- Settling Sibling Squabbles
-- Common Vision for Price Laboratory School
-- UNI Football Players Visit Elementary Classrooms
-- Nursery/Kindergarten Round-Up
-- Peter and the Wolf
-- February in Africa
-- Bosley Leads NU to MATHCOUNTS Regional Championship
-- Final Concerts of the Year
-- From the Activities Director
-- Spring Carnival Update
-- PLS Sixth Graders Take Second Place in District Math Bee
-- Announcements -
PLS Newsletter, v2n6, March 1992
University of Northern Iowa. Malcolm Price Laboratory School
Inside this issue:
-- Budget Reductions at PLS for 1992-93 School Year
-- Cornucopia Kids: Those Who Want Everything
-- Danny Andersen Memorial
-- Spread the Word Update
-- Summer Driver Education
-- Spring Carnival
-- PTP Carnival Bake Sale
-- PLS Faculty Multicultural Inservice Opportunities
-- Parent Advisory Council Minutes
-- Parent Involvement Opportunities at PLS
-- International University Students at Malcolm Price Laboratory School
-- Elementary and Secondary Announcements
-- PLS Elementary Summer School -
PLS Newsletter, v2n5, February 1992
University of Northern Iowa. Malcolm Price Laboratory School
Inside this issue:
-- A Vision for the Future
-- New Attendance Law
-- Be a Good Fan by Displaying Excellent Sportsmanship
-- How to be an All-Star Parent
-- Take Charge of your Body Personal Safety Plan
-- The Wizard of Oz: NUHS Spring Musical
-- Travelmates
-- The Northern Iowa Young Peoples Dance Theater
-- Budget Crunch Hits the Yearbook Threatening Extinction in 1992
-- Elementary Student Council Minutes
-- Announcements -
PLS Newsletter, v1n4, December 1990-January 1991
University of Northern Iowa. Malcolm Price Laboratory School
Inside this issue:
-- To Change or Not to Change That is the Question-- Receipts = Computers!!!
-- Family Math
-- Sharing and Caring: A Sixth Grade/Kindergarten Experience
-- Spanish as a Second Language at Malcolm Price Laboratory School
-- Becoming an Informed Citizen
-- World AIDS Awareness Day
-- Cross Country Team Runner-up at State
-- Integrating the Laboratory School Across Campus
-- Winter Arts Celebration
-- Science Corner
-- University Professor Puts Academic Theories into Classroom Practice
-- How to Help your Student Succeed in School
-- Announcements
PLS Newsletter, v2n4, December 1991-January 1992
University of Northern Iowa. Malcolm Price Laboratory School
Inside this issue:
-- Elementary Drug Free Programming at PLS
-- Seventh Graders Give Thumbs Up to Noon Activities
-- Student enhancement Team (SET)
-- Kathy Oakland Named Speech Teacher of the Year
-- From the Activities Director
-- The MPLS Library Line
-- Parent Advisory Council Minutes November 18, 1991
-- From the Health Office
-- environmental Issues Instruction Program Continues to Grow
-- Elementary Student Council Minutes
-- Parents and Teachers in Partnership (PTP)
-- Parent Advisory Council
-- Announcements -
PLS Newsletter, v2n3, November 1991
University of Northern Iowa. Malcolm Price Laboratory School
Inside this issue:
-- Price Laboratory School's Mission
-- Tardy Policy Prepares Student for Life After School
-- A New Look at Geography
-- Seventh Graders Remember Scott Westin
-- What a Bargain
-- School Announcements
-- Parent Advisory Council Minutes September 26, 1991
-- Announcements
-- Tag 7 Meetings Scheduled
-- Possible Programs Before and/or After School -
PLS Newsletter, v2n2, October 1991
University of Northern Iowa. Malcolm Price Laboratory School
Inside this issue:
-- Welcome New Students!
-- Price Laboratory School Faculty Directory
-- Homeroom Parents 1991-92
-- From the Athletic Director
-- Welcome New Staff!
-- Elementary Announcements
-- Secondary Announcements
-- Positive Criticism and Your Child -
PLS Newsletter, v2n1, August 1991
University of Northern Iowa. Malcolm Price Laboratory School
Inside this issue:
-- Dear Parents...
-- University Budget Reductions
-- Registration Days
-- What is PTP?
-- Calendar
-- Elementary News
-- Secondary News
-- Program Reduction/Elimination -
PLS Newsletter, v1n8, May 1991
University of Northern Iowa. Malcolm Price Laboratory School
Inside this issue:
-- Update on Price Lab School
-- Unit II Studies Japan
-- Update on PTP Carnival
-- Elementary Class List Policy
-- Secondary Announcements
-- New Social Studies Materials
-- France Trip
-- Conflict Management Program at PLS
-- "Gus Macker" 3 on 3 Tournament
-- Teenagers Under Stress -
PLS Newsletter, v1n7, April 1991
University of Northern Iowa. Malcolm Price Laboratory School
Inside this issue:
-- Respecting Differences
-- Reviewing the N-12 Social Studies Program
-- Spanish Program at NU
-- Elementary Announcements
-- Elementary Student Council Minutes Tuesday, February 19, 1991
-- Nursery Kindergarten Round-up
-- Beginning Reading Conference
-- Making Your Calculator Count
-- Ancient Civilizations Marketplace
-- Secondary Announcements -
PLS Newsletter, v1n6, March 1991
University of Northern Iowa. Malcolm Price Laboratory School
Inside this issue:
-- All Students are at Risk
-- Project G.R.O.W.*
-- Summer Driver Education for Secondary Students
-- Iowa Children's Choice Award
-- Elementary General Music - Something for Everyone
-- Teaching Across the Curriculum: Science - Language Arts Connection
-- Spring Fling
-- Elementary Student Council Minutes
-- Social Studies Goals for the Year 2000
-- Northern University High School Spring-Summer Sports Calendar
-- Year 2000
-- Discussions Involving Whole Grade Sharing with the New Hartford Community School
-- From the Health Office
-- PTP Carnival
-- Price Lab School Travels to Vienna
-- Secondary Announcements -
PLS Newsletter, v1n5, February 1991
University of Northern Iowa. Malcolm Price Laboratory School
Inside this issue:
-- Role of Price Lab School Explained
-- Early Childhood Network Helps Small Iowa Schools Gain New Teaching Methods for Early Elementary Grades
-- Wellness Program and Services Promote Healthy Lifestyles
-- "Extending Social Studies Understanding"
-- Computer Receipts Project Report
-- The NUHS Yearbook
-- Laboratory School Declared Smoke-free
-- Elementary Student Council Minutes
-- Suggestions for Your Child's Home Library
-- Open enrollment and the Lab School
-- Secondary Announcements
-- Elementary Announcements -
PLS Newsletter, v1n3, November 1990
University of Northern Iowa. Malcolm Price Laboratory School
Inside this issue:
-- National Geography Awareness Week November 11-17, 1990
-- N.U. Theatre presents Dracula
-- Human Growth and Development
-- New PLS Math Program
-- Seventh and Eighth Graders Respond to Gulf Crisis
-- Apples for the Students
-- Homework Hotline
-- Asbestos Management Plan
-- From Dody Olson in the Health Office
-- Drug Free Schools
-- November PTP Meeting for Middle School/High School Parents & Teachers
-- Sophomore Class to Sell Magazines
-- Announcements
-- Student Teaching at Price Laboratory School -
PLS Newsletter, v1n2, October 1990
University of Northern Iowa. Malcolm Price Laboratory School
Inside this issue:
-- environmental Issues Instruction Grant Received
-- Wellness Program at PLS
-- From the Activities Director
-- David Christensen Attends NASA Workshop
-- A Better Way to Educate Teens About Aids -- Spread the Word
-- Elementary Creative Drama
-- New Laboratory School Faculty
-- Parent Advisory Council
-- Joyce Hornby on Medical Leave
-- Science Corner
-- Early Childhood Network
-- Elementary and Secondary Announcements -
PLS Newsletter, v1n1, July 1990
University of Northern Iowa. Malcolm Price Laboratory School
Inside this issue:
-- Dear Parents
-- Office Reorganization
-- Registration Days
-- Special Dates to Remember
-- Fall PTP Meeting and Open House
-- Insurance Forms
-- Emergency Cards
-- Elementary News
-- Materials Necessary for Each Grade Level
-- Lunchroom Procedures
-- Fees for 1990-91
-- School Pictures
-- Bus Transportation
-- Secondary News