The Library Newsletter is a monthly publication highlighting news, events, and information about the Rod Library at the University of Northern Iowa.
Notes for the Stalled, v17n02, October 2024
University of Northern Iowa. Rod Library.
In this issue:
--- Discussion with Lyz Lenz
--- Open Access Week
--- Paddle Past Midterms
--- Family Weekend
--- TLC -
Notes for the Stalled, v17n01, August/September 2024
University of Northern Iowa. Rod Library.
In this issue:
--- Welcome to the Rod
--- TLC
--- Career Readiness
--- Study Abroad Fair -
Notes for the Stalled, v16n10, June/July 2024
University of Northern Iowa. Rod Library.
In this issue:
--- Did You Know . . .?
--- You Belong @ Rod
--- Pardon our Progress
--- Information Overload -
Notes for the Stalled, v16n09, May 2024
University of Northern Iowa. Rod Library.
In this issue:
--- DeStress Days
--- Congratulations Graduates
--- Extended Hours
--- Did You Know? -
Notes for the Stalled, Special RodCon Edition, v16, April 2024
University of Northern Iowa. Rod Library.
In this issue:
--- RodCon 2024
--- Duck Hunt
--- Just Visiting?
--- How You Can Help -
Notes for the Stalled, v16n08, April 2024
University of Northern Iowa. Rod Library.
In this issue:
--- What Were You Wearing?
--- De Stress Days
--- Research Award
--- Inspire -
Notes for the Stalled, v16n07, March 2024
University of Northern Iowa. Rod Library.
In this issue:
--- Speech Showcase
--- Tell Us What You Think
--- RodCon 2024
--- Research Award -
Notes for the Stalled, v16n06, January/February 2024
University of Northern Iowa. Rod Library.
In this issue:
--- Career Readiness
--- Research Award
--- New York Times
--- Diversity Display -
Notes for the Stalled, v16n05, December 2023
University of Northern Iowa. Rod Library.
In This Issue:
--- Stress Busting
--- Extended Hours
--- Duck Hunt
--- Missed Connections
--- CFPL & Diversity Display -
Notes for the Stalled, v16n04, November 2023
University of Northern Iowa. Rod Library.
In This Issue:
--- International Education Week
--- Scott Ross Showcase
--- Veterans Day -
Notes for the Stalled, v16n03, October 2023
University of Northern Iowa. Rod Library.
In This Issue:
--- Open Access Week
--- Coffee Hour with Rod
--- Banned Books Week -
Notes for the Stalled, v16n02, September 2023
University of Northern Iowa. Rod Library.
In This Issue:
--- Career Readiness
--- Study Abroad Fair
--- UNI Career Fair
--- Family Weekend -
Notes for the Stalled, v16n01, August 2023
University of Northern Iowa. Rod Library.
In This Issue:
--- Tech Connect Desk
--- Career Readiness
--- The Learning Center (TLC)
--- Connect With Your Librarian -
Notes for the Stalled, v15n11, June/July 2023
University of Northern Iowa. Rod Library.
In This Issue:
--- Did You Know . . .?
--- Alumni Database Access
--- The Learning Center (TLC)
--- Rod Library Featured in Spiderverse -
Notes for the Stalled, v15n10, May 2023
University of Northern Iowa. Rod Library.
In This Issue:
--- Did You know . . .?
--- Extended Hours
--- De Stress Days
--- Congratulations Graduates -
Notes for the Stalled, v15n09, April 2023
University of Northern Iowa. Rod Library.
In This Issue:
--- What Were You Wearing?
--- De Stress Days
--- Research Award
--- Did You Know? - The Learning Center -
Notes for the Stalled, v15n08, March 2023
University of Northern Iowa. Rod Library.
In This Issue:
--- Open Education Week
--- INSPIRE Conference
--- RodCon 2023
--- Workshops -
Notes for the Stalled, v15n07, February 2023
University of Northern Iowa. Rod Library.
In This Issue:
--- RodCon Fundraiser
--- Research Award
--- Archive Space
--- Career Readiness -
Notes for the Stalled, v15n06, January 2023
University of Northern Iowa. Rod Library.
In This Issue:
--- Career Readiness
--- Spring 2023 Career Fair
--- Makin' It Rain
--- International Coffee Hour
--- Did You Know . . .? -
Notes for the Stalled, v15n05, December 2022
University of Northern Iowa. Rod Library.
In This Issue:
--- Stress Busting
--- Self Care
--- Extended Hours
--- Research Consultation
--- Did You Know . . .? -
Notes for the Stalled, v15n04, November 2022
University of Northern Iowa. Rod Library.
In This Issue:
--- Panthers Vote
--- Duck Hunt
--- Tales of the Bulgarian Rose
--- Book/LP Sale -
Notes for the Stalled, v15n03, October 2022
University of Northern Iowa. Rod Library.
In This Issue:
--- Live Like a Student
--- Orchestrating Change
--- Open Access Week Symposium -
Notes for the Stalled, v15n02, September 2022
University of Northern Iowa. Rod Library.
In This Issue:
--- Career Fair
--- Tech Connect Desk
--- TLC
--- You Belong at the Rod -
Notes for the Stalled, v15n01, August/September 2022
University of Northern Iowa. Rod Library.
In This Issue:
--- Welcome Back!
--- TEACH Project
--- Do you have my textbook?
--- Career Readiness -
Notes for the Stalled, v14n10, June/July 2022
University of Northern Iowa. Rod Library.
In This Issue:
--- Things to Know About the Rod
--- Follow Us
--- The Learning Center
--- New Living History Exhibit coming soon! -
Notes for the Stalled, v14n9, May 2022
University of Northern Iowa. Rod Library.
In This Issue:
--- Impact
--- Stress Busting
--- Extended Hours
--- Research Award Winners -
Notes for the Stalled, v14n8, April 2022
University of Northern Iowa. Rod Library.
In This Issue:
--- Inspire
--- Ready for Spring
--- Financial Literacy Month
--- Did You Know? -
Notes for the Stalled, v14, Special RodCon Edition, April 2022
University of Northern Iowa. Rod Library.
In This Issue:
--- RodCon 2022
--- Duck Hunt
--- Just Visiting
--- How You Can Help -
Notes for the Stalled, v14n7, March 2022
University of Northern Iowa. Rod Library.
In This Issue:
--- Women's History Month
--- Spring Break
--- RodCon 2022
--- Reveal Your Superhero Within! -
Notes for the Stalled, v14n6, February 2022
University of Northern Iowa. Rod Library.
In This Issue:
--- Black History Month
--- Career Fair
--- African American Children and Families Conference
--- Date with Rod Library -
Notes for the Stalled, v14n5, January 2022
University of Northern Iowa. Rod Library.
In This Issue:
--- DVD/Blu-rays on the Move
--- Career Readiness
--- Research Award
--- Mobile Power Banks -
Notes for the Stalled, v14n4, December 2021
University of Northern Iowa. Rod Library.
In This Issue:
--- Lucky Ducks
--- De-Stress Days
--- Makerspace Crafting
--- Cultivating Justice: A Quest Toward Racial Equality
--- Extended Hours -
Notes for the Stalled, v14n3, November 2021
University of Northern Iowa. Rod Library.
In This Issue:
--- Fall Tree Painting
--- How does $1,200 or even $800 sound?
--- 175 years of Iowa Statehood
--- "Bones" or a "No Bones" Day? -
Notes for the Stalled, v14n2, October 2021
University of Northern Iowa. Rod Library.
In This Issue:
--- Black Student Union
--- Open Access Week
--- "Whose Voice" Exhibit -
Notes for the Stalled, v14n1, August/September 2021
University of Northern Iowa. Rod Library.
In This Issue:
--- Fine Free
--- Museum
--- Updates
--- Check out the NEW Look! -
Notes for the Stalled, v13n8, May 2021
University of Northern Iowa. Rod Library.
In This Issue:
--- Summer Projects
--- Summer is here . . .
--- CFPL @ UNI
--- Special Collections -
Notes for the Stalled, v13n7, April 2021
University of Northern Iowa. Rod Library.
In This Issue:
--Pride Week
--Celebrating UNI's Milestone
--National Library Week
--Financial Literacy Month -
Notes for the Stalled, v13n6, March 2021
University of Northern Iowa. Rod Library.
In This Issue: --UNI Masked --Mental Health Spotlight --Influential Women of UNI --UNI Museum in 3D --Russell Hall Exhibit
Notes for the Stalled, v13n5, February 2021
University of Northern Iowa. Rod Library.
In This Issue:
--Welcome Back!
--Career Readiness
--African American Read-In
--Blind Date with a Book
--Melanin Pillars of Excellence -
Notes for the Stalled, v13n4, November 2020
University of Northern Iowa. Rod Library.
In This Issue:
--Digital Diversity Display
--UNI ScholarWorks
--Hours Changes
--Did You Know?
--The Learning Center @ Rod Library -
Notes for the Stalled, v13n3, October 2020
University of Northern Iowa. Rod Library.
In This Issue:
--Did You Know?
--Wind Cave
--Help Us Out!
--Protests and Student Activism -
Notes for the Stalled, v13n2, September 2020
University of Northern Iowa. Rod Library.
In This Issue:
--Toward a Universal Suffrage
--Flu Shot Clinics
--Career Readiness
--Learning Commons Art Wall -
Notes for the Stalled, v13n1, August 2020
University of Northern Iowa. Rod Library.
In This Issue:
--Top 10 Benefits to Masks
--Rod and UNI COVID-19 Plan
--Change in Rod Library -
Notes for the Stalled, v12n8, March 2020
University of Northern Iowa. Rod Library.
In This Issue:
--Love and Inclusion
--Wikipedia Edit-A-Thon
--RodCon 2020
--Open Education Week -
Notes for the Stalled, v12n7, February 2020
University of Northern Iowa. Rod Library.
In This Issue:
--Art Wall
--Digital Scholarship
--African American Read-In
--Special Collections Website -
Notes for the Stalled, v12n6, January 2020
University of Northern Iowa. Rod Library.
In This Issue:
--Your Wellness
--Student Ambassadors
--Traveling Exhibits
--Career Readiness? -
Notes for the Stalled, v12n5, December 2019
University of Northern Iowa. Rod Library.
In This Issue:
--Relax @ Rod Library
--Textures of UNI
--Fall Finals Hours
--Family Fun Days
--Need Some Down Time? -
Notes for the Stalled, v12n4, November 2019
University of Northern Iowa. Rod Library.
In This Issue:
--UNIVA photo exhibit
--Flute Choir
--Hold Me Now
--How Can We Help? -
Notes for the Stalled, v12n3, October 2019
University of Northern Iowa. Rod Library.
In This Issue:
--Graduate Student Help
--Flu Shot
--LGBTQ Exhibit & Edit-A-Thon
--Open Access Week -
Notes for the Stalled, v12n2, September 2019
University of Northern Iowa. Rod Library.
In This Issue:
--Iowa Academy of Science
--Wiki Loves Monuments
--Career Readiness
--Living Arctic
--Banned Books Week -
Notes for the Stalled, v12n1, August 2019
University of Northern Iowa. Rod Library.
In This Issue:
-- Get Social @ Rod Library
-- Special Collections
-- While You Were Away
-- Come Stay With Us
-- The Learning Center (TLC) -
Rod Library: Notes for the Stalled, v11n11, June/July 2019
University of Northern Iowa. Rod Library.
In This Issue:
-- Things to Know About The Rod
-- Follow Us
-- Alumni Database Access
-- The Learning Center (TLC)
-- Cardi B to Perform @ Rod -
Rod Library: Notes for the Stalled, v11n10, May 2019
University of Northern Iowa. Rod Library.
In This Issue:
-- Stress Busting
-- Mary Ann Bolton Award
-- Bikes
-- Special Collections Open House
-- UNI ScholarWorks -
Rod Library: Notes for the Stalled, v11n09, April 2019
University of Northern Iowa. Rod Library.
In This Issue:
--#RodCon 2019
--Unveiling the Tusk
--National Library Week
--Did You Know? -
Rod Library: Notes for the Stalled, v11n08, March 2019
University of Northern Iowa. Rod Library.
In This Issue:
--Open Education Week
--UNI Edits Wikipedia
--Spring Workshops
--Calling All Artists
--Unveiling the Tusk -
Rod Library: Notes for the Stalled, v11n07, February 2019
University of Northern Iowa. Rod Library.
In This Issue:
--Black History Month
--Research Guides
--Career Readiness
--Upcoming Events -
Rod Library: Notes for the Stalled, v11n06, January 2019
University of Northern Iowa. Rod Library.
In This Issue:
--TLC & Rod
--Pardon Our Progress
--Help for Grad Students
--VR is Here
--Mary Ann Bolton
--Upcoming Events -
Rod Library: Notes for the Stalled, v11n05, December 2018
University of Northern Iowa. Rod Library.
In This Issue:
--UNI Edits Wikipedia
--Stress Busting
--Virtual Reality
--Textures of UNI
--Hours for Finals -
Rod Library: Notes for the Stalled, v11n04, November 2018
University of Northern Iowa. Rod Library.
In This Issue:
--UNI Common Read
--Family Weekend
--Gallery Talk
--Taste of Culture
--Veteran and Military Photo Exhibit -
Rod Library: Notes for the Stalled, v11n03, October 2018
University of Northern Iowa. Rod Library.
In This Issue:
-- UNI Museum Speaker Series
-- International Games Week
-- Flu Shot
-- Aldo Leopold Lecture Series
-- Skin and Bones
-- Upcoming Events -
Rod Library: Notes for the Stalled, v11n02, September 2018
University of Northern Iowa. Rod Library.
In This Issue:
--Frederick Douglass Human Rights Festival
--Cultural Impressions Exhibit
--Aldo Leopold Lecture Series
--Upcoming Events -
Rod Library: Notes for the Stalled, v11n01, August 2018
University of Northern Iowa. Rod Library.
In This Issue:
-- The Learning Center (TLC)
-- New Website
-- Bash in the Stacks
-- Career Readiness
-- Frederick Douglass
-- Upcoming Events -
Rod Library: Notes for the Stalled, v10n11, Special Orientation Edition 2018
University of Northern Iowa. Rod Library.
In This Issue:
-- Things to Know About Your Friend Rod
-- Bikes!
-- Alumni Database Access
-- The Learning Center (TLC)
-- Infinity Stone Found in UNI Museum
-- Upcoming Events -
Rod Library: Notes for the Stalled, v10n10, May 2018
University of Northern Iowa. Rod Library.
In This Issue:
-- Faculty Publications
-- Alumni Database Access
-- Bikes!
-- De Stress @ Rod
-- Gallery Walks
-- Fast TRAC -
Rod Library: Notes for the Stalled, v10n9, April 2018
University of Northern Iowa. Rod Library.
In This Issue:
-- Art Gay-La
-- Flutapalooza
-- National Library Week
-- Smart Money Week
-- Life Skills Lab -
Rod Library: Notes for the Stalled, v10n8, March 2018
University of Northern Iowa. Rod Library.
In This Issue
-- Women's History Month
-- Scholarship
-- RodCon 2018
-- Film Screening and Discussion
-- Upcoming Events -
Rod Library: Notes for the Stalled, v10n7, February 2018
University of Northern Iowa. Rod Library.
In This Issue:
--Discover, Connect, Succeed
--Blind Date With a Book
--Test Prep
--Career Readiness
--Upcoming Events -
Rod Library: Notes for the Stalled, v10n6, January 2018
University of Northern Iowa. Rod Library.
In This Issue:
--Student Technology Fee
--Textbook Initiative
--Diversity Exhibits
--Upcoming Events -
Rod Library: Notes for the Stalled, v10n5, December-January 2018
University of Northern Iowa. Rod Library.
In This Issue:
--Did you know?
--Stress Busting
--Textures of UNI
--Extended Hours
--Upcoming Events -
Rod Library: Notes for the Stalled, v10n4, November 2017
University of Northern Iowa. Rod Library.
In This Issue:
--Centennial Celebration
--Kanopy Streaming Service
--Fingerscan Registration
--Sweet Life
--For Credit Library Classes
--Upcoming Events -
Rod Library: Notes for the Stalled, v10n3, October 2017
University of Northern Iowa. Rod Library.
In This Issue:
--Open Access Week
--Welcome Theresa
--International Games Week
--Librarians on the Loose
--Upcoming Events -
Rod Library: Notes for the Stalled, v10n2, September 2017
University of Northern Iowa. Rod Library.
In This Issue:
--Words Have Power
--Assistive Tech
--Herb Hake Exhibit
--Career Readiness
--Upcoming Events -
Rod Library Newsletter: Notes for the Stalled, v10n1, August 2017
University of Northern Iowa. Rod Library.
In This Issue:
--Library Services Desk
--Creatures of Pointillism
--Bash in the Stacks
--One Search Expanded -
Rod Library Newsletter: Notes for the Stalled, Special Orientation Edition 2017
University of Northern Iowa. Rod Library.
In This Issue:
--Squirrel Book Delivery Service
--Things You Should Know About Your Friend Rod
--Library Ambassador Program
--Bash in the Stacks
--Upcoming Events -
Rod Library Newsletter: Notes for the Stalled, v9n9, May/June 2017
University of Northern Iowa. Rod Library.
In This Issue:
-- Finals Week Stress Busting
-- Science Online now available!
-- Study Rooms Added
-- Graduating Student Assistants -
Rod Library Newsletter: Notes for the Stalled, v9n8, April 2017
University of Northern Iowa. Rod Library.
In This Issue:
-- Art Gay-La!
-- National Library Week
-- West African Drum Ensemble
-- Faculty Publications
-- Library Student Ambassadors -
Rod Library Newsletter: Notes for the Stalled, v9n7, March 2017
University of Northern Iowa. Rod Library.
In This Issue:
--Want Your Own Library?
--RodCon Pre-Events
--Postcard Exhibit
--West African Drum Ensemble
--Upcoming Events -
Rod Library Newsletter: Notes for the Stalled, v9n6, February 2017
University of Northern Iowa. Rod Library.
In This Issue:
--Create Change by Volunteering!
--RodCon Art Submissions
--February Art Wall
--1st Floor Changes
--Can’t Find a Computer?
--Upcoming Events -
Rod Library Newsletter: Rod Notes, v9n5, December 2016/January 2017
University of Northern Iowa. Rod Library.
In This Issue:
--Antique Words Game Night
--De-stress with Rod
--Moving Words
-- Rock the Stacks IV
-- Upcoming Events -
Rod Library Newsletter: Rod Notes, v9n4, November 2016
University of Northern Iowa. Rod Library.
Inside This issue:
-- U.S. Election Display
-- Rare Books Petting Zoo
-- Research Subject Sought
-- Rock the Stacks III
-- Upcoming Events -
Rod Library Newsletter: Rod Notes, v9n3, October 2016
University of Northern Iowa. Rod Library.
In This Issue:
--Crow Forum
--Family Weekend
--Rock the Stacks II
--Info Lit for Grad Students
--Vinyl Fridays
--Open Textbook Faculty Workshop
--Upcoming Events -
Rod Library Newsletter: Rod Notes, v9n2, September 2016
University of Northern Iowa. Rod Library.
In This Issue:
--It Takes an Iowan
--Need Help? Ask Us!
--Are You Career Ready?
--Vinyl Fridays
--Upcoming Events -
Rod Library Newsletter: Rod Notes, v9n1, August 2016
University of Northern Iowa. Rod Library.
In This Issue:
--New OneSearch!
--Learning Commons Tech Desk
--Rock the Stacks!
--Upcoming Events -
Rod Library Newsletter: Rod Notes, v8n10, June/July 2016
University of Northern Iowa. Rod Library.
In This Issue:
-- New Museum Website Launch
-- Books of Summer
-- Upcoming Exhibit
-- Recording Rooms
-- Upcoming Events -
Rod Library Newsletter: Rod Notes, v8n9, May 2016
University of Northern Iowa. Rod Library.
In This Issue:
--Finals Stress Week Busters
--New OneSearch! June 2016
--Museum Spotlight
--Don't Forget
--Upcoming Events -
Rod Library Newsletter: Rod Notes, v8n8, April 2016
University of Northern Iowa. Rod Library.
In This Issue:
--GeoCache for College Cash
--Ambrose Video 2.0
--National Library Week!
--Upcoming Events -
Rod Library Newsletter: Rod Notes, v8n7, March 2016
University of Northern Iowa. Rod Library.
In This Issue:
-- Common Read
-- Community Read
-- Connect, Create, Innovate, Succeed!
-- RodCon
-- Upcoming Events -
Rod Library Newsletter: Rod Notes, v8n6, February 2016
University of Northern Iowa. Rod Library.
In This Issue:
-- RodCon Approaches!
-- Spotlight on Youth
-- Blind Date With A Book
-- Career Readiness
-- Upcoming Events -
Rod Library Newsletter: Rod Notes, v8n5, December 2015/January 2016
University of Northern Iowa. Rod Library.
In This Issue:
-- Finals Week Stress Busting
-- MakerSpace to Open in Late January
-- Calling All Artists!
-- Crowdfunding Update -
Rod Library Newsletter: Rod Notes, v8n4, November 2015
University of Northern Iowa. Rod Library.
In This Issue:
-- Around the World in 180 Minutes
-- Veterans Day Photo Wall
-- Reaching for Higher Ground
-- Family Weekend Maker Activity -
Rod Library Newsletter: Rod Notes, v8n3, October 2015
University of Northern Iowa. Rod Library.
In This Issue:
-- Open Access Week
-- Open Textbooks Speaker
-- Museum Grand Re-Opening
-- Tabor Painting Reception
-- Upcoming Events -
Rod Library Newsletter: Rod Notes, v8n2, September 2015
University of Northern Iowa. Rod Library.
In This Issue:
Career Readiness Day
Hispanic Heritage Month Kickoff
Copyright Fair Use -
Rod Library Newsletter: Rod Notes, v8n1, August 2015
University of Northern Iowa. Rod Library.
In This Issue:
-- Bash is Back!
-- Wonder Twin Powers...Activate!
-- Contact Us!
-- "Recreating the Human: Making Hate Our Footstool"
-- Latino Americans: 500 Years of History -
Rod Library Newsletter: Rod Notes, v7n10, June/July 2015
University of Northern Iowa. Rod Library.
In This Issue:
-- Beyond Google
-- OITNB Book Club
-- Welcome Orientation Groups!
-- Pardon our Progress
-- Welcome Schindler Staff -
Rod Library Newsletter: Rod Notes, v7n9, May 2015
University of Northern Iowa. Rod Library.
In This Issue:
-- Don't Forget
-- Did You Know?
-- ScholarWorks
-- Finals Week Stress Buster -
Rod Library Newsletter: Rod Notes, v7n8, April 2015
University of Northern Iowa. Rod Library.
In This Issue:
-- Camera Equipment
-- Learning Commons
-- Learning Express
-- Snack Machine! -
Rod Library Newsletter: Rod Notes, v7n7, March 2015
University of Northern Iowa. Rod Library.
In This Issue:
-- Media and Social Media
-- RodCon 2015
-- Canada and U.S. Symposium -
Rod Library Newsletter: Rod Notes, v7n6, February 2015
University of Northern Iowa. Rod Library.
In This Issue:
-- Comic Con
-- Blind Date With A Book
-- Canada's Arctic Exhibit -
Rod Library Newsletter: Rod Notes, v7n5, December 2014/January 2015
University of Northern Iowa. Rod Library.
In This Issue:
-- Camp Dodge: Home Away From Home
-- Finals Week
-- Beyond Google -
Rod Library Newsletter: Rod Notes, v7n4, November 2014
University of Northern Iowa. Rod Library.
In This Issue:
-- Around the World...
-- Reed Trio Performance
-- Deception and Visual Illusion
-- Did You Know....? -
Rod Library Newsletter: Rod Notes, v7n3, October 2014
University of Northern Iowa. Rod Library.
In This Issue:
-- Museum Exhibit
-- Family Weekend
-- Open Access Week
-- It's All About the Students -
Rod Library Newsletter: Rod Notes, v7n2, September 2014
University of Northern Iowa. Rod Library.
In This Issue:
-- Book Bistro
-- FitBit Zip
-- Book Yo Self
-- Print Release
-- Banned Books Week -
Rod Library Newsletter: Rod Notes, v7n1, July/August 2014
University of Northern Iowa. Rod Library.
In This Issue:
-- Where Do I find....?
-- Did You Know....?
-- Socially Speaking
-- Bash in the Stacks -
Rod Library Newsletter: Rod Notes, v6n9, May/June 2014
University of Northern Iowa. Rod Library.
In This Issue:
-- Welcome Orientation Groups!
-- Just Breathe......
-- Exteme Makeover: Library Edition
-- Art in the Rod -
Rod Library Newsletter: Rod Notes, v6n8, April 2014
University of Northern Iowa. Rod Library.
In This Issue:
-- Museum Exhibit
-- National Library Week
-- Leanring Commons Open House
-- Flickr
-- Lost and Found -
Rod Library Newsletter: Rod Notes, v6n7, March 2014
University of Northern Iowa. Rod Library.
In This Issue:
-- Comic Con
-- HELP!
-- YouTube
-- Ask Us! -
Rod Library Newsletter: Rod Notes, v6n6, February 2014
University of Northern Iowa. Rod Library.
In This Issue:
-- One Search Enhancements!
-- Comic Con
-- Blind Date With A Book
-- Digital Media Hub
-- Upcoming Events -
Rod Library Newsletter: Rod Notes, v6n5, December 2013/January 2014
University of Northern Iowa. Rod Library.
In This Issue:
-- American Way of Eating
-- CETL and LAC
-- Print Release
-- Comic Con
-- Coffee and Tea
-- Upcoming Events -
Rod Library Newsletter: Rod Notes, v6n4, November 2013
University of Northern Iowa. Rod Library.
In This Issue:
-- Rural Iowa Education
-- Library Feasibility Study
-- Comic Con
-- Like us on Facebook
-- Upcoming Events -
Rod Library Newsletter: Rod Notes, v6n3, October 2013
University of Northern Iowa. Rod Library.
In This Issue:
-- Apple TV
-- Information Literacy Month
-- Open Access Week
-- Rainy Day Blues?
-- Upcoming events -
Rod Library Newsletter: Rod Notes, v6n1, July/August 2013
University of Northern Iowa. Rod Library.
In This Issue:
-- E-books
-- Scan Me!
-- Hunger Games
-- Movin' On Up...
-- Library Hours for Summer -
Rod Library Newsletter: Rod Notes, v5n9, May/June 2013
University of Northern Iowa. Rod Library.
In This Issue:
-- Welcome Orientation Groups!
-- Hunger Games is Back, Baby!
-- The Postville Project
-- Logins... Coming to a Computer Near You
-- Library hours for Summer -
Rod Library Newsletter: Rod Notes, v5n8, April 2013
University of Northern Iowa. Rod Library.
In This Issue:
-- Youthful Frame of Mind
-- You Talk. We Listen. We All Win!
-- Video Streaming
-- National Library Week
-- Upcoming events -
Rod Library Newsletter: Rod Notes, v5n7, March 2013
University of Northern Iowa. Rod Library.
In This Issue:
-- Tell Us What U Think!
-- Color Copier/Printer/Scanner
-- Portico
-- The "Good Wikipedia"
-- Upcoming Events -
Rod Library Newsletter: Rod Notes, v5n6, February 2013
University of Northern Iowa. Rod Library.
In This Issue:
-- Camera Equipment
-- Learning Commons
-- Learning Express
-- Snack Machine
-- Upcoming Events -
Rod Library Newsletter: Rod Notes, v5n5, December 2013/January 2013
University of Northern Iowa. Rod Library.
In This Issue:
-- Date Due Stamps
-- Welcome Leila!
-- Interlibrary Loan
-- Great Migration
-- Upcoming Events -
Rod Library Newsletter: Rod Notes, v5n4, November 2012
University of Northern Iowa. Rod Library.
In This Issue:
-- Color Printing!
-- Did You Know?
-- Subject Guides
-- Portable Dry Erase Boards
-- Upcoming events -
Rod Library Newsletter: Rod Notes, v5n3, October 2012
University of Northern Iowa. Rod Library.
In This Issue:
-- Open Access Week
-- Learning to Teach
-- Banned Books Week
-- Humans vs Zombies is Finally Here! -
Rod Library Newsletter: Rod Notes, v5n2, September 2012
University of Northern Iowa. Rod Library.
In This Issue:
-- Ch Ch Ch Changes...
-- ISSR Grant
-- Zombies!
-- Welcome Chris Cox
-- Upcoming Events -
Rod Library Newsletter: Rod Notes, v5n1, July/August 2012
University of Northern Iowa. Rod Library.
In This Issue:
-- Did You Know?
-- Iced Tea or Coffee Anyone!
-- Nooks for Checkout!
-- Self Check!
-- Four More Study Rooms!
-- Library Hours for Summer -
Rod Library Newsletter: Rod Notes, v4n9, May/June 2012
University of Northern Iowa. Rod Library.
In This Issue:
-- Welcome Orientation Groups!
-- Youth Collection Renovation
-- DVD Cleaning
-- Pinterest
-- Zombie Sightings on Campus!
-- Library Hours for Summer -
Rod Library Newsletter: Rod Notes, v4n8, April 2012
University of Northern Iowa. Rod Library.
In This Issue:
-- Scholarly Communication
-- National LIbrary Week!
-- Skype Room
-- Finals Prep
-- Library Hours for Finals -
Rod Library Newsletter: Rod Notes, v4n7, March 2012
University of Northern Iowa. Rod Library.
In This Issue:
-- We've Got You Covered!
-- Facebook Contests!
-- Quiet Study Area
-- My Reading History
-- Upcoming events -
Rod Library Newsletter: Rod Notes, v4n6, February 2012
University of Northern Iowa. Rod Library.
In This Issue:
-- Renewals
-- Lib Guides
-- New Member on Our Team
-- "Who Am I?" Exhibit
-- Upcoming Events
-- Hunger Games Registration Deadline -
Rod Library Newsletter: Rod Notes, v4n5, January 2012
University of Northern Iowa. Rod Library.
In This Issue:
-- Tips to Keep You Safe
-- Facebook
-- UNI Hunger Games
-- Upcoming Events -
Rod Library Newsletter: Rod Notes, v4n4, December 2011
University of Northern Iowa. Rod Library.
In This Issue:
-- Dollars Down the Drian
-- Academic OneFile
-- Fines
-- Fall 2011 Exam Extended Hours -
Rod Library Newsletter: Rod Notes, v4n3, November 2011
University of Northern Iowa. Rod Library.
In This Issue:
-- Expanded Drink Selection
-- Student Technology Fee Survey
-- Comments or Suggestions?
-- Harry Potter's World -
Rod Library Newsletter: Rod Notes, v4n2, October 2011
University of Northern Iowa. Rod Library.
In This Issue:
-- A-TEAM Tutoring Sunday Nights
-- My Library Account
-- Lost :( and Found :)
-- Upcoming events
-- Snack Foods -
Rod Library Newsletter: Rod Notes, v4n1, September 2011
University of Northern Iowa. Rod Library.
In This Issue:
-- How We Spent Your Summer Vacation
-- Youth Collection Relocated
-- Mobile UNISTAR
-- EBRARY! -
Rod Notes: Help for the Stalled, v3n4, April 2011
University of Northern Iowa. Rod Library.
In This Issue:
-- New Text Message Number
-- Caribou Coffee - It's Back!
-- Mac Attack!
-- New USB Combo Hub and Card Reader... -
Rod Notes: Help for the Stalled, v3n3, January 2011
University of Northern Iowa. Rod Library.
In This Issue:
-- 3 Hour Lockers Now Available
-- Is it Computer Mouses or Computer Mice?
-- Current Periodicals Relocated! -
Rod Library Newsletter: Rod Notes, v3n2, October 2010
University of Northern Iowa. Rod Library.
In This Issue:
-- For Sale: Library Books!
-- Art on Campus
-- Ring Our Bell!
-- Oooooh - New and Updated Databases -
Rod Library Newsletter: Rod Notes, v3n1, June 2010
University of Northern Iowa. Rod Library.
In This Issue:
-- Acceptable Cell Phone Use
-- Rod Library Goes Mobile
-- EndNote Web -
Rod Library Newsletter: Rod Notes, v2n5, March 2010
University of Northern Iowa. Rod Library.
In This Issue:
-- Public Scanner Available!
-- Deathscapes - Environmental Movie & Book Discussion Series
-- Rod Library @ UNI on Facebook!
-- Find Text of a Specific Article -
Rod Library Newsletter: Rod Notes, v2n4, January 2010
University of Northern Iowa. Rod Library.
In This Issue:
-- What's Happening: in the Browsing Room
-- Read In
-- Rod Library @ UNI on Facebook!
-- Floor Outlets Available
-- CatID Login -
Rod Library Newsletter: Rod Notes, v2n3, November 2009
University of Northern Iowa. Rod Library.
In This Issue:
-- Join Us in the Circle
-- Teen Read Week, Hunger Games
-- Congratulations! Winner of the Family Weekend Drawing
-- Pubic Fax Service
-- Lost and Found - We've got it! -
Rod Library Newsletter: Rod Notes, v2n2, September 2009
University of Northern Iowa. Rod Library.
In This Issue:
-- Go Team!
-- Assignment Calculator
-- Do You Twitter?
-- ABI/INFORM Global Goes Complete
-- Microsoft Office 2007 Available -
Rod Library Newsletter: Rod Notes, v2n1, June 2009
University of Northern Iowa. Rod Library.
In This Issue:
-- Rod Library Multipurpose Room
-- WAVES Come Ashore at UNI
-- New Library Website Coming this Summer
-- Graphic Novels -
Rod Library Newsletter: Rod Notes, v1n5, March 2009
University of Northern Iowa. Rod Library.
In This Issue:
-- 1-Click
-- Renew Books Online
-- Rod Library on YouTube
-- March Displays
-- My Reading History -
Rod Library Newsletter: Rod Notes, v1n4, January 2009
University of Northern Iowa. Rod Library.
In This Issue:
-- My Library Account - Preferred Searches
-- Expanding the DVD Collection
-- Art & Music Collection
-- Collaborative Study Spaces
-- Favorite 4 for Freshmen -
Rod Library Newsletter: Rod Notes, v1n3, November 2008
University of Northern Iowa. Rod Library.
In This Issue:
-- UNI Campanile
-- ARTstor
-- Career Collection
-- My Library Account
-- Searching for a specific article? -
Rod Library Newsletter: Rod Notes, v1n2, August 2008
University of Northern Iowa. Rod Library.
In This Issue:
-- Time Travel Made Easy!
-- Rod Library Digital Collections
-- How Can I Reserve a Study Room?
-- Stephenie Meyer's Twilight Series
-- America's Newspapers (NewsBank)
-- Opposing Viewpoint Resource Center
-- Color Photocopies Available -
Rod Library Newsletter:Rod Notes, v1n1, June 2008
University of Northern Iowa. Rod Library.
In This Issue:
-- Dean's Office
-- Need a Good Book for Summer Reading?
-- Rod Library on YouTube
-- Summer Displays
-- Compact Shelving Repair
-- Reference USA
-- Need a Good Book for Summer Reading?
-- Digital Microform Scanner Now Available
-- Laptops Available for Student Checkout