Aldo Leopold Distinguished Lecture Series

Climate Change and Faith: Why Facts Are Not Enough

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Climate Change and Faith: Why Facts Are Not Enough. October 24, 2019



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Climatic changes--Moral and ethical aspects; Climatic changes--Political aspects;


When we hear people objecting to climate change, they often use science-y or even religious-y sounding arguments. "It’s just a natural cycle," some say, or "God is in control, so humans can’t affect something as big as our planet.” Yet if the conversation continues a few minutes longer, it rapidly becomes apparent that the real objections have nothing to do with lack of information or knowledge or belief. Our attitudes towards climate change are primarily the result of where we fall on the political spectrum, and our corresponding aversion to what we perceive to be the only solution: allowing the government to destroy the economy, impose unfair regulations, and rob us of our personal liberties. Is there solid evidence that climate is changing and humans are responsible? Are there solutions that are economically viable and appealing across the political spectrum? And why would any of us even care? Join Katharine Hayhoe as she untangles the complex science behind global warming and highlights the key role our values can play in shaping our conversations on this crucial topic.

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Biology | Environmental Sciences


UNI ScholarWorks, Rod Library, University of Northern Iowa


©2019 Katharine Hayhoe


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Climate Change and Faith: Why Facts Are Not Enough

Lecture Series Title

Aldo Leopold Distinguished Lecture Series @ UNI

Lecture Series Description

The Aldo Leopold Distinguished Lecture Series will engage the University of Northern Iowa community, providing opportunities throughout the academic year to interact with a dynamic set of visiting speakers focusing on our relationship with the natural world.
