Robert and Yvonne Koob Fund for Student Community Engagement Recipients



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Project Description

My accomplishment can be summarized in three different activity areas. First, involving with COVID-19 patents as a front line resource mobilizer team. I had an opportunity to work with RISE staff at Sioux City and access connections with a patient from the Ethiopian immigrant community who don't speak English. My role was to provide information as to how the patent can get health, housing, and food assistance. I have contacted different EMBARC partner agencies and service providers and provided information to the client. Second, I have developed a cultural presentation about Ethiopian and Ethiopian immigrants living in the US and submitted Aweke Tadesse - EMBARC to the agency. Third, working with the UNI Violence Prevention Center and analyzing primary and secondary data (survey) on bullying and gender-based violence in the school context. I have analyzed four secondary data (research articles) and primary qualitative data. The thematic analysis was presented to the program advisors/leaders and I also put the information together in logical-model format. Under six different Themes, logical teaching templates or models were created in PowerPoint and word format and shared with the program advisors to strengthen the Mentor Violence Prevention (MVP) training manual.


Department of Social Work

Community Group


First Advisor

Jennifer Becker


Summer-Fall 2020 semesters

Date Original

Summer 2020



Object Description

1 PDF file

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Aweke Tadesse - EMBARC



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