Robert and Yvonne Koob Fund for Student Community Engagement Recipients



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Download 2018 Poster - Back to School.pdf (24 KB)

Download 2018 Poster - Headed Out to the Park.pdf (14.7 MB)

Download 2018 Poster - Movie Night.pdf (370 KB)

Download 2018 Poster - Calendar of Events.jpg (134 KB)

Project Description

I was able to plan out the rest of the match activities for the year. I also have helped contribute to making a few reference calls and a few interviews.


Department of Health, Recreation, and Community Services

Community Group

Big Brothers Big Sisters of Northeast Iowa

First Advisor

Oksana Grybovych


2018 summer-fall semesters

Date Original

Summer 2018



Object Description

1 PDF file

File Format


McKenzie Greve - Big Brothers Big Sisters of Northeast Iowa



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