Aims & Scope | Journal of STEM Arts, Crafts, and Constructions | COE Journals | University of Northern Iowa

Aims & Scope

This journal was developed to meet the needs of STEM educators and their arts education colleagues to publish peer-reviewed editorials, practical articles, and research about arts-integrated STEM curriculum and its effects in a timely manner.

Aims. The Journal of STEM Arts, Crafts, and Constructions is a scholarly journal that seeks to engage professionals including preK-12 teachers, informal educators, museum or zoo educators, STEM coaches and lead teachers, and university faculty in a conversation about the benefits of arts integration; the ways that the STEM subjects can be integrated with the arts to produce effective teaching (STEAM Education); and how the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS), including the engineering standards of the NGSS, can be effectively implemented with integrated arts, crafts, or constructions. Manuscripts, including guest editorials, are blind peer-reviewed by usually two reviewers and an associate editor or three reviewers. Editorials from the Editor are peer-reviewed by associate editors or other colleagues.

Scope. The journal addresses learners who are preschool through adult, encompassing preK-12 education, college, and graduate school learners. Learners in non-school settings such as museums, parks, clubs, recreational programs, summer programs, afterschool programs, and other institutions are also part of the journal’s scope.