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"Gee, Dad, Princeton! Do you realize that Einstein was at Princeton?" This is what my son said as I read my acceptance letter from the Woodrow Wilson Institute. I thought of his words as I turned off the highway onto Nassau Avenue in the heart of the Princeton campus. The old ivy-covered buildings interspersed with new modern research facilities are my idea of what a college campus should look like. After finding my dorm and getting settled in, I began to explore and to learn about my colleagues. The group consisted of people from all over the United States, truly a nationwide collection of teachers from New Jersey to Hawaii. Two of us were from Iowa. I was one of fifty teachers assigned to develop the first science course (many times the only science course) that a student would take. The topic we chose was "In the Middle of Science." We began to work on developing the new curriculum, which is not an easy task. We broke up into smaller groups of approximately ten teachers and developed, in my opinion, a pretty good course. A lot of compromising occurred as many pet projects and demonstrations simply could not be included because of space considerations.

Publication Date

Autumn 1989

Journal Title

Iowa Science Teachers Journal





First Page


Last Page



© Copyright 1989 by the Iowa Academy of Science



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