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Even though we like to equate a college education with a good job, we are finding that while this was once true, it is not true for the graduates of the mid l 970's. In 1973, for example, 18 percent of the graduates of the College of Arts and Sciences at one Big Ten university who did not go on to graduate school were still unemployed six months after graduation and almost as many were working as secretaries, clerks, laborers, factory workers, and janitors. Ten years ago fewer than 500,000 bachelor's degrees were awarded in the United States and there were more job openings than there were new college graduates to fill them In June, 1974, more than 1.3 million graduates received baccalaureate degrees and there weren't enough jobs to go around. Not all college graduates are having employment problems, however. Demand for graduates in engineering continues to be heavy along with the demand for graduates in business administration, marketing, and accounting. There are many openings in the health professions and in the field of computer science. And, the number one area of demand in the sciences is for geoscientists; including geophysicists, geologists, and graduates associated with the energy-related fields.

Publication Date

March 1976

Journal Title

Iowa Science Teachers Journal





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© Copyright 1976 by the Iowa Academy of Science



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