Institutional Effectiveness & Planning Documents
This collection contains a variety of reports, datasets, and publications by produced by the Institutional Effectiveness & Planning Office at the University of Northern Iowa
Submissions from 2024
Annual Report of the Registrar 2023/2024, University of Northern Iowa
Submissions from 2023
Annual Report of the Registrar 2022/2023, University of Northern Iowa
Biennial Faculty Activities Report to the Board of Regents, State of Iowa, 2023, University of Northern Iowa
Institutional Costs - FY 2023, University of Northern Iowa
Report on 2022-2023 Compliance with Continuous Quality Improvement Legislation, University of Northern Iowa
University of Northern Iowa Strategic Plan 2023-28, University of Northern Iowa
University of Northern Iowa Strategic Plan 2023-28 Metrics, University of Northern Iowa
2017-2022 UNI Strategic Plan Final Report, University of Northern Iowa. Office of Institutional Effectiveness & Planning.
2022-23 Faculty Tenure Report, University of Northern Iowa, University of Iowa, and Iowa State University
Submissions from 2022
Annual Report of the Registrar 2021/2022, University of Northern Iowa
Report on 2021-2022 Compliance with Continuous Quality Improvement Legislation, University of Northern Iowa
2021-2022 Graduate Program Survey Report, University of Northern Iowa. Office of Institutional Effectiveness & Planning.
2021-2022 Graduating Senior Report, University of Northern Iowa. Office of Institutional Research and Effectiveness.
2021-2022 Faculty Tenure Report, University of Northern Iowa, University of Iowa, and Iowa State University
Submissions from 2021
2020-2021 Graduate Survey Report, Shefei Schultz
2020-2021 Graduating Senior Report, Shefei Schultz
Annual Report of the Registrar 2020/2021, University of Northern Iowa
Institutional Costs - FY 2021, University of Northern Iowa
Report on 2020-2021 Compliance with Continuous Quality Improvement Legislation, University of Northern Iowa
2020-2021 Faculty Tenure Report, University of Northern Iowa, University of Iowa, and Iowa State University
Biennial Faculty Activities Report to the Board of Regents, State of Iowa, 2021, University of Northern Iowa, University of Iowa, and Iowa State University
Submissions from 2020
2019-20 Strategic Plan Progress Report, University of Northern Iowa
Annual Report of the Registrar 2019/2020, University of Northern Iowa
2019-2020 Graduating Senior Report, University of Northern Iowa. Office of Institutional Research and Effectiveness.
University of Northern Iowa 2019-2020 Graduate Program Survey, University of Northern Iowa. Office of Institutional Research and Effectiveness.
2019-2020 Faculty Tenure Report, University of Northern Iowa, University of Iowa, and Iowa State University
Submissions from 2019
University of Northern Iowa Graduate Program Survey 2018-2019, Bailey Holm
University of Northern Iowa Graduating Senior Survey 2018-2019 Academic Year, Bailey Holm
University of Northern Iowa Summer Course Interest Survey 2019, Bailey Holm
2018-19 Strategic Plan Progress Report, University of Northern Iowa
Annual Report of the Registrar 2018/2019, University of Northern Iowa
Institutional Costs - FY 2019, University of Northern Iowa
Report on 2018-2019 Compliance with Continuous Quality Improvement Legislation, University of Northern Iowa
UNI 2019-20 Climate Survey: Summary of Findings, University of Northern Iowa. Center for Social and Behavioral Research
University of Northern Iowa Strategic Plan, 2019 Mid Plan Report, University of Northern Iowa. Office of Institutional Research & Effectiveness.
2018-2019 Faculty Tenure Report, University of Northern Iowa, University of Iowa, and Iowa State University
Biennial Faculty Activities Report, 2019, University of Northern Iowa, University of Iowa, and Iowa State University
Submissions from 2018
University of Northern Iowa Graduating Senior Survey 2017-2018 Academic Year, Bailey Holm
2017-18 Strategic Plan Progress Report, University of Northern Iowa
Annual Report of the Registrar 2017/2018, University of Northern Iowa
Report on 2017-2018 Compliance with Continuous Quality Improvement Legislation, University of Northern Iowa
University of Northern Iowa Graduate Program Survey 2017-2018, Megan Vogt-Kostner
Submissions from 2017
University of Northern Iowa Graduating Senior Survey 2016-2017 Academic Year, Alba Karuni
2016-17 Strategic Plan Progress Report, University of Northern Iowa
Annual Report of the Registrar 2016/2017, University of Northern Iowa
Institutional Costs - FY 2017, University of Northern Iowa
Report on 2016-2017 Compliance with Continuous Quality Improvement Legislation, University of Northern Iowa
Faculty Tenure Report, Fall 2017, University of Northern Iowa. Office of Institutional Research and Effectiveness.
Biennial Faculty Activities Report to the Board of Regents, State of Iowa, 2017, University of Northern Iowa, University of Iowa, and Iowa State University
Graduate Program Survey 2016-2017, Megan Vogt-Kostner
Submissions from 2016
Longitudinal Climate Survey Analysis [2009-2016], Bailey Holm
2015-2016 UNI Strategic Plan Accomplishments, University of Northern Iowa
2016 Annual Governance Report on Salaries, University of Northern Iowa
Annual Report of the Registrar 2015/2016, University of Northern Iowa
Report on 2015-2016 Compliance with Continuous Quality Improvement Legislation, University of Northern Iowa
University of Northern Iowa Graduating Senior Survey 2015-2016 Academic Year, University of Northern Iowa
Vision, Mission, and Strategic Plan, 2017-2022, University of Northern Iowa
Faculty Tenure Report, Fall 2016, University of Northern Iowa. Office of Institutional Research and Effectiveness.
UNI Campus Climate Survey: Faculty/Staff and Student Campus Climate, Safety and Sexual Assault Assessment 2015-2016, University of Northern Iowa. Office of Institutional Research and Effectiveness.
Graduate Program Survey 2015-2016, Megan Vogt
Submissions from 2015
2014-15 UNI Strategic Plan Accomplishments, University of Northern Iowa
Annual Report of the Registrar 2014/2015, University of Northern Iowa
Institutional Costs - FY 2015, University of Northern Iowa
Report on 2014-2015 Compliance with Continuous Quality Improvement Legislation, University of Northern Iowa
UNI Graduating Senior Survey 2014-2015 Academic Year, University of Northern Iowa
Faculty Tenure Report, Fall 2015, University of Northern Iowa. Office of Institutional Research and Effectiveness.
2015 Biennial Faculty Activities Report, University of Northern Iowa, University of Iowa, and Iowa State University
UNI Graduate Program Survey 2014-2015, Megan Vogt
Submissions from 2014
2013-14 Annual Report to the Board of Regents: Course-Level Continuous Improvement Plans, University of Northern Iowa
Annual Report of the Registrar 2013/2014, University of Northern Iowa
Average Budgeted Salaries of Faculty Staff 2014-2015, University of Northern Iowa
Graduating Senior Survey 2013-2014, University of Northern Iowa
Faculty Tenure Report, Fall 2014, University of Northern Iowa. Office of Institutional Research.
UNI Diversity Assessments: Organizational Diversity Assessment; Student Climate Assessment, 2013-2104, University of Northern Iowa. Office of Institutional Research.
Reflections of a Graduate Student 2013-2014 Academic Year, Megan Vogt
Submissions from 2013
Annual Report of the Registrar 2012/2013, University of Northern Iowa
Average Budgeted Salaries of Faculty Staff 2013-2014, University of Northern Iowa
Institutional Costs - FY 2013, University of Northern Iowa
University of Northern Iowa Graduating Senior Survey Report 2012-2013, University of Northern Iowa
Faculty Tenure Report, Fall 2013, University of Northern Iowa. Office of Institutional Research.
2013 Biennial Faculty Activities Report, University of Northern Iowa, University of Iowa, and Iowa State University
Graduate Student Senior Survey Report: Students’ Reflections of the UNI Graduate Program, 2012-2013 Academic, Megan Vogt
Submissions from 2012
Graduate Program Survey Academic Year 2011-2012, Timm Starr
Annual Report of the Registrar 2011/2012, University of Northern Iowa
Average Budgeted Salaries of Faculty Staff 2012-2013, University of Northern Iowa
University of Northern Iowa Graduating Senior Survey Report 2011-2012, University of Northern Iowa
Faculty Tenure Report, Fall 2012, University of Northern Iowa. Office of Institutional Research.
Submissions from 2011
UNI Diversity Assessments: Organizational Diversity Assessment; Student Climate Assessment [2011], Kristin Moser
Graduate Program Survey 2010-2011, Tim Starr
2011 Annual Governance Report on Faculty Activities, University of Northern Iowa
Annual Report of the Registrar 2010/2011, University of Northern Iowa
Average Budgeted Salaries of Faculty Staff 2011-2012, University of Northern Iowa
Institutional Costs - FY 2011, University of Northern Iowa
Instruction Cost Report, Spring 2011, University of Northern Iowa
Instruction Size Report, Spring 2011, University of Northern Iowa
UNI Graduating Senior Survey 2010-2011, University of Northern Iowa
Faculty Tenure Report, Fall 2011, University of Northern Iowa. Office of Institutional Research.
Submissions from 2010
Annual Report of the Registrar 2009/2010, University of Northern Iowa
Average Budgeted Salaries of Faculty Staff 2010-2011, University of Northern Iowa
Biennial report to the Board of Regents State of Iowa 2008-2010, University of Northern Iowa