Honors Program Theses


Honors Program Thesis (UNI Access Only)

First Advisor

Nathan Bird, Honors Thesis Advisor, Biology


Zebra danio--Anatomy; Ligaments;


Complex functional systems serve a variety of purposes and come in diverse forms. Purposes include locomotion, feeding, and sensory input. Functional systems often require the precise integration of several different tissue types. Ligaments are critical components of musculoskeletal systems and act as functional bridges between bones to allow directed movement and support. In the cypriniform fishes (minnows, loaches, chubs, etc.), ligaments play critical roles in two complex functional systems: kinethmoid-mediated premaxillary protrusions (for feeding) and the Weberian apparatus (for hearing). Previous research has examined either the soft tissue structure or the structural (bone) components of Zebrafish, Danio rerio, but not together. This current study examines various parameters to optimize recent staining protocols that allow for reproducible and accurate imaging of the kinethmoid-mediated premaxillary protrusion and the Weberian apparatus which retains overall zebrafish morphology and can be used in future research. The main focus of this study is to identify the relationship between staining parameters and the presence of ligament ultrastructure. The results of this study support the hypothesis that specific parameters lead to the greatest optimization of the ligamentous ultrastructures of the zebrafish. Short-term fixation, voltage of 60kV, and 5-day phosphotungstic acid staining protocols produce substantial clarity of the Weberian apparatus ligaments (the interossicular ligament and the tripus-parapophysis 4 ligament). Kinethmoid analysis was obstructed by dehydration-based methods and highlights the need for broader research in this anatomical region.

Year of Submission



Department of Biology

University Honors Designation

A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the designation University Honors

Date Original


Object Description

1 PDF file (52 pages)



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