Childhood Fantasy is a series of ten digital illustrations by Soo Hostetler that present the designer’s rediscovery of the beauty of Korean folk art. Born and raised in South Korea, Professor Hostetler’s conceptual theories of design are rooted in the popular themes of Minhwa art forms that were developed during the late Joseon era (1392–1897). The works in this series, created during 2019-2020, are Hostetler’s modern expressions of Minhwa-style that reinterpret the characters’ traditional symbolism through her own narrative storytelling, using digital technology. In her work, the written messages are drawn from the artist’s memories of Korean fairy tales and her cultural heritage. To portray an innocence of mind, visual and written messages are delivered through the eyes of a child. Using nonverbal structure enhances the perceptual capabilities of the human mind and spirit. There are two important elements that support and contribute to this unique visual approach. First, a narrative form of poetic storytelling is presented visually and conveys human emotions. Second, a morphological structure of illustration is developed to portray magical dimensions of symbolism that demonstrate the power of visual communication. Soo Hostetler is an Associate Professor of Graphic Design UNI Department of Art. Korean Childhood Fantasy premiered in a large-scale print exhibition at the Hearst Center for the Arts, Cedar Falls, IA, from July 7 through August 16, 2020.
01. Magical Wonderland
Alt Text: Digital design representation of mountain and ocean environments. Transcription: Magical wonderland. Long long ago. my home was a flowering mountain and a waving ocean. my childhood was a dream in a magical wonderland.
02. Daydreaming
Alt Text: Digital design stylized dipiction of a back yard with flowers, butterfies, fruit, and chickens. Transciption: In my grandma's backyard. blue sky is painted with the colors of a glorious sunset. blossoming flowers reach up to the heavenly sky. ripening peaches emit the sweetest aromatic smells. clicking chickens dance over white picket fences. oh! what a perfect day for daydreaming.
03. My Dream
Alt Text: Digital design stylized dipiction of pond and forest evironments. Transcription: In my dream wise dragons catch joyful dreams in an airy kingdom while polite tiger and chattering magpie continue a cheerful conversation.
04. Legend of the Mysterious Dragon
Alt Text: Digital design representation of a dragon and fish jumping in ocean waves. Transcription: There was a birth of movement beneath the water a mysterious dragon was born in the womb of the sea. swimming fast in the vastness of a deep blue ocean. soaring and twirling up into the dark clouds. blowing winds and rumbling thunder announce the dragon's arrival. the dragon's gift of glorious raindrops nourish the abundance of nature.
05. Tiger's Magical Eye
Alt Text: Digital design stylized dipiction of a tiger with animals and flowers. Transcription: In a deep valley in the mountains a tiger has the power to fly like the wind in the moonlight. crouching low and preparing for the hunt. a tiger has a magical white eyebrow to see the truth of man's soul. camouflaged as man yet living concealed in the body of chickens, frogs, mice, snakes, and many more...
06. Peaceful Sea World
Alt Text: Digital design stylized dipiction of the ocean with a variety of sea creatures. Transcription: In a peaceful ocean lapping waves whispering a mile away to allure dancing fish. jumping dolphins celebrate a life of freedom. lazy turtles tour with party of cheerful shrimp. what a fascinating place for daydreaming!
07. Butterfly Garden
Alt Text: Digital design stylized dipiction of a variety of butterflies and flowers. Transcription: Sunny days in early spring a gentle breeze slowly opens a hidden butterfly garden. the hot flamed sun chases a nest of red butterfly. the black butterfly tickles the tail of the phoenix bird to search for a spiritual life over the heavenly clouds.
08. Rock Paper Scissors
Alt Text: Digital design stylized dipction of a tree and a variety of animals. Transcription: Under the shadow of a chestnut tree three best friends, innocent toad, sly fox and selfish tiger, played a game together. they shouted out, rock-paper-scissors. innocent toad was victorious and won the game. selfish tiger threw red beans at toad in a fit of rage. from that time, red beans stuck in the back of all toads.
09. Goblin's Magic Bat
Alt Text: Digital design representation of a goblin with bat and symbols. Transcription: Full moon at night super powerful Goblin appears with a magic bat. swing once delivers happiness to loving people. swing twice makes Goblin soar like a glorious eagle. swing thrice transforms playground into a magical fantasyland. as darkness slowly disappears, crowing rooster alerts Goblin to prepare for sweet dreams.
10. Wish Tree
Alt Text: Digital design reprentation of a tree and birds, animals, and fish. Transcription: There is a wish tree that people pray to wish to be happy, wish to be healthy, wish to be wise, wish to be loved, wish to live long, wish to be respected, wish to have property, wish to help others, wish to be content, finally wish to have peace on earth.