Graduate Research Papers


Graduate Research Paper (UNI Access Only)


Disasters, calamities, and crisis either man-made or natural have been occurring in the world since the beginning of time and documented at times through recorded human history. In our modern world crisis of all kinds reflect a diverse array of small to cataclysmic upheavals in socio-economic terms between cultures and societies, disturbances of ecological and physical environments, health and medical distribution disruptors and disparities, failed food transportation deliveries and inadequate distribution of commodities and goods in times of extreme distress. The purpose of this research paper has been to review the many crisis management studies published that reviewed, discovered, and suggested various effective protocols and parameters for successful collaboration in a crisis management. This research paper attempts to delve into greater detail successful collaborations between organizations, individuals and other key stakeholders for best outputs and outcomes in disaster mitigation and relief. Four key areas in collaborating in a crisis management are studied: Effective Nonprofit Collaborations, Collaborative Pitfalls, Intergroup and Outer-group Challenges and New Opportunities. This research paper has revealed being prepared for future crisis at all levels and circumstances through effective, integrated collaboration management operations that are coupled with efficient procedures and written documented protocols utilizing and implementing best practices and methodologies will have the greatest positive effect and outcome for collaborative crisis management success.

Year of Submission



Department of Health, Recreation, and Community Services

First Advisor

Julianne Gassman

Date Original


Object Description

1 PDF file (74 pages)

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