"Teachers and University Researchers as Co-Investigators: A Case Study " by Elana Joram

Faculty Publications

Teachers and University Researchers as Co-Investigators: A Case Study of the Collaborative Process

Document Type


Journal/Book/Conference Title

Teaching and Learning: The Journal of Natural Inquiry & Reflective Practice






Cognitive science has made great strides in the study of human learning the past three decades, yet many have noted that these advances have not made as much of an impact on classroom teaching as might be expected (e.g., Sowder, 2000). Among the factors that could be responsible for this lack of translation of cognitive theories and research findings into classroom practices may be a split between the world of teachers and the world of researchers. This split results in a lack of conversation in two directions: The writing of teachers rarely appears in research journals and books on instructional practices; instead, contributions are made primarily by university-based researchers. Moving in the other direction, we find that teachers rarely look to research as an important guide to their everyday decision making (Gitlin, 2000). Sowder (2000) also recently noted that many mathematics teachers have little regard for research in mathematics education and believe that it is irrelevant for their practice. Whereas university-based researchers invent, develop, and sometimes field-test innovations in educational practice with the intent that, when complete, teachers will eagerly seize upon the innovations and implement them, all too often this fails to occur. Instead, innovations in instructional methods often remain known to a small circle of university-based researchers and become implemented in only a few schools. In this sense, we find little mutual respect between teachers and university researchers for the work and potential contributions that each can make to improving educational practice.


Department of Educational Psychology, Foundations, and Leadership Studies

Original Publication Date

